Wash fresh fruits with cool, clear tap water, but do not soak them; drain. Follow preparation directions. If you choose to can fruits with syrup, select the syrup that best suits the fruit and your taste. See Canning Basics for directions on making syrups.
PREPARATION: Allow 2 to 3 pounds per quart. For apples, select varieties that are crisp, not mealy, in texture. Peel and core; halve, quarter, or slice. Dip into ascorbic acid color keeper solution; drain.
BOILING-WATER CANNING, HOT-PACK: Simmer in syrup for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Fill jars with fruit and syrup, leaving a ½-inch headspace. For apples, process pints and quarts for 20 minutes. For pears, process pints for 20 minutes and quarts for 25 minutes.
PREPARATION: Allow 2 to 3 pounds per quart. To peel peaches (peeling nectarines and apricots is not necessary), immerse in boiling water for 30 to 60 seconds or until skins start to split; remove and plunge into cold water. Halve and pit. If desired, slice. Treat with ascorbic acid color keeper solution; drain.
BOILING-WATER CANNING, RAW-PACK: Fill jars, placing fruit cut sides down. Add boiling syrup or water, leaving a ½-inch headspace. Process pints for 25 minutes and quarts for 30 minutes. (Note: Hot-packing generally results in a better product.)
BOILING-WATER CANNING, HOT-PACK: Add fruit to hot syrup; bring to boiling. Fill jars with fruit (placing cut sides down) and syrup, leaving a ½-inch headspace. Process pints for 20 minutes and quarts for 25 minutes.
PREPARATION: Allow 1½ to 2 pounds per quart. Can or freeze blackberries, blueberries, currants, elderberries, gooseberries, huckleberries, loganberries, and mulberries. Freeze (do not can) boysenberries, raspberries, and strawberries. (See Freezing Fruits for freezing directions.)
BOILING-WATER CANNING, RAW-PACK: Fill jars with blackberries, loganberries, or mulberries. Shake down gently. Add boiling syrup, leaving a ½-inch headspace. Process pints for 15 minutes and quarts for 20 minutes.
BOILING-WATER CANNING, HOT-PACK: Simmer blueberries, currants, elderberries, gooseberries, and huckleberries in water for 30 seconds; drain. Fill jars with berries and hot syrup, leaving a ½-inch headspace. Process pints and quarts for 15 minutes.
PREPARATION: Allow 2½ pounds per quart. If desired, treat with ascorbic acid color keeper solution; drain. If unpitted, prick skin on opposite sides to prevent splitting.
BOILING-WATER CANNING, RAW-PACK: Add ½ cup syrup to each jar. Fill jars with cherries, gently shaking down as you fill jars. Fill jars with additional syrup, leaving a ½-inch headspace. Process pints and quarts for 25 minutes.
BOILING-WATER CANNING, HOT-PACK: Add cherries to hot syrup; bring to boiling. Fill jars with fruit and syrup, leaving a ½-inch headspace. Process pints for 15 minutes and quarts for 20 minutes.
PREPARATION: Allow 1 to 2 pounds per quart. Prick skin on 2 sides to prevent splitting. Freestone varieties may be halved and pitted.
BOILING-WATER CANNING, RAW-PACK: Pack firmly into jars. Add boiling syrup, leaving a ½-inch headspace. Process pints for 20 minutes and quarts for 25 minutes.
BOILING-WATER CANNING, HOT-PACK: Simmer in water or syrup for 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Let stand, covered, for 20 to 30 minutes. Fill jars with fruit and cooking liquid or syrup, leaving a ½-inch headspace. Process pints for 20 minutes and quarts for 25 minutes.
PREPARATION: Allow 1½ pounds per quart. Discard leaves and woody ends. Cut into ½- to 1-inch pieces.
BOILING-WATER CANNING, HOT-PACK: In a saucepan sprinkle ½ cup sugar over each 4 cups fruit; mix well. Let stand until juice appears. Bring slowly to boiling, stirring gently. Fill jars with hot fruit and juice, leaving a ½-inch headspace. Process pints and quarts for 15 minutes.