Boldface indicates illustrations.


ADHD 288289

Advanced Tethered Vehicle (ATV) 206, 207208

AE2 (submarine) 256

Aksoy, Hasan Huseyin 268, 269

Alberthal, Lester, Jr. 144145, 164

Alcoa 8182, 212213

Alexander von Humboldt (ship) 247251

Alvin (submersible)

capabilities 4243, 51, 62

Cayman Trough 6263, photo insert

crew 4344, 54, 92, 128

Cronkite aboard 100

East Pacific Rise 7273, photo insert

equipment 71, 73

Galápagos Rift 6566, 67

Gulf of Maine 49

Mid-Atlantic Ridge 50

near calamities 5759

Project FAMOUS 51, 5459

refurbishment 48, 51

science community and 46, 84, 89

Scorpion expedition 135

St. Croix 9293

Thresher expedition 135

Titanic expedition 128134, photo insert

Amagiri (ship) 232, 233, 235

Amphoras 146, 153, 193194, 196197, 214215, 217221, 271272

Amundsen, Roald 227

Andrea Doria, S.S. 45, 194

Andrews, Thomas 101

Angus (camera sled)

capabilities 64, 94

Cayman Trough 64

East Pacific Rise 7274

Galápagos Rift 6566

Scorpion wreckage 104105

Titanic expeditions 116117, 133

Antarctica 227228

Archimède (bathyscaphe) 51, 5254, 58, 59

Argo (ROV)

Bismarck search 147148, 154, photo insert

design and construction 9394

funding 89, 153, 163

JASON Project 145

Mediterranean shipwrecks 145, 146

planning 8384

Scorpion wreckage 95, 104105

testing 163

Thresher wreckage 95, 9698

Titanic search 96, 104, 106110, 112116, 118

Argus (imaging sled)

Black Sea expedition 224

Earhart search 300, 301

Eratosthenes Seamount 259

Gallipoli expedition 256

PT-109 search 235, photo insert

Titanic exploration 244246

Turkish Air Force jet search 267, 269

Arizona, U.S.S. 206

Armor, Tim 182

Armstrong, Dennis 275276

Ashe, Arthur 3334

Astor, John Jacob, IV 250

Atlanta, U.S.S. 176

Atlantis II, R/V 126134

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder 288289

ATV (Advanced Tethered Vehicle) 206, 207208


Ballard, Barbara see Earle, Barbara

Ballard, Benjamin (son)

birth and childhood 188, 197, 199, 206, 229

Brooks talk 307, 308

dyslexia 289

Nautilus expeditions 255256, 271272, photo insert

Ballard, Blake (grandson) 308

Ballard, Carol (sister-in-law) 204

Ballard, Carter (grandson) 308

Ballard, Chet (father)

Ballard’s childhood 1316, 19, 2021

at Ballard’s wedding 170

career 1516, 109

character traits 16, 1718

childhood 16

death 204

dyslexia 288

East Pacific Rise expedition 74

later life 203204

relationship with Ballard 203204

World War II 203

Ballard, Douglas (son)

Black Sea expedition photo insert

brother Todd and 143, 158

character traits 289

childhood 47, 76, 134135, 157158, 170, photo insert

children 308

Colorado River rafting trip 142

Queen Elizabeth 2 126

Titanic discovery 119

Ballard, Emily (daughter)

birth 200201

DEEP SEA Space 309

dyslexia 289

Earhart search 297, 303, 304

as Nautilus crew member photo insert

Tolkien quotation 310

Ballard, Harriet (mother)

Ballard’s childhood 1419

on Ballard’s Hatchville farmhouse 47

on Ballard’s use of sailor language 2324

at Ballard’s wedding 170

character traits 1617, 18

death 289

Earhart as hero 293

family background 17

as housewife 48

later life 204

spelling ability 288

on Titanic discovery 1112, 126

Ballard, Jan (sister-in-law) 170

Ballard, Jeff (nephew) 204

Ballard, Marjorie see Hargas, Marjorie

Ballard, Nancy Ann (sister) 15, 1819, 170, 204, 289, photo insert

Ballard, Richard (brother)

on Ballard’s luck 102103

at Ballard’s wedding 170

brilliance 15, 18, 28, 170

character traits 1718, 19

childhood 1318, photo insert

death 289

education 20, 28, 35

father’s later life 203, 204

marriages 35, 38, 48, 76, 160161

medical issues 20

Ballard, Robert

ADHD 14, 19, 288289

ambition 2728, 35

athleticism 20

calm under pressure 33

childhood 1321, photo insert

childhood ambition to be oceanographer 15, 1925

determination and tenacity 16, 36, 305

dyslexia 18, 19, 29, 47, 285290, 308309

education 2730, 3336, 38, 4649, 54, 59

energy 4344, 47, 55, 285

entrepreneurial instincts 17, 19, 83

hyperfocus 55, 285, 303

insecurity 285

leadership 3133, 34, 303

luck 102103, 140

marksmanship 30, 33

move to east coast 39, 41

as prankster 19

relationship with Barbara Earle 167171, 197199, photo insert

relationship with Marjorie Hargas 3739, 48, 76, 160162

ROTC 3034

time management and discipline 288289

as visual thinker 3031, 285, 286

see also specific people, places, topics, and vessels

Ballard, Thomas (ancestor) 137

Ballard, Todd (son)

Bismarck search 147148, 153155, photo insert

character traits 142143, 146, 158160, 289

childhood 47, 76, 134135, photo insert

Colorado River rafting trip 142

death 157161

Mediterranean scouting expedition 146

salmon fishing in Canada 143

Titanic discovery 119

Bascom, Willard 81, 211213, 215, 221, 224, 226

Bass, George 222223, 252

Bechtel, Riley P. and Susie 258

Bell, Alexander Graham 45

Bell, Katy Croff 264265, 268269

Ben (autonomous surface vessel) 300, 301

Berger, Lee 282

Big Events 80

Binkley, Johnny 17

Bioluminescence 56

Bismarck (German battleship)

crew deaths 141

debris field 153154

search for 144, 147149, 153155, photo insert

Black, Charlie 123124

Black, Shirley Temple 123124

Black Sea 211226, photo insert

anoxic layer 81, 212213, 221, 224, 225

Bascom’s research 81, 211213, 215, 221, 224

flood theory 213215, 221225

research funding 141, 239

scouting expedition 220222

shipwrecks 12, 81, 140, 225226, photo insert

Black smokers 7275, 76, photo insert

Boston Museum of Science 150

Boston Sea Rovers 4445, 61, 222, photo insert

Bowen, Andy 93, 150, 176, 180181

Bowen, Martin 104, 107, 117, 131, 152, photo insert

Bradt, Laurie 249, 252, 275276

Bright Shark (Ballard) 214

Britannic wreckage 195

Broad, Kenny 282284

Broderson, George 4344

Brokaw, Tom 118

Brooks, Arthur 307308

Brown, Betty Klenck 295, 298, 299

Bush, George W. 230, 238, 240


Californian (steamship) 122

Calypso (ship) 254

Cameron, James 200202, 208

Campbell, Joseph 162163, 167, 188, 307

Campbell, Kurt M. 294, 295

Canaanite amphoras 271272

Canberra, H.M.S. 176, 179

Capable, U.S.N.S. 241

Carolyn Chouest, M/V 195

Carothers, Robert 238

Cattle drives 263

Cayman Trough 6263, 64, 6971, 76, photo insert

Charles, Prince of Wales 123125

Chemosynthesis 68

Clams 6668, 260

Clark, Eugenie 45

Claudius, Gordon 279

Claudius, Herbert 276279

Clinton, Bill 238, 240

Clinton, Hillary 294295

CNEXO (French National Center for Exploitation of the Oceans) 4950

Connell, Hugh 189192

Corliss, Jack 65, 66

Cortez, Sea of, Mexico 183

Cousteau, Jacques 4445, 55, 223, 237, 254

Cousteau, Philippe 45

COVID-19 crisis 309

Crabs 268

Craig, Harmon 77

Cronkite, Walter 99100

Crystal, Billy 136

Culberson, John 242

Cyana (submersible) 54, 59, 7273

Cyprus 258261


Dakar (submarine) 214

Dalton, Chad 158

Darwin, Charles 65, 165

DEEP SEA Space 309

Deep Tow (sonar vehicle) 65, 72, 73, 205

Deep Water, Ancient Ships (Bascom) 212

Delta (mini-sub) 185186

Dettweiler, Tom 93

Diamond, Neil 125

Diana, Princess of Wales 123125

DiCaprio, Leonardo 200, 202

Disney, Walt 289

“Doctors on Call” program 261

Dodd, Chris 240

Dolphins 3637, 38, photo insert

Dorman, Craig 164, 191

Douglas, Kirk 1920

Drew, Christopher 90

Duck hunting 138, 139140


Ballard’s 18, 19, 29, 47, 285290, 308309

The Dyslexic Advantage (Eide and Eide) 285290

Lubetkin and 303304

multisensory museum exhibits 309


Earhart, Amelia 293305, photo insert

Earle, Barbara

background 168, 191

character traits 180, 182, 183184, 198

Connecticut home 199200

Earhart search 297, 299, 302

friendships 308

Galápagos Islands 180, 182

Jackson Hole, Wyoming 263

Jason Project 164167

Lusitania expedition 183188, photo insert

motherhood 184, 188, 197, 199, 200201, 206, 289

National Geographic Television specials 227

Odyssey Enterprises 170, 171

relationship with Ballard 167171, 197199, photo insert

seaQuest DSV 184

South Pacific trip 173180

Yorktown search 206

Earle, Bobbie 168169

Earle, Harry 168169, 202

Earle, John 173174

East Pacific Rise 7175, photo insert

Edgerton, Harold 45

Edmond, John 67, 77

EDS (company) 144145

EEZ (exclusive economic zone) 273275, 296, 305

Eide, Brock L. and Fernette F. 285288

Emery, Kenneth O. 43, 46, 4950

Endurance shipwreck 227228

Enterprise, U.S.S. 203

Eratosthenes Seamount 258262, 271273

Erciyes, Cagatay 268

Ertan, Gokhan 268, 269

Evans, Reginald 233, 235

Ewing, Maurice 51

Exclusive economic zone (EEZ) 273275, 296, 305


Fahey, John 230231, 261


Fort Lewis, Washington 3133

Foster, Dudley 72, 129, 131


CNEXO 4950

Titanic search 96, 99, 102, 103, 112113, 120, 121, 127128, 243

Trieste (bathyscaphe) 44

see also Project FAMOUS

Francheteau, Jean 5152, 7173

Francheteau, Marta 52

Franklin, Sir John 228

French-American Mid-Ocean Undersea Study see Project FAMOUS

Fundis, Allison 297, 300, 302303, 304, 308, 309

Fye, Paul 43, 8082


Gagosian, Robert 191, 192

Galápagos Islands 165166, 180183

Galápagos Rift 6567, 72, 124, photo insert

Gallipoli, Battle of (1915) 255257

Gasa, Biuku 234235

Gegg, Steve 7374

Giddings, Al 45

Gillespie, Ric 294297, 299

Gimbel, Peter 45

Glenn, John 223

Glomar Explorer (ship) 81

Gokceada, T.C.G. 265, 270

Goodall, Jane 223

Gore, Al 201

Gray, Harry 200

Grayscout (ship) 230, 233237

Greenert, Jonathan 270, 278279

Gregg, Judd 238

Griffith, Dwaine 136, 170, 174

Grimm, Jack 83, 8687, 9495, 106, 133

Grosvenor, Gil 164, 169

Grosvenor, Melville Bell 45, 61

Guadalcanal, Battle of (1942–1943) 173180

Gustafson, Kirk 153, 155

Gustafson, Mike 163164

Guven (boat) 221224


Hamilton (schooner) 164

Hargas, Marjorie

Loch Ness monster trip 63

marital problems and divorce 48, 76, 160162

marriage to Ballard 3739, 41, 47, 76, 134135, photo insert

Queen Elizabeth 2 126

Titanic discovery 119

Todd’s death 157158, 161

White House dinner 124, 125

Whitefish Lake, Montana photo insert

Harris, Stu 93, 104, 110

Hart, Eva 243

Hayward, Thomas 85, 87, 8889

Heirtzler, Jim 50

Hennes, Tom 200

Hercules (camera system)

design and construction 228, 239

Earhart search 300, 301, 302, photo insert

Eratosthenes Seamount 271273

funding 229

Gallipoli expedition 256

Robert E. Lee expedition 277278

Titanic exploration 242, 244246, photo insert

Turkish Air Force jet search 267268, 269

Hershey, Bill 151152

Hie, Fredrik 221

Hillary, Sir Edmund 223

Hitler, Adolf 276

Hohmann, Joe 44, 45

Hollings, Fritz 229, 237238, 240

Hollis, Ralph 129, 133

Hollister, Charlie 137138

Homer (remote-controlled vehicle) 185

Hornet, U.S.S. 203

Howland, John 89

Howland Island 295298, 305

Hubbs, Carl 24, 25

Huet de Froberville, Gérard 58

Hugo (ROV) 148149, 151152

Huizenga, Wayne and Marti 258

Hydrothermal vents 6668, 7176, photo insert


In Search Of (TV show) 64

Indianapolis, U.S.S. 228229

Inouye, Daniel 240

The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) 294296, 297

International Seapower Symposium 8485

Irresistible shipwreck 255, 256

Isis (shipwreck) 146, 149, 151, 153, 194, photo insert


Jackson Hole, Wyoming 263

James, Chris 186

Jannasch, Holger 71

Jason (ROV)

accidents 151152

design and construction 8384, 9394, 148149

funding 89, 148, 150

Isis expedition 151153

Jason II project 164, 167168

Jason III project 165166

JASON Project 151153

Lusitania wreckage 185, 186187, photo insert

Mediterranean Sea 195, 196, photo insert

Phoenician shipwrecks 217219

prototype (see Jason Jr.)

robotic hand 219

Sea of Cortez, Mexico 183

JASON Foundation for Education 163164, 182

Jason II 164, 167168

Jason III 165166, 180183

Jason Jr. (JJ) 127133, 135, 136, 180181, photo insert

JASON Project

Bismarck search 147

development of 142, 144145, 150

end of 248

Eratosthenes Seamount 261262, 271273

films about 155

Florida Keys 199

funding 258

Hawaii 199

Isis expedition 150153

Jason II 164, 167168

Jason III 165166, 180183

science courses for schoolchildren 141142, 149150, 152153, 167168, 183

JJ see Jason Jr. (JJ)

Johnson, Osa and Martin 175

Joubert, Dereck and Beverly 282


Kadioğlu, Yaşar 267, 269

Kaplan Fund 200

Karalekas, Spike 99100

Karalekas, Tina 99

Kelly, Tim 149, 161, 164, 169

Kennedy, Caroline 230231

Kennedy, Danny 230, 234

Kennedy, Jacqueline 229

Kennedy, John F. 29, 229237

Kennedy, Max 231, 234, 236

Kennedy, Ted 229, 230231

Keresey, Dick 235236

King, Larry 201

Knorr, R/V 104119, photo insert

Kohler, Richie 277279

Koll, Don 139141, 143144, 153, 258

Kollmorgen, Leland 88, 89

Kristof, Emory 6263, 83, 103, 104, 108109, photo insert

Kumana, Eroni 234235, 237


Laney Chouest (ship) 206

Lange, Bill 110

Lavoy, Peter 294

Le Pichon, Xavier 49, 52

Le Suroit (ship) 99

Lehman, John

Ballard friendship 99, 170

character traits 92

maritime strategy 8486, 9293, 136

Titanic search 9293, 95, 121, 127

Levy, Leon 216

Little Hercules (camera) 224, 235, 236, photo insert

Littlehales, Bates 45

Lloyd’s of London 145

Loch Ness monster 6364

Logan, Lara 257, 277

Lord, Walter 101

Lubetkin, Megan 303304, 308, 309

Lusitania wreckage 173, 183188, photo insert

Luyendyk, Bruce 5051

Lyman Allyn Art Museum, Connecticut 309


Mabus, Ray 279

MacInnis, Joe 45

Maine, Gulf of 4649

Map 89

Marden, Luis 45

Maritime Management 253

Marquest (company) 136, 163

Marschall, Ken 186, photo insert

Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation 200

Matthias, Paul 187

Mayer, Larry 309

McCann, Anna 153, 194197

Mead, Margaret 30

Meagher, Janice 252, 275276

Medea (ROV) 152

Mediterranean Sea research

amphoras 146, 153, 193194, 196197, 214215, 217219, 271272

ancient trade routes 12, 136, 193, 197, 259, 260261, 272

Bass’s research 222

downed bombers 43

Eratosthenes Seamount 258262, 271273

funding 141

JASON Project 145

scouting expedition 145147

shipwrecks 140, 141, 146, 193197, 214220, 239, photo insert

Michel, Jean-Louis

Project FAMOUS 51

Titanic search 9596, 102104, 108110, 112113, 115, 120, 121, 127, photo insert

Mid-Atlantic Ridge 4959

Mid-ocean ridge 85

Mindell, David 195196, 207

Mooney, Brad photo insert

Morse, Robert W. 77, 84

Moyers, Bill 162163

Mussels 66

Mystic Marinelife Aquarium, Connecticut 189192, 198, 200, 202, 249, 252


National Geographic Channel 244, 246

National Geographic magazine 45, 61, 6364, 76, 127, 134

National Geographic Society

Centennial Award 223

Earhart search 296297, 299300, 305

Explorers Festival 281285, 290, 292

Genographic Project 283

JASON Foundation 164

photographers 45

Pristine Seas 282

Titanic discovery 120, 121122, photo insert

Titanic videos 135136

National Geographic Television

On Assignment 161162

Bismarck search 141, 147148, 149, 153

closure of studio 261

Endurance expedition 227

Gallipoli shipwrecks 255, 256257

hydrothermal vents 76

JASON Project 155

The Lost Fleet of Guadalcanal 173, 178, 179

Lusitania 173

National Geographic Explorer 161

Nazi Attack on America 276

Phoenician shipwrecks 218

The Search for Kennedy’s PT-109 229231, 237

Titanic expeditions 134, 141

Yorktown search 206

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 237238, 240, 241, 257258, 273274, 305

National Science Foundation 62, 84, 89

Nautile (French mini-sub) 243

Nautilus, E/V

acquisition (as Humboldt) 249251

crew 253, 266, 268269, 271, photo insert

Earhart search 296, 300305, photo insert

EEZ mapping 275, 296

equipment 253, 254, 257, 300

Eratosthenes Seamount 258262, 271273

funding 257258, 274, 275

Gallipoli shipwrecks 255257

lead scientist 264265, 268269

need for 247249, 254

Robert E. Lee expedition 277279

telecommunications 261, 262

Turkish Air Force jet search 263271

Turkish base 252253, 254255

Walking with the Ancients project 284

Navy see U.S. Navy

Newman, Jim 249250

Nichols, Guy 164

Nichols, Roger L. 150

Nielson, Terry 84

A Night to Remember (Lord) 101

Nikumaroro island 294301, 305, photo insert

Nimitz, Chester 202203

Nimoy, Leonard 64

Nixon, Richard 189190, 237

NOAA 237238, 240, 241, 257258, 273274, 305

Noah’s Flood (Ryan and Pitman) 213214, 215, 221225

Noonan, Fred 295, 298299, 300

Norris, Ken 36, 38

Norris, Robert 22, 28, 35, 36

North American Aviation 29

Northern Horizon (ship) 184188, 217220, 224226

Norwich City, S.S. 295296, 298, 300, 301, 302, photo insert

NR-1 (submarine) 194196, 199, 214, photo insert



atmospheric pressure 5657

government funding for exploration 229, 237238, 240242, 273

layers 5556

seafloor mapping 49, 50

seawater chemistry 7475

terrain warfare 85, 8789, 91

Ocean Exploration Trust (OET) 252, 276, 297, 309

Oceanic Institute, Hawaii 3637, 38

Odyssey Enterprises 170, 171, 173180

Office of Naval Research 39, 4142, 84, 88, 89

Offinger, Cathy 64, 150151, 181, 208, 230

Okeanos Explorer (ship) 241, 258, 274

Ontario, Lake 164, 167

Operation Drumbeat 276

Orca, R/V 2223

O’Reilly, David and Joan 258


Patricelli, Robert 309

PC-566, U.S.S. 276279

Pearl Harbor, attack on 202203, 206

Pellegrini, Ann 136, 145

Pelli, César 200

Phillips, Brennan 268, 269

Phoenician shipwrecks 214220, 239

Piccard, Jacques 44

Pitman, Walter 213214, 215, 221225

Plate tectonics

Cayman Trough 6263

Galápagos Rift 65

Gulf of Maine 4649, 59

Mediterranean Sea 259, 260

Mid-Atlantic Ridge 49, 5253, 5759

National Geographic Television special 76

Press, Frank 5051

Project FAMOUS 4959, 75

PT-109 229237, photo insert


Queen Elizabeth 2 (ship) 126


R Lazy S Ranch 263

Rainnie, Bill 43, 46

Rakestraw, Norris 21

Raney, Chris 175, 176

Ravenscroft, Alan 83

Reagan, Nancy 99, 125

Reagan, Ronald 8485, 9293, 123125, 127, 139

Rechberger, Kristin 282

Rechnitzer, Andrew 39

Restless M (Australian supply boat) 174179

Revelle, Roger 21, 27

Ricciardone, Francis J., Jr. 263264

Richard, Chas 214

Rickover, Hyman G. 88, 9192

Ridder, Dale 235236

Robert E. Lee (ship) 276279

Roman, Chris 268

Ronald H. Brown (NOAA flagship) 244246

Rose, Lana 29, 34

Ryan, William 86, 107, 213214, 215, 221225


Sagan, Carl 123

Sala, Enric 282

Sauder, Eric 186

Scalli, Frank 4445

Scheider, Roy 184

Schempf, Hagen 159160, 188

Scorpio (deep-towed side-scan sonar system) 179

Scorpion, U.S.S. 69, 9091, 95, 102, 104106, 128, 135, 136

Scourge (schooner) 164

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Ballard and 2025, 3436

Capricorn Expedition 211

Deep Tow 205

East Pacific Rise 7175

Galápagos Rift 65

research facilities 21

WHOI rivalry 39, 42, 43, 7374, 81, 93

Sea Cliff (submersible) 179

Sea Life Park, Hawaii 3637, photo insert

Sea lions 180

Sea Research Foundation 192

Sea Rovers 4445, 61, 222, photo insert

Seamounts 258262, 271273

Seaprobe (ship) 8182, 212213

seaQuest DSV (TV show) 184

Sender, Karen 207

Shackleton, Sir Ernest 227228

Shelley, Mark 187

Shepard, Alan 125

Shepard, Francis 22, 43

Shipworms 212

Sigurdsson, Haraldur 165166

Silva, Gene 88

Simon, William 200

Sims, Neil 291

Sinop, Turkey 221222, 224, 239

Sinop D shipwreck 225226, 239

60 Minutes (TV show) 257, 277

Skerki Bank expedition 146, 195198

Slickensides 260

Smart, Claire 279

Smith, Edward 100101

Solomon Islands 173180, 229237

Sontag, Sherry 90

South Pole 227228

Spielberg, Steven 184

Spiess, Fred Noel

Ballard and 3435, 76, 77, 191

Deep Tow 205

East Pacific Rise 72, 74

Titanic search 86, 107

WHOI rivalry 93

Spradlin, Diane 144

Spurr, Cyril 186187

Squires, Bob 93

St. Croix 9293

Stager, Larry 214, 216220, 272

Stanford University 6566, 7576, 83

Star Hercules (ship) 150151

Starella, M/V 145148

Steele, John

conflicts with Ballard 120123, 191

Jason expedition 150

Titanic and 83, 111, 118, 120121, 127128

WHOI Center for Marine Exploration 126, 127, 137, 144

Steinbeck, John 21, 211212

Stevens, Ted 240241

Submersibles, manned

limitations 8384, 128, 131132

North American Aviation 29

Project FAMOUS 52

scientists’ disdain toward 5051

Submersibles, robotic 71, 89

Sullivan, Walter 58, 6263

Sunfish (autonomous underwater system) 284

Surgi, Bill 209

Syria 263267


Tantum, William H. 80, 83, 101102, 133

Taylor, Rod and Valerie 45

TBS see Turner Broadcasting

Tectonic plates see Plate tectonics

Teredinidae (shipworms) 212

Thayer, Jack 100, 101102, 106, 111, 116, 287

The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) 294296, 297

Thresher, U.S.S. 8990, 9598, 105106, 135, 136

Thunman, Ronald 8792, 95

Titanic (film) 45, 200202, 208

Titanic, R.M.S.

artifacts 132, 242244, 245246, photo insert

Atlantis II visit (1986) 126134, photo insert

Ballard’s books about 134, 144

Ballard’s pipe dream 45, 7983, 9193, 9596, 100110

Big Events search 80

debris field 106107, 110, 112, 132, 287

French search 96, 99, 102, 103, 112113, 120, 121, 127128, 243

Grand Staircase 91, 116, 127, 130131

grandeur 79, photo insert

Grimm/Spiess/Ryan search 8687, 106107

Grimm’s search 83, 8687, 9495, 133

hull 112117, 133134

location 95, 103

media frenzy 11, 118122, photo insert

model 200

press conferences 120, 121122, 134

reactions to discovery 1112, 109111, 115, 118, photo insert

return visit (2004) 242, 244246, photo insert

status boost from discovery 123126, 134, 136137

survivors 243

tragedy 80, 100102, 111, 122, 133134, 250

turf wars 120121, 127128

WHOI search 8083

Titanic Historical Society 80

Titanic’s Lost Sister (PBS show) 195

Tolkien, J.R.R. 310

Torgerson, Paul 163164

Travolta, John 125

Trieste (bathyscaphe) 44

Trieste II (bathyscaphe) 6971, 96, 105

Triumph shipwreck 256

Tube worms 6667, 68, 71, 124, 260, photo insert

Turanli, Tufan 252, 265

Turkish Air Force jet search 263271

Turner, Ted 149

Turner Broadcasting (TBS) 134, 141, 149, 151, 167168, 227

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (film) 1920

Tzimoulis, Paul 45


U-166 (Nazi submarine) 276279

Uluburun shipwreck 222

University of California at Santa Barbara 2730, 34

University of Hawaii at Manoa 36, 38, 205, 206

University of Rhode Island 4648, 54, 238239, 261, 274275

U.S. Divers 4445

U.S. Navy

Ballard’s classified work 136

Deep Submergence Systems group 89

Guadalcanal anniversary 174, 179

International Seapower Symposium 8485

ROV funding 148, 153, 163

Submarine Development Group One 128, 179, 205206

Titanic expeditions 9193, 95, 104118, 121, 127134

undersea terrain warfare 85, 8789, 91

Yorktown search 205206, 207208

see also NR-1; Office of Naval Research; PT-109; Scorpion; Thresher


Van Andel, Tjeerd Hendrik 66, 75, 77

Verd, George 89

Verne, Jules 1920, 310

Vestron Video 135136

Vietnam War 30, 38, 39

Viola, Vincent 249252, 264266, 270, 287

Vitulli, Marco 139140, 143144, 153


Walking with the Ancients project 283284

War of 1812 164

Waterman, Stan 45

Weber, Chris 148, 180, 297

Weicker, Lowell 189192

Wellington, Jerry 166, 183

Wells, Spencer 283

White, Shelby 216

White House dinner 123125

Whitefish Lake, Montana 76, 134135, 157158, 160, 162, photo insert

Williams, Robin 136

Winslet, Kate 200, 202

Wolf, Frank 241242

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)

Atlantis II 126134

Ballard as Office of Naval Research liaison to 39, 4244

Ballard’s career 46, 48, 62, 64, 71, 7577, 190192, 199

Center for Marine Exploration 126, 127, 137, 144

Deep Submergence Group 43

Deep Submergence Laboratory 9394, 104

funding 137139, 141, 144, 190

Galápagos Rift 65

Jason sponsorship 150

Scripps rivalry 39, 42, 43, 7374, 81, 93

Titanic expeditions 8083, 119121, 132, 134, 190

see also Project FAMOUS


Yeager, Chuck 15, 109

Yoerger, Dana 93, 108, 150, 151152

Yorktown, U.S.S. 197198, 202209, photo insert

Young, Carole 144

Young, Earl 64, 104, 113114, 117

Young, Jim 144

Yunck, Billy 153, 155