Characters and Conventions

The list below identifies the key people in this story and the positions they held prior to December 7, 1941. Japanese names follow the Japanese convention of surname first and given name second. In some cases, there is more than one spelling in the English translation of a Japanese name. In each case like that, I have used the name used by Joseph Grew. As an example, Konoye Fumimaro’s name is sometimes spelled Konoe. However, Grew always referred to him as Konoye, and that is the spelling I have used. In other situations, the spelling of a place has changed. As one example, Nanking is now Nanjing. In each case like that, I have used the spelling that Grew used.

Joseph W. Ballantine

Head of Japan Desk, Far Eastern Division, Department of State

Sir Robert Craigie

Great Britain’s ambassador to Japan

Edward (Ned) S. Crocker

First Secretary, United States Embassy in Tokyo

Eugene H. Dooman

Counselor, United States Embassy in Tokyo

James Drought

Father and Vicar General of the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America in Maryknoll, New York

John K. Emmerson

Third Secretary, United States Embassy in Tokyo (and, beginning in October 1941, staff, Far Eastern Division, State Department)

Anita Grew English

Daughter of Joseph C. Grew

Robert Fearey

Private Secretary to Joseph C. Grew (April 1941–)

Marshall Green

Private Secretary to Joseph C. Grew (October 1939–March 1941)

Alice Perry Grew

Wife of Joseph C. Grew

Maxwell M. Hamilton

Chief, Far Eastern Division, State Department

Hara Yoshimichi

President, Privy Council, Japan

Waldo Heinrichs

Author, United States Ambassador: Joseph C. Grew and the Development of the United States Diplomatic Tradition

Hiranuma Kiichiro

Home Minister, Japan (July 1940-July 1941) and then Minister without Portfolio (July 1941–)

Hirohito Michinomiya

Emperor, Japan (and often referred to only as Hirohito)

Stanley K. Hornbeck

Political Relations Adviser, State Department

Cordell Hull

Secretary of State

Harold L. Ickes

Secretary of the Interior

Iwakuro Hideo

Special Envoy of Japanese Army

Kase Toshikazu

Secretary to Foreign Minister Matsuoka and then Secretary to Foreign Minister Togo (and Chief of the First Section in the American Bureau)

Kido Koichi

Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, Japan

Frank Knox

Secretary of the Navy

Konoye Fumimaro

Prime Minister of Japan (June 1937-January 1939, July 1940–October 1941)

Lord Halifax

Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, Great Britain’s ambassador to the United States

Elsie Grew Lyon

Daughter of Joseph C. Grew

George Marshall

Chief of Staff, United States Army

Matsuoka Yosuke

Foreign Minister, Japan (July 1940–July 1941)

Lilla Grew Moffat

Daughter of Joseph C. Grew

Nagano Osami

Chief of General Staff, Japanese Navy

Oikawa Koshiro

Minister of Navy, Japan (July 1940–October 1941)

Nomura Kichisaburo

Japan’s Ambassador to the United States

Kurusu Saburo

Japan’s Special Envoy to the United States

Max Waldo Schmidt (Bishop)

Third Secretary, United States Embassy in Tokyo, then staff, Far Eastern Division, State Department (July 1941–)

Ricardo Rivera Schreiber

Peruvian Minister to Japan and China

Shimada Shigetaro

Navy Minister, Japan (October 1941–)

Henri Smith-Hutton

Naval Attaché, United States Embassy in Tokyo

Harold Stark

Chief of Operations, United States Navy

Henry L. Stimson

Secretary of State under President Hoover and Secretary of War under President Roosevelt (July 1940–)

Sugiyama Hajime

Chief of General Staff, Japanese Army

Togo Shigineori

Foreign Minister, Japan (October 1941–)

Tojo Hidecki

Minister of War (July 1940–October 1941) and Prime Minister of Japan (October 1941–)

Toyama Mitsuru

Head of Black Dragon Society

Toyoda Teijiro

Foreign Minister, Japan (July 1941–October 1941)

Ushiba Tomohiko

Private Secretary to Prime Minister Konoye

Wakasugi Kaname

Minister-Counselor, Japanese Embassy in Washington, DC

James Walsh

Bishop and Superior General of the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America in Mary- knoll, New York

Wikawa Tadao

Former Japanese bank official and unofficial Japanese representative in Washington, DC

Summer Welles

Under Secretary of State

Yamamoto Isoroku

Admiral, Japanese Navy