Dedication and Acknowledgements
The second book in the Broken Wings series is out in the wild. Wow! I’ve so many people to thank for helping me arrive at this position.
First, there’s my Lady Wife, whose belief in me over the time it took for this story to come together during this difficult year has been everything—my muse, my love, my life.
A great source of information for both this book and A Wing and a Prayer, as well as the forthcoming ones, has been the Maidenhead Heritage Center. As a source of overwhelming inspiration and knowledge, it is the best place I’ve ever gone online for prevarication. I do not apologize.
To all the authors on the Saga Girls, Readers, Writers & Bloggers Facebook site, you’ve all been so supportive as I continue my journey in this genre, and I can’t thank you enough. For both aspiring writers and readers of these books, search them out and you will find more great stories than you can shake a stick at. Ladies, I love you all (but please don’t tell my Lady Wife)!
Though we haven’t been able to get together in person this year, I’ll always be grateful to the Romantic Novelist’s Association. You were all there for me when I set out on my writing journey and, well-documented troubles aside, you still were. Here’s to next year and what will be the party to end all parties!
Finally, there's my ever-patient editor, Nan Swanson. I don’t know what to say that I haven’t said to her before. In her part of the Vintage Rose garden, she takes out the pruning shears only when they are needed and is always happy to listen to my arguments before explaining to me why she’s right!
To you, the reader: well done for reading the dedication! If you enjoy Wild Blue Yonder, please consider leaving a review. These mean so much to all authors, and I love reading your comments. Thank you all.