
A short time later, Wonder Woman left the dragon’s lair with the Star Sword. When she retraced her steps, the trolls did not attack her. When she drove the sub past the electric sea serpent, it swam away. The sword protected her. Now Wonder Woman knew why Morgaine wanted the Star Sword. It had great power.

Wonder Woman flew back toward Stonehenge. Morgaine Le Fey was busy turning tourists into weird creatures. “Well, it’s about time you got back!” she said.

“I was getting bored playing with my captive audience,” Morgaine said, smiling.

“I brought the Star Sword, as you requested,” Wonder Woman said. “Now turn those hostages back into humans, and let them go!”

“You don’t like my handiwork?” Morgaine pouted. “Oh, very well.”

The sorceress waved her hands. Bright energy bolts flew toward the hostages. In a flash, all the people returned to normal.

“Now, give me the Star Sword!” the sorceress demanded.

Wonder Woman handed the weapon to Morgaine. “Foolish Amazon!” the sorceress said. “This sword gives me ultimate power!”

Morgaine swung the sword at Wonder Woman.


image The blade hit the silver bracelets but made no mark on the metal. The sorceress looked surprised.

“Magic bracelets —?” Morgaine began.

“They were forged by Hephaestus,” Wonder Woman replied. “But they are not magic.”

Morgaine swung the sword at Wonder Woman again. image The blade bounced off the bracelets.

“The Star Sword is supposed to cut through anything!” Morgaine shouted.

The evil sorceress paused. She did not know what to do. In an instant, Wonder Woman used her super-speed to snatch the sword from Morgaine’s hands.

“The Sword is powerless,” Wonder Woman said. “Unless you have the Star.”

Wonder Woman reached into her belt and pulled out a sparkling gem. She placed it into the hilt of the sword. Suddenly, the blade began to glow.

Now it can cut through anything,” Wonder Woman said. She pointed the tip of the sword at Morgaine.

The sorceress held up her hands in surrender. She was afraid of the power of the Star Sword — just as the trolls and the sea serpent had been. Wonder Woman bound Morgaine with the Lasso of Truth. Then she used the sword to cut the magic ropes holding the hostages.

“Thank you, Wonder Woman!” they all exclaimed.

Not long afterward, Wonder Woman returned to the dragon’s lair.

“The sword belongs with you,” Wonder Woman told the dragon, handing it over.

The dragon smiled. It took the sword and returned it to the treasure trove.

“Thank you for telling me the secret about the Star Gem,” Wonder Woman said. “It helped me defeat Morgaine Le Fey.”

The dragon smiled a toothy smile. “I was glad to help the enemy of my enemy,” it said.

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” Wonder Woman said. “That’s a very old saying.”

“I’m a very old dragon,” said the creature. “But I’m always happy to make new friends.”

“Well, friend, do you have a name?” Wonder Woman asked.

“My name is Goldtalon Thunderspike Sky Amber Astra Smokewyrm the Sixth,” the dragon replied.

Wonder Woman tried to say the dragon’s full name, but couldn’t. Even with her talent for languages, it was hard.

“You can call me Goldie, if you like,” the dragon offered.

“Goldie is a good name,” she said. “I know you’re lonely living down here all by yourself. If you like, I could come visit you from time to time.”

The dragon was very pleased. Its smile grew large, baring every fang.

“I would like that very much, Wonder Woman!” the creature said.

The dragon dug around in the piles of treasure and found a giant golden throne.

The throne was covered with jewels and precious stones. The creature set it down in front of Wonder Woman.

“How’s this?” the dragon asked. “Fit for an Amazon Princess!”

Wonder Woman held back a laugh. The throne was very showy, but it was the thought that counted.

“You know what, Goldie?” Wonder Woman said. “We should go out flying together sometime.”

“Flying?” the dragon exclaimed. “I haven’t done that in centuries!”
