

cavern (KAV-ern)—a large cave

granite (GRAN-it)—a hard, gray rock used in the construction of buildings

hostage (HOSS-tij)—someone taken or held prisoner as a way of demanding money or other conditions

keen (KEEN)—able to notice things easily

sorceress (SOR-sur-ess)—someone who performs magic by controlling evil spirits

surrender (suh-REN-dur)—to give up or admit that you are beaten in a fight or battle

tourist (TOOR-ist)—someone who travels and visits places for pleasure

transform (transs-FORM)—a piece of equipment that changes the voltage of an electric current

trove (TROV)—a valuable collection

unconscious (uhn-KON-shuhss)—not awake, and unable to see, feel, or think