1 Jurisdictional Immunities, para 93.
2 Jurisdictional Immunities, para 57.
3 Kiobel v Royal Dutch Petroleum Co, No 10-1491, slip op, USSC, 17 April 2013, 14.
4 Jurisdictional Immunities, para 57.
5 Jurisdictional Immunities, para 78.
6 Jurisdictional Immunities, para 94 (referring to ‘a century of practice in which almost every peace treaty or post-war settlement has involved either a decision not to require the payment of reparations or the use of lump sum settlements and set-offs’).
7 Huneeus, ‘International Criminal Law by Other Means: The Quasi-criminal Jurisdiction of the Human Rights Courts’ (2013) 107 AJIL 1.
8 Republic of Argentina v Weltover 504 US 607 (1992), 100 ILR 509.
9 SerVaas Inc v Rafidain Bank & Ors [2012] UKSC 40.
10 For example, is it restricted to arbitration under institutional rules, or to property that is the subject-matter of the dispute submitted to arbitral adjudication?
11 See Ch 7 for further discussion as to UK ratification.
12 Oleykinov v Russia, App no, 14 March 2013.
13 At its 64th session (2012), the ILC decided to include the topic ‘Provisional application of treaties’ in its programme of work and appointed Mr Juan Manuel Gómez-Robledo as Special Rapporteur for the topic.
14 Jurisdictional Immunities, para 91.
15 Samantar v Yousuf, 130 S Ct 2278 (2010).