2IC second in command
ABC Australian Broadcasting Commission
Adm Admiral
AIF Australian Imperial Force
ANGAU Australian New Guinea Administrative Unit
Armd Armoured
AT anti-tank
ATIS Allied Translator and Interpreter Section
Aust Australian
AWM Australian War Memorial
Bde Brigade
Bdr Bombardier
BG bombardment group
Bn Battalion
Brig Brigadier
Brig Gen Brigadier General
C in C Commander in Chief
C of S Chief of Staff
ca circa (approximately)
Capt Captain
Cav Cavalry
Cdo Sqn commando squadron
Cdr Commander
Col Colonel
Coy Company
Cpl Corporal
DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal
DOW died of wounds
Eng Engineer
EP enemy publication
EY rifle extra yoke rifle (with grenade discharger)
Fld Amb Field Ambulance
Flt-Lt Flight Lieutenant
F-O Flying Officer
F-Sgt Flight Sergeant
Gnr Gunner
HE high explosive
HMAS His Majesty’s Australian Ship
HQ headquarters
IED improvised explosive device
IJAF Imperial Japanese Armed Forces
Ind Coy independent company
IR interrogation report
KIA killed in action
L of C line of communication
LCI landing craft, infantry
L Cpl Lance Corporal
L Sgt Lance Sergeant
LMG light machine gun
LST landing ship, tank
Lt Lieutenant
Lt Col Lieutenant Colonel
Lt Gen Lieutenant General
Maj Major
Maj Gen Maj Gen
MC Military Cross
MG machine gun
MIA missing in action
Mk mark
MMLA MacArthur Memorial Library and Archives (US)
MSA Murdoch Sound Archive
Mtn Bty Mountain Battery
MV motor vessel
NAA National Archives of Australia
NARA National Archives and Records Administration (US)
NCO non-commissioned officer
NGIB New Guinea Infantry Battalion
NGVR New Guinea Volunteer Rifles
NLA National Library of Australia
NMPW National Museum of the Pacific War (US)
Off officers
ONR Office of Naval Records (US)
OP observation post
Ops operations
OR other rank
PIB Papuan Infantry Battalion
Pnr Pioneer
P-O Pilot Officer
PT patrol torpedo (boat)
Pte Private
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
RAP Regimental Aid Post
Regt Regiment
Rfn Rifleman
RMO Regimental Medical Officer
RNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force
Rt Hon Right Honourable
Sgt Sergeant
SLNSW State Library of New South Wales
SLV State Library of Victoria
SNLP Special Naval Landing Party
Spr Sapper
Sqn Squadron
Sqn-Ldr Squadron Leader
SWPA South West Pacific Area
Tpr Trooper
UQFL University of Queensland: Freyer Library
USAAC United States Army Air Corps
USAAF United States Army Air Force
USS United States Ship
VC Victoria Cross
WIA wounded in action
WO Warrant Officer