The word rougaille (roo-GAHY) refers to Creole spices, like thyme and ginger. The cooks of Mauritius borrow flavors from Indian, Chinese, and French dishes. The best part about this recipe is that you don’t have to cook it! Just mix it in a bowl and pour it over warm cooked rice.
Mauritius is an island nation in the Indian Ocean. Its chief island, also called Mauritius, lies about 500 miles east of Madagascar and about 2,450 miles southwest of India.
Mauritius is the only known home of the dodo. The bird was first seen by Europeans in 1600. The dodo became extinct less than eighty years later.
In Creole cooking, tomatoes are called “pommes d’amour,” a French phrase meaning “apples of love.” Tomatoes rougaille is often used as a chutney, a sauce or relish with sweet and tangy flavors.
*What’s This?
Coriander is an herb used a lot in Indian and Middle Eastern foods. It is also known as cilantro.
*What’s This?
Finely means very small pieces.
Serves 3-4.