Whenever you are in the kitchen, there are important safety rules to follow.
1. Always ask a responsible adult for permission to cook. Always have an adult by your side when you use the oven, the stove, knives, or any appliance.
2. If you have long hair, tie it back. Remove dangling jewelry and tuck in any loose clothing.
3. Always use pot holders or oven mitts when handling anything on the stove or in the oven.
4. Never rush while cutting ingredients. You don’t want the knife to slip.
5. If you are cooking something in the oven, stay in the house. Always use a timer—and stay where you can hear it.
6. If you are cooking something on the stove, stay in the kitchen.
7. ALLERGY ALERT! If you are cooking for someone else, let him or her know what ingredients you are using. Some people have life-threatening allergies to such foods as peanuts and shellfish.