
A good idea for a book starts out like a young horse—lots of promise but it’s all in the follow-through. Over the four years we’ve worked on this book, there have been some significant people who have entered our lives and given us counsel on this project. Special thanks goes to Betsy and Forrest Shirley, Tom Brokaw, Robert Redford, Patrick Markey, Bernie Pollack, Kathy Orloff, Donna Kail, Craig and Judy Johnson, Suzanne and Paul DelRossi, John and Jane Reynolds, Lindy Smith, Verlyn Klinkenborg, Chas Weldon, Joe Beeler, Elliott Anderson, Adrianne Fincham, Steve Price, and Jesse Douglas. At The Lyons Press, we thank Tony Lyons for seeing the vision and Ricki Gadler for putting up with us.

Our biggest thanks goes to the two women who believed in us all along—Mary Brannaman and Kristin Reynolds.

—Buck Brannaman and Bill Reynolds