Words from the Author

In the mid to late 90s, a hapless newbie stumbled on a website called WBS.net and discovered a chat room dedicated to a form of collaborative storytelling and it was all downhill from there. I logged into Nia’s Tavern whenever I possibly could, but it wasn’t until WBS was purchased by Disney-ABC and its chat infrastructure underwent heavy renovations that my writing hobby became a driving passion. I grew up writing stories with people, generating hundreds of thousands of words every week in TocTik’s Bar and Grill and other roleplaying venues. Alas, people grow up, grow apart, and nothing stunts online collaboration more surely than the calling of adulthood.

It turned out that I’m not very good at growing up, so when the roleplaying rooms closed and people went their separate ways, I kept writing and writing, and eventually I had… a big ol’ pile that better resembled a mess than a novel. I gave it a good long look one day and decided I’d really like to do something with it and this was the result.

I moved to Seattle a few years and fell in love with the city, so it didn’t take long to establish it as the central location for this book. Some of the locations are based upon real places; for example, the No-Name Coffeehouse bears a suspiciously strong resemblance to the Wayward Coffeehouse, but similarities end with the theme. If coffee and vegan sandwiches in a shop paying homage to science fiction sounds like your kind of thing, why not stop in? You might even see me there.

Follow me on Facebook for announcements and discussions at DragonEyesNovels.

I’d like to thank the following people for their support:

In my defense, I was left unsupervised!