Appendix 3: Abbreviations Used
in Architectural Plans

Below is a list of abbreviations commonly found on architectural plans and their meaning. This list will serve as a handy reference when you review your architectural plans.

or IN: inch

AC: air conditioning

ACST: acoustic

AFF: above finished floor

AL or ALUM: aluminum

ARCH: architect or architectural

AVG: average

BD or BRD: board

BLDG: building

BLT-IN: built-in

BM: beam

BR: brass

BRZ: bronze

BSMT: basement

CAB: cabinet

CC and RS: conditions, covenants, and restrictions

CDR: cedar

CER: ceramic

CL: center line

CLG: ceiling

CLO or CLOS: closet

CLR: clear

CM: centimeter

CO: cased opening (doorway without a door)

CO: certificate of occupancy

COL: column

CONC: concrete

CONST: construction

CONT: continuous

CONTR: contractor

CT: countertop

CW: cold water

DEC: decorative

DEMO: demolition

DET: detail

DIA: diameter

DIM: dimension

DN: down

DR: door

DW: dishwasher

DWG: drawing

DWV: drain waste vent

ELEC: electric

EQL: equal

EQUIP: equipment

EST: estimate

EWC: electric water cooler

EXIST: existing

EXT: exterior

FAB: fabricate or fabricated

FAO: finished all over

FF: finished floor

FIN: finish

FL: floor

FLUOR: fluorescent

FP: fireproof

FS: floor supply and full size

FT: feet or foot

FTG: footing

FURN: furnish

GALV: galvanized

GEN’L: general

GFCI or GFI: ground fault circuit interrupter

GL: glass

GYP BD: gypsum board

HB: hose bib

HC: hollow core

HD: heavy duty

HDW: hardware

HDWD: hardwood

HH: head height

HOR or HORIZ: horizontal

HSWS: high side wall supply

HT or HGT: height

HTD: heated

HVAC: heating, ventilation, and air conditioning

HW: hot water

INSUL: insulation

INT: interior

J-BOX or JB: junction box

kW: kilowatt

LAV: lavatory

LIN: linear

LINO: linoleum

LOUV: louver

LT: light

LTG: lighting

M: meter

MAR: marble

MAS: masonry

MAT’L or MTRL: material

MAX: maximum

MECH: mechanical

MFD: manufactured

MFR: manufacture

MIN: minimum

MISC: miscellaneous

MO: masonry opening

MULL: mullion

NAT: natural

NEC: national electric codes

NIC: not in contract

NO: number

NOM: nominal

NTS: not to scale

OC: On center

OPG: Opening

OPP: Opposite

PH: telephone

PL: plaster

PLBG: plumbing

PL LAM: plastic laminate

PLY: plywood

PR: Pair

PROJ: projecting or projected

PRV: pressure relief valve

PT: partition

QT: quarry tile

QTY: quantity

R: radius

R: riser

RA: return air

RD: round or rod

REINF: reinforce

REQD: required

REV: revision

RF: reference

RGH OPNG: rough opening

RM: room

RMV: remove

SC: solid core

SCH: schedule

SD: smoke detector

SEC or SECT: section

SF or SQ FT: square foot

SH: shelf or sheet

SIM: similar

SPEC: specified

SPECS: specifications

SPLT: split

SQ IN: square inch

SQ: square

S ST: stainless steel

ST: steel

STD: standard

STRL: structural

SYS: system

T & G: tongue and groove (joint)

TEL: telephone

TEMP: temperature

THK: thick

TR: tread

TRM: trim

TYP: typical

UNF: unfinished

UR: urinal

VERT: vertical

VIF: verify in the field

V TILE: vinyl tile

VTR: vent through roof

W: width

W/: with

W/O: without

WC: water closet

WCT: wainscot

WD: wood

WH: water heater

WI: wrought iron

WIC: walk-in closet

WNDWS: windows

WP: waterproof

WT: weight

YD: yard