
Be Eternally Minded

“Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.”


And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth.

—Colossians 3:2

So many people are only concerned with today or a few months down the road. At best, some are concerned with retirement. We think and plan in temporal terms, and God thinks and plans in eternal terms. We are more interested in what “feels good” right now, what produces immediate results. God has an eternal purpose planned for our lives.

One way to simplify our lives is to stop planning every aspect of our temporal lives and trust God as He guides us day by day. When we follow God He leads us to do not only what is best for right now, but also what is best for eternity. God sees and understands what we don’t. He wants us to trust Him and His perfect timing.

If we keep our focus on the bigger—eternal—picture, we can eliminate a lot of the time we waste on worry over what isn’t happening the way we believe it should. Wanting to know everything ahead of time is just our way of taking care of ourselves. Give up reasoning and enjoy the beautiful, simple, powerful life God has waiting for you; as well as the eternal blessings that come from trusting His will for our lives.