
Understand Righteousness

“He who created you without you will not justify you without you.”


The heavens declare His righteousness, and all the peoples see His glory.

—Psalm 97:6

Some people have an overactive conscience. They feel guilty as a matter of habit, and not necessarily because they have truly done something wrong. The way to overcome this problem is to study what the Bible has to say about righteousness. If you don’t understand the God-kind of righteousness, then you will spend your life trying to earn your own righteousness through good works.

It is important to understand the difference in your “who” and your “do.” My children may not always do what I want, but they never stop being my children and I never stop loving them. God is the same way, only better. God gives us right standing with Him when we receive Jesus as our Savior (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). He “imputes” it to us, or credits it to our account (see Romans 4:11). He views us as righteous, which is the only standing acceptable to God. It is the only way we can fellowship with Him, because light cannot fellowship with darkness.

Since God in His mercy has made us righteous, we can learn to manifest right behavior. It is a process that takes time, but gradually we improve in how we behave. Our “do” improves. However, while it is improving, it is vital for us to remember “who” we are in Christ. We are God’s child; He loves us and understands us. We are no huge surprise to Him. He knew all about us when He invited us into relationship with Him.

Understanding the biblical doctrine of righteousness will greatly simplify your life because, without it, you will always feel bad about yourself for one reason or another. Guilty feelings are very complicated and not easy to live with. Put on the simple garment of righteousness and start really living the life Jesus purchased for you through His death and resurrection.