This book is dedicated to my teachers, of which there are too many to name them all, but special thanks to Philip Graham, Robert Olen Butler, and John Wood. Thanks as well to friends and colleagues from whom I’ve had the pleasure to learn much along the way, including, but not limited to Nick Johnson, John Griswold, and Marlene Preston.
Thanks to Michael Griffith for his brilliant editorial touch, Susan Murray for her careful copyediting that saved me from more than one embarrassment, Michelle Neustrom for the elegant design, and to Rand Dotson and Lee Sioles at LSU Press for shepherding the book into the world. It takes a village.
College of Charleston has been good enough to provide a secure place from which to do my work, and I’m grateful for the kindness and care of my colleagues.
The title and one of the book’s epigraphs belong to my friend Mark Brookstein, lead singer and drummer for Chicago’s legendary band The Rolls. I’ve borrowed them without permission, but he’ll understand.
As always, this would be impossible without the support of my loved ones: the families Warner and Sennello.
Finally, thanks and love to Kathy. My love is like a reflex.