Appendix: Grammar Terms |
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English |
Korean |
Meaning |
Example |
adjective |
형용사 |
a modifying part of speech, typically helping to describe a noun |
The squid tastes delicious. 오징어가 맛있어요. |
adverb |
부사 |
a modifying part of speech, typically used to give information on how an action (verb) is carried out |
I quickly ate my squid. 나는 오징어를 빨리 먹었다. |
article |
관사 |
in English, a short word that helps identify a noun; these do not exist in Korean |
See the squid swimming in the tank? 수조에서 헤엄치는 오징어 보여요? |
aspiration |
격음 |
a pronunciation technique in which a puff of air is released along with the sound(s) |
The characters ㅋ and ㅍ are aspirated. ㅋ과 ㅍ은 격음이에요. |
batchim |
받침 |
in Korean, a consonant that appears in the third position of a syllable; often, special pronunciation rules are associated with them |
How do you pronounce the batchim ㅍ? 받침 ㅍ은 어떻게 발음해요? |
comparative |
비교급 |
a grammatical tool to show a comparison between two things; affects adjectives and adverbs |
My squid is more delicious than yours. 내 오징어가 네 거보다 더 맛있어. |
conjugation |
활용 |
rules governing how verb forms are created to show grammatical features like person and tense |
How do you conjugate the verb “to walk” in the present tense? 현재 시제에서 동사 “걷다”는 어떻게 활용해요? |
conjunctive adverbs |
접속 부사 |
words that connect two different clauses or sentences to show the meaning between them; usually referred to in English as “conjunctions” |
I ordered a lot of squid, but I couldn’t eat all of it. 오징어를 많이 주문했지만 다 못 먹었어요. OR |
consonant |
자음 |
a letter or character representing a consonant sound (as opposed to a vowel) |
The letter “b” is the first consonant in the English alphabet. “b”는 영어 알파벳의 첫 번째 자음이에요. |
contraction |
축약 |
the shortening and joining of two words or sounds to make their pronunciation easier |
I simply cannot → can’t get enough of this delicious squid. 이 오징어는 아무리 많이 먹어도 맛있어요. |
declarative (indicative) |
평서문 |
a type of sentence that states information |
I love squid. 저는 오징어를 좋아해요. |
demonstrative pronoun |
지시대명사 |
a word that singles out or points to a noun |
You eat this squid, and I’ll eat that one. 네가 이 오징어를 먹으면 나는 그 오징어를 먹을게. |
diphthong |
이중 모음 |
the combination of two or more vowel sounds to create one new one |
The vowel sound in “boy” is [o] + [i], a diphthong. “boy”의 모음은 [o]와 [i]가 결합된 이중 모음이에요. |
ending |
어미 |
a set pattern attached to the stem of a verb in order to create meaning through conjugation |
Most verbs in English are conjugated into the past tense with the ending -ed. 영어에서 대부분의 동사는 과거 시제에서 어미 -ed 형태로 활용해요. |
future |
미래 (시제) |
a verb tense indicating something that hasn’t happened yet |
I will finish my plate of squid. 제 오징어를 다 먹을 거예요. |
homonym |
동음이의어 |
a word with the same spelling and sound as another but a different meaning |
“Band” (e.g., a rock band) and “band” (e.g., a rubber band) are homonyms. “록 밴드” 의 “밴드”와 |
homophone |
동음이형어 |
a word with the same sound as another but a different spelling and meaning |
“Bare” and “bear” are homophones. “bare”와 “bear”는 동음이형어예요. |
honorific |
높임말 |
verb conjugations and special words used in Korean to show respect to the person you’re talking to and/or about |
You don’t need to use honorifics when talking to your squid. 오징어에 대해 말할 때 높임말을 쓸 필요는 없어요. |
imperative |
명령문 |
a type of sentence that gives a command |
Love your squid! 오징어를 좋아하세요! |
infinitive |
동사 원형 |
the most basic, unconjugated form of a verb |
Infinitives in English are signified by the word “to” and in Korean by the ending -다. 부정사란 영어에서는 “to” 와 함께 쓰인 단어, 한국어에서는 어미 -다로 끝나는 단어를 말해요. |
inquisitive (interrogative) |
의문문 |
a type of sentence that poses a question |
Do you love squid? 오징어를 좋아하세요? |
modifier |
수식어 |
a word or other grammatical element that describes or qualifies another |
Adjectives and adverbs are considered modifiers in English. 형용사와 부사는 영어에서 수식어예요. |
noun |
명사 |
a part of speech representing people, places, and other physical and abstract objects |
I’d like more squid, please. 오징어 좀 더 주세요. |
object |
목적어 |
a noun that receives the action in a sentence |
We ate squid. 우리는 오징어를 먹었어요. |
omission |
생략 |
the removal of sentence elements that are unnecessary because they are already understood |
It’s okay to omit the subject of a Korean sentence if it can be understood from the context. 한국어에서 문맥을 통해 이해할 수 있을 때는 주어를 생략해도 괜찮아요. |
particle |
조사 |
a Korean grammar element, usually attached to nouns, that adds meaning to and/or signifies the grammatical function of a word |
The object particle -을 / -를 signifies that a noun is an object. 목적격 조사 “-을 / -를”은 그 명사가 목적어임을 나타내요. |
past |
과거 (시제) |
a verb tense indicating something that has already happened |
I finished my plate of squid. 저는 제 오징어를 다 먹었어요. |
personal pronoun |
인칭 대명사 |
a word that singles out or points to a person |
I will eat my squid, and you eat yours. 저는 제 오징어를 먹을게요. 당신은 당신 오징어를 드세요. |
plain |
반말 |
verb conjugations and words used when you don’t need to show respect to the person you’re talking to and/or about |
You can use plain forms when talking to your squid. 오징어에 대해 말할 때는 반말을 쓰면 돼요. |
possessive |
소유격 |
word forms that indicate ownership of something |
The leftover squid is Hal’s, not mine. 남은 오징어는 제 거가 아니고 할 거예요. |
predicate |
서술어 |
the second part of a simple sentence, used in this book to describe how two nouns or a noun and an adjective are linked by the verb “to be” |
Squid is delicious. 오징어는 맛있어요. |
preposition |
전치사 |
in English, words used in conjunction with nouns to add meaning; in Korean, particles perform this role |
Let’s eat squid at the restaurant on the corner. 우리 저 모퉁이에 있는 식당에서 오징어를 먹어요. |
present |
현재 |
a verb tense indicating something ongoing or habitual |
I always finish my plate of squid. 저는 항상 제 오징어를 다 먹어요. |
progressive |
진행형 |
a verb tense indicating something in the process of occurring |
I am eating squid right now. 저는 지금 오징어를 먹고 있어요. |
propositive |
청유문 |
a type of sentence that makes a suggestion or proposal |
Let’s eat some squid. 오징어를 먹자. |
stem |
어간 |
the base of a verb that doesn’t change and onto which conjugative endings are added |
The stem of the verb “to love” is “lov-.” 동사 “to love”의 어간은 “lov-”예요. |
subject |
주어 |
a noun that performs the action in a sentence |
We ate squid. 우리는 오징어를 먹었어요. |
suffix |
접미사 |
an element added to the end of words or verb stems to create meaning |
In Korean, the honorific suffix is -(으)시. 한국어에서 “-(으)시”는 높임의 접미사예요. |
superlative |
최상급 |
a grammatical tool to show that something is the “best” or “most” out of a group of three or more things; affects adjectives and adverbs |
My squid is the most delicious. 제 오징어가 제일 맛있어요. |
tense |
시제 |
a conjugative tool that shows the timeframe in which an action (verb) takes place |
I wrote a sentence in the past tense. 저는 이 문장을 과거 시제로 썼어요. |
verb |
동사 |
a part of speech representing the action taking place in the sentence |
I eat squid all the time. 저는 늘 오징어를 먹어요. |
vowel |
모음 |
a letter or character representing a vowel sound (as opposed to a consonant) |
The letter “a” is the first vowel in the English alphabet. “a”는 영어 알파벳의 첫 모음이에요. |