1 RCR 1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment
2-4 2nd Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment (United States)
2-87 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment (United States)
2IC second-in-command
3 PARA 3rd Battalion, Parachute Regiment
AB able seaman
ADZ Afghan Development Zone
AFF Afghan Freedom Fighters
AH attack helicopter
AMA artillery manoeuvre area
ANDS Afghanistan National Development Strategy
ARRC Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (NATO)
CAF Canadian Armed Forces
CAS combat air support or close air support
CCP casualty collection point
CEFCOM Canadian Expeditionary Force Command
CER Combat Engineer Regiment
CHOPS chief of operations
CIDA Canadian International Development Agency
CIMIC civilian military cooperation
CJTF-76 Combined Joint Task Force 76
COMISAF Commander International Security Assistance Force
CONOP concept of operations
COY company
CPL corporal
CPO chief petty officer
CQ company quartermaster
CSM company sergeant major
CTF combined task force
CWO chief warrant officer
DFAIT Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
EOD explosive ordnance disposal
F2T2EA Find, Fix, Track, Target, Engage & Assess
F3EA Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit & Analyze
FAC forward air controller
FDU fleet diving unit
FOB forward operating base
FOM freedom of movement
FOO forward observation officer
FSM formation sergeant major
GOA Government of Afghanistan
G-WAGEN Geländewagen, a cross-country vehicle
HQ headquarters
HUMINT human intelligence
IAW in accordance with
IED improvised explosive device
IOT in order to
ISAF International Security Assistance Force
ISTAR intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance
IVO in the vicinity of
JSOTF Joint Special Operations Task Force
JSTARS joint surveillance target attack radar system
JTF 2 Joint Task Force 2
KAF Kandahar Airfield
KIA killed in action
KLE key leader engagement
LAV light armoured vehicle
LCDR lieutenant commander
LGEN lieutenant general
LN local nationals
LT lieutenant
MAJ major
MEDEVAC medical evacuation
MEWT mobile electronic warfare team
MGEN major general
MS master seaman
MWO master warrant officer
NAI named area of interest
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCE national contingent element
NCO non-commissioned officer
NDHQ National Defence Headquarters (Canada)
NDS National Directorate of Security (Afghanistan)
NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command
NORTHCOM United States Northern Command
ODA Operational Detachment Alpha
ODB Operational Detachment Bravo
OEF Operation Enduring Freedom
OS ordinary seaman
PAO public affairs officer
PED processing, exploitation and dissemination
PO petty officer
PPCLI Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry
PRT provincial reconstruction team
PSYOPS psychological operations
PTE private
RC EAST Regional Command East
RCMI Royal Canadian Military Institute
RCR The Royal Canadian Regiment
RC SOUTH Regional Command South
RIP relief in place
RPG rocket-propelled grenade
RSM regimental sergeant major
RTE route
SA situational awareness
SACEUR Supreme Allied Commander Europe
SIED suicide improvised explosive device
SIGACTS significant activities
SIGINT signals intelligence
SGT sergeant
SLT sub-lieutenant
SOF special operations forces
TAC tactical team
TB Taliban
TCCC tactical combat casualty care
TF task force
TIC troops in contact
TOC tactical operations centre
TOCA transfer of command authority
TTP tactics, techniques and procedures
TUAV tactical unmanned aerial vehicle
VSA vital signs absent
UAV unmanned aerial vehicle
UN United Nations
USAID United States Agency for International Development
WO warrant officer