





I know it’s only been a month, but I’m going to call living with Bethany the best fucking thing ever. Not only because we spend a fair amount of time fucking, making love actually, but because it’s weirdly as if we’ve always lived together. There’s no bitching about cleaning up after each other, arguments about hogging the bathroom or who cooks or cleans up after.

While I acknowledge having Claudine take care of the finer cleaning and shopping and even prepping dinners from time to time, we mesh on the finer things. Like when I need to escape into playing the piano, or giving Bethany time to read, or even better, when we come together to binge watch shows or movies all cuddled up on the couch, we fit. Tonight, though, will probably be our first hurdle, which is why I’m stacking it in my favor by bringing home something I hope puts her in a good mood.

When I open the door I can hear pop music coming from what Bethany has dubbed the library, which means Bethany is reading on the overstuffed chair in the room. The door is open and her eyes are already on me as I round the corner. I love watching her face light up as she catches sight of me, then her eyes shift to the carrier.

“What did you do?” she whispers.

“Why don’t you find out for yourself?” I set the carrier down on the floor, then sit down beside it. Mittens meows her displeasure at not being set free now that she’s not moving.

Bethany gasps. “A kitten?”

“Open up and see,” I invite her.

She pushes the ottoman out of the way to give her more room to sit down in front of the carrier. Another gasp. “Two? A kitten and her momma?”

“Not quite. I went in for the kitten, but Maude and Mittens had a connection. Maude has been there for almost a year since she’s a granny cat no one wanted to adopt her. I didn’t have the heart to separate them, as ever since Mittens got there over the last month, Maude has been taking care of her.” Finally, the carrier is opened. Mittens sniffs at the opening and glances up at me. “They are rag dolls. I asked for a cat that was like a dog, and they said these two were it.”

She groans as Mittens makes a run for it and clambers into my lap. “Oh my god, she is adorable. I’ve never seen cats like these, they have the coloring of Siamese but are super fluffy.” Maude peeks her head out, looking for Mittens. “Hi, gorgeous, you have the prettiest blue eyes I’ve ever seen.” Maude sniffs Bethany’s fingers then rubs her head over them, letting Bethany know she can pet her. “How could no one want you?”

Maude declares Bethany good and climbs onto her lap. “I think she likes you.”

“I love her. Thank you so much.” Her voice goes up on the last word. “I am not going to cry.” Her eyes glisten though. Mittens goes alert and jumps off me and over to Bethany. A meow of question and she’s on Bethany’s lap, purring as she bumps her head against Bethany’s chest.

“You know I hate it when you cry.” I pull her toward me. Her eyes glitter like emeralds up at me. This is the first time they’ve been such an intense green when I wasn’t deep inside her. I did good.

“Sorry, I’m happy. I really am. Thank you. I love them.”

The doorbell goes. “Okay, that’s all their supplies from the pet store. What do you think about making this their room? Putting the litter boxes in here and one of the cat trees?”

“One of their cat trees? How many did you get them?”

I go red. “A couple. I might have gone overboard. I want them to be happy here, and this is a big place. Be back in a minute.”

The guys from the pet store were smart enough to bring a flat-lying dolly to hold the three large cat trees, two cat hammocks, two litter boxes and water fountain, plus a mountain of cat toys, food, and treats. One cat tree and the litter boxes go in the library, and the rest goes into the open family area. It doesn’t take long to get everything sorted out.

We spend the rest of the evening, with a small break for dinner, unpacking everything and putting together the cat trees. Bethany is like a kid at Christmas, all smiles and laughter, and I’m too damn happy to bring up what I was supposed to.

We’re lying in bed completely spent from making love. I’m reaching over to turn off the light on the bedside table when Bethany sighs. “So are you really not going to tell me what’s made you all tense tonight?”

Damn, she knows me better than I thought. I leave the light on as I look down at her. “Che wanted me to get a free doctor’s office going, for you to practice in after you get licensed. It’s up and running now, a mobile office on the southside. I wanted to take you down there tomorrow to talk you into working there.”

A groan and she’s pushing up to look down at me. “I can’t believe you and Cesare sometimes.”

“How is this a bad thing exactly? We got more funding from a few other places in town and a huge amount of donations from corporations for supplies we need. Not just you but the other nurses will get significantly better than the average salary out there, which is frankly ridiculous. Do you know Cook County only wants to pay forty-five thousand for a PA and nurse practitioners, and forty thousand for a registered nurse? Fuck that shit, you can’t live off that in Chicago.”

She collapses on my chest, and I hug her tight. “It’s already done. You already hired people?”

“Yeah, there’s a huge need. We weren’t going to wait for you to say no or yes. We did it so you would have a place to practice for sure, but it’s also to help the community—that’s the whole point of the foundation.”

“I swear, sometimes it’s like you’re trying to make me crazy.”

“I’m not trying, promise.”

“Fine. I’ll go with you tomorrow. Thank you again for Mittens and Maude, they are the best guilt present you could have ever gotten me.”

I kiss her. “I knew you’d chuck jewelry at me. I was pretty sure you wouldn’t throw a kitten.”

“How did I ever get so lucky to land someone so smart and beautiful as you?”

“Hm, you were a saint in a previous life?” Mittens is meowing at the door to the bedroom. Bethany’s face goes to the door. “No, no cats in the bedroom. I mean it. You break now and they will take over.”

“Maybe she needs to be cuddled?”

“Bethany, she spent all damn night being cuddled by you. She has three cat beds, half a dozen toys, and Maude. No.”

“You’re mean. She sounds sad.” She whines at me as she rubs her tits against my chest.

“I’m not mean. I’m setting boundaries.” Bethany opens her mouth to argue. No, we aren’t doing this. My hand goes into her hair to bring her down to me for a kiss that has her panting for air. While she’s still gasping, I tug her down to my cock. “There are better things to do with your mouth then argue with me. Be a good girl and clean my cock.” Fuck yes. “You love it, don’t you? The taste of you on my cock, your cream and my come. Lick me nice and clean, don’t miss a spot.”

Christ, listening to her hungry mouth slurp on my cock has my balls pulling tight. No, not yet. With my hand still in her hair, I pull her away then onto her back. “Dante,” she moans. I swear to god there is no sweeter sound in this world than my name on her lips, dripping with need for me.

“Hm, you’re being a naughty girl, Bethany, arguing with me. I do believe you need a lesson in being a good girl.” I run my hand over her soft lower lips. One small caress, then I bring my hand down hard. She squeals and gasps even as her hips move up, begging for more. “What a pretty pink you are now. I like this color on your pussy.” Yes, I do like this color. Another smack, hard on the tender flesh, is answered by her pussy flooding. I watch fascinated as her pussy juice runs in a small river out of her. Fuck that’s hot. Bethany is working her nipples, twisting them and tugging at them; she’s frantic for the climax building in her. My own cock dripping for her, I send a last smack to her pussy then flip her over on her stomach.

Her whimpers are feeding my cock. I push into her pussy, and her cry of anguish has me chuckling as I pull out. When I pull her ass cheeks apart, she goes still then moans my name. She loves when I fuck her ass, thank god, because I love it too.

I press into her, at the same time Bethany’s fingers go into her pussy. Greedy little thing. I love how free she is with her need. She initiates sex as often as I do, she loves going down on her knees to suck my cock, and she loves trying out new positions and toys she’s bought out of curiosity. I push deeper as she cries out in climax from her fingers. She sags; I take advantage and bury myself in her. A little yelp comes out of her, then she sighs at the feeling. I give her a few seconds, then I begin fucking her hard and fast. Ah fuck, she feels so good, so damn good, I’m fighting not to come, needing her to get there first. Damn, I’m too close, too close. I’m reaching around to find her clit when it happens: she hits her orgasm with a body-shaking force that has her flat out on the mattress. My grip on her hips tightens. I let go and bury myself deep as I come inside her.






As we walk away from the mobile clinic, I’m excited at the thought of working there. It will take a few weeks to get all the paperwork and me registered with the clinic before I can start. Dang Dante and Cesare for being all bossy and right all the damn time. It’s even more annoying how deep down I love it; I was not expecting to. I also wasn’t expecting how easy it’s been to live with Dante.

After living alone for the last few years, I had gotten used to it. The fears I had of pleading for quiet or alone time never surfaced. Dante needs alone time too, and even if a few times I would have rather been curled up on his lap, I took the time to do my yoga or finish the latest book I was reading. Then we came back together, and we fit together like that piece of a puzzle all over again.

“So?” Dante’s eyebrow goes up as he holds the door open to the back of the car.

“So, what? You know my answer already. I’m a sure thing.”

“You’re my sure thing, not the clinic’s sure thing.”

“You are such an idiot. I don’t know why I put up with you.”

“Because I’m hot and I’m extremely accomplished with my tongue.”

“Maybe. Why don’t go home and find out?”







“I had no idea a white coat and scrubs could be so sexy. Don’t take those off tonight.”

“Whatever. I’ll put clean ones on tonight.”

“Excited for your first day?”

“Yeah, a little nervous too.”

“You’ll be awesome, I have no doubt. Now remember, Charlie will be back in twenty minutes tops. He’ll hit the auto text in the car when he’s approaching. You have him plugged in. You don’t go anywhere on foot on the southside. A half hour before you’re ready to go, call Charlie for him to pick you up.”

“Overprotective much?” I sigh.

“Fuck yes, I protect what’s mine, and you are very much mine.” He tugs me to him by the hem of the shirt. Hmm... I will never not love how he kisses.

“Yes, Dante, whatever you say, Dante.”

“Damn right, I’ll see you tonight.” Then he’s gone, and I’m such a girl for getting all soppy over him.

Claudine shakes her head with a smile. “I packed you a lunch today and a few snacks. Some yogurt and fresh fruit.”

“Ah, Claudine, you didn’t have to.”

“I wanted to. You never know about the area you’re going to be in. It’s best to bring a lunch.”

“You’re so much smarter than me. Thanks.”

“Not a problem, dear. You didn’t drink your coffee this morning. Do you want me to put it in a mug to take with you?”

I recoil. Ugh, for some reason the smell of coffee made me sick when she first handed it to me this morning. “Not today, thanks. I’m running on nerves, no caffeine needed.”






I lose my train of thought for the fifth time during Chloe’s presentation of her new property she landed to sell. Damn it, get it together. Chloe’s my best damn agent in residential. I’m proud of how far she’s come. She was one of my first picks in the mentorship program Che put together. And she deserves my whole attention, only I can’t stop worrying about Bethany. She hasn’t responded to the text I sent her at lunch. It’s been two damn hours. My phone buzzes. I snatch it up, thank fucking god.

Sorry, honey. I’ve been so busy. We have had a line since I got here. I didn’t even get a chance to eat lunch. I’m hiding in the bathroom so I could text you back.

“Sorry, Chloe, I’ll be right back.” I barely look up as I exit the room.



Are you okay?



It’s driving me crazy not to get the fuck out of here and go see her.



I’m fine. It’s been really busy. I didn’t even see your text until a half hour ago. I’m sorry. I need to get back to work, Daniel just knocked on the door to see if I’m okay.



I roll my neck, the tension still there.



It’s alright. Take care of yourself. I’ll see you tonight.



Something is not right. The clinic has been up and running for a month. The addition of another person should mean an easier day, not harder. I contact the headhunter who found me the staff at the mobile clinic and ask them what info they have on Daniel Dwyer. I’ve gone over the file on the clinic a dozen times. His undergrad is Duke, his medical degree from Johns Hopkins. I did a check on him myself, and there were no complaints or hits to his license. What the hell did I miss?

Janet, the headhunter, is quiet for a few minutes. “I’m checking now, sir. I don’t—oh dear. It looks like he was removed from a clinic for overprescribing pain medications. Another clinic won’t go into what happened, they simply tag him not eligible for rehire.”

Goddamnit. “I need someone to replace him as of today.”

She promises she’ll find me options, requesting a few hours to do so.

I agree, then as soon as I hang up I make a call I had hoped to avoid. O’Neil answers on the first ring.

“Yes, sir?”

“What’s the situation there?”

“Chaotic as fuck. Are you sure this guy is an actual doctor?”

Christ. “Explain.”

“He spends two minutes with each patient. He’s handing out prescriptions for antibiotics like they’re singles at a strip club. A lady went in for a refill on her RA steroid, and he gave it to her along with a prescription for oxy she didn’t even ask for. He’s seeing patients then either Bethany or the nurse, Erin, is stopping them before they leave, then diagnosing them and creating care plans.”

“If Bethany is stepping out of the office, did she make you?”

“No, she’s too damn busy.”

“Call in back up, in case. Once the clinic closes, make it clear to Daniel he isn’t welcome back, he’s been fired.”

“Will do.”

Two hours later I get a call from Janet, she has three doctors who are what I’m looking for. Another two hours on the phone and I have an agreement from someone with an endorsement from the best hospital in the city. She’s willing, for a sweetener, to start tomorrow.

Damn it. I have a feeling Bethany is going to be pissed.






I lay my head back as the car heads home. I wonder if Dante will hate me if I quit. Do I have to put in my two weeks’ notice? God, I can’t even think straight. I’m fucking exhausted. I close my eyes for a second.

“Hey, sleepyhead.”


“Yeah, come on. Charlie called me. Thanks, Charlie.”

I’m practically lifted out of the car, then tucked into Dante’s side. “I’m so tired.”

“I got that, sweetheart. Rough day?”

“I hate it. Will you be mad at me if I quit? Daniel seemed so nice and intelligent, but he’s a moron and a shitty doctor. It will also save you the money for the no doubt expensive bodyguard or security guy you have sitting and watching the place.”

Shit, I knew she’d see him. “You can quit if you want to, but I already fired Daniel. His replacement starts tomorrow. The security guy is inexpensive compared to the cost of my sanity wondering and worrying about you working on the southside all day.”

“Oh thank you, thank you. I don’t even care about you being all bossy and interfering. You use your power for good and that’s all that counts. And I might like the idea of a hulking guy hanging around the place making it very obvious he’s keeping an eye on things.”

“I try. You want to grab something to eat?”

“No, I just want to sleep.” And as Dante sets me down on the bed, I do.