Over the twenty years that I have been writing my series of six novels, I have had incredible support from dozens of historians, archivists, curators, librarians, Ricardians, and a host of family and friends offering beds, chauffeuring and willing ears. Thank you all—you know who you are! And thank you to my beta readers: Margaret George, Rita Wright, Fontaine Dollas Dubus, Laura Stacey, Reniera Lupton, Christine Forsa, Maryann Long, Nancy Bilyeau, C.C. Humphreys, and my husband Scott Smith. This book would not have been ready to read by any of those kind people without the help and rigorous analysis of my first reader/editor Catherine Thibedeau.
To my daughters, who have encouraged me in this authoring endeavor, and especially to my husband and champion, Scott, my love and gratitude.
Heartfelt thanks to Dom Smee, who gave me hours of his time both on Skype and in person, and wasn’t shy about sharing his experiences as a severe scoliosis sufferer. He happens to live in Leicester, happens to be a Wars of the Roses re-enactor, and just happened to be “on duty” in costume on the day they found Richard’s skeleton. Such a coincidence. But then, truth has always been stranger than fiction, hasn’t it?
I am so grateful to Philippa Langley for graciously allowing me to use her words from The King’s Grave, which she co-wrote with historian Michael Jones, as a prelude to each section of this book. We are so fortunate she chose to follow her instincts when she stepped on what she thought was Richard’s grave in the Leicester car park that day.
Although I am agent-less now, I must thank Sarah Warner of the now defunct Warner Literary Agency for her enthusiasm for this book at the outset of its writing. It was not her fault we could not find a traditional publisher for this sixth in the series about the York family in the Wars of the Roses. Thanks, too, to my first agent, Kirsten Manges, who took a chance on me all those years ago.
I would be remiss not to acknowledge the artistic talent of my friend Sanford Farrier and to thank him for the stunning cover design.
And finally, a grateful nod to fellow author Susanne Dunlap for the inside design and formatting and for introducing me to the savvy founder of Bellastoria Press, Linda Cardillo, who has been a delight to work with.