RICHARD L. VELKLEY is the Celia Scott Weatherhead Professor of Philosophy at Tulane University and author of Freedom and the End of Reason: On the Moral Foundation of Kant’s Critical Philosophy and Being after Rousseau: Philosophy and Culture in Question, both published by the University of Chicago Press.

The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637

The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London

© 2011 by The University of Chicago

All rights reserved. Published 2011.

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ISBN-13: 978-0-226-85254-6 (cloth)

ISBN-10: 0-226-85254-7 (cloth)

ISBN-13: 978-0-226-85255-3 (e-book)

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Velkley, Richard L.

Heidegger, Strauss, and the premises of philosophy on original forgetting / Richard Velkley.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN-13: 978-0-226-85254-6 (cloth: alk. paper)

ISBN-10: 0-226-85254-7 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Strauss, Leo. 2. Heidegger, Martin, 1889–1976. 3. Philosophy, Modern—20th century. 4. Political science—Philosophy—History—20th century. 5. Ontology—History—20th century. I. Title.

B945.S84V45 2011



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