Whispers, whispers.
People are whispering
because Jews are disappearing,
not just from Berlin and Frankfurt
and places far away,
but from Hamburg,
even our own neighborhood.
Especially Ostjuden—
eastern Jews,
those who were born
in countries to the east.
Father and Mother
were born in Poland.
Poland is to the east.
My parents are Ostjuden.
When will they disappear?
Hannelore and I,
and our other friends,
whisper during recess
in the backyard of our school.
Talk is dangerous, we are told.
Silence is safer.
But to me—
talk is comforting.
Silence is scary.
Things are upside down
when we have to whisper outside.
Quiet, quiet.
If we are quiet,
if we speak only in whispers,
maybe the Nazis
will not remember we are here.