
Chapter 11


"Up," Oisin urged, nudging my hips with his own. I lifted my hips and Con pulled my sweatpants off, his motions gentle, but swift. I lay exposed between the two fully clothed men, Oisin's clever fingers playing across my breasts like an instrument as he muttered filthy things in my ear, sending tingles of magic dancing along my body. Con slid his hands up my thighs, and some stupid, confused part of my brain had me tensing and sucking in a fearful breath.

The warm hands on my thighs paused and Con dropped a kiss on my knee, tilting his head to look up at me from his place on the floor. He was so caring and observant. Of course he noticed. I swallowed, fighting down the fear. I wanted this, damn it. The old trauma had nearly disappeared when I was with Oisin. But apparently being pinned between the two of them was too much. I felt phantom hands holding me down with a rough, bruising grip that was nothing like Con's gentle caresses or Oisin's teasing touch.

"Shh..." Oisin breathed in my ear. "You're safe with us, my lovely beast."

I let out a breath and nodded. I knew that. Of course I did.

Con was looking up at us with concern and confusion in his eyes. "Did something wrong? I can go...." He started to stand, and I reached out and stopped him, sitting up to put a hand on his shoulder. Without Oisin pressed to my back, a chill danced over my skin.

"No." I almost sounded panicked. Gods how stupid. He should run away from all this drama.

Oisin slid over to sit beside me, shucking his clothes and dropping them on the floor, as if we weren't about to have a serious problem. I raised an eyebrow at him, and he winked. Fae.

Con, being human and therefore possessing some sense of shame, remained fully clothed. Oisin reached out and snagged the hem of Con's shirt and lifted it, making the poor man startle. He lifted his arms and pulled off his t-shirt, but his face was red, and he was looking increasingly panicked.

Oisin laughed. "Don't worry, darling, I know you don't have any interest in me." He nudged the human's leg with one long, graceful foot. "I've teased you enough to know. But Gesa shouldn't be the only one who is naked."

Con let out a shaky laugh and I rolled my eyes. Once again, I couldn't tell if Oisin was an asshole or a ninja at caring about people without seeming to care about people.

For the God's sake, I could just tell Con what the problem was, like I had with Oisin the first time. Con wouldn't judge me. I think. "Con, it's nothing you did. It's just that I—"

Oisin nudged me with his shoulder. "Gesa has an issue with control." He gave Con a lurid leer. "Let her boss us around this time. She loves that."

I growled.

Emerald green eyes met mine and Oisin gave a slight nod toward Con. I sighed. "He's right. I am a gryphon, after all."

Con's eyes widened. "That's...I long as you aren't going to ask me to do anything that might hurt someone."

Gods, I loved this man. He was just too sweet to endure me...or Oisin.

"Take off your pants," I whispered, stroking a hand through his thick, tangled curls.

Oisin chuckled. Con stood and did as he was told. I shared a sideways glance with Oisin at what was standing in front of us. Con was fucking gorgeous.

I trailed my fingers over the definition that was starting around his abs and the Adonis V at his hips. Leaning forward, I planted a kiss there, making him shiver and clench his fists.

"Someone has been working out," Oisin commented, tilting his head to watch me as I drank in my human.

Con averted his eyes and rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. "I... well, I'm just a human." He looked back at me then, reaching out to card his fingers through my hair. "And you're so beautiful and strong."

No one in the history of the earth had ever called me beautiful in that hushed, awed sort of way. That was reserved for soft girls, ones who wore lipstick and pink.

I slid my hands around Con's trim hips and pulled him forward a step, bringing that hard, purple-tinted cock to my lips. He sucked in a breath, then groaned when I took him into my mouth. I pulled him even closer, until he bumped the back of my throat, humming a half-growl in approval. His hands fisted in my hair and I could tell he was trying to be careful, gentle. But I wanted to see him lose that control.

I pulled back, then quickly swallowed him down again, letting my throat rumble. Con swore softly and his legs trembled.

Oisin chuckled from somewhere to my left. "That growling thing she does is amazing, isn't it?"

I pulled back to find him reclined on the couch, stroking himself as he watched, green eyes glittering. "Why are you still talking?" I demanded.

My fae stood and paced toward us, sliding an arm around Con's waist so they stood side by side. "Awaiting orders, Gesa."

Oh. Right. I was supposed to be bossy. I don't know why Oisin wouldn't just let me tell Con the truth, but whatever. There were a pair of damned fine cocks needing attention.

I leaned forward and licked a line up the underside of Oisin's long, slender shaft, then went back to Con, alternating between them until Oisin finally shut up, his soft voice turning to rough one-syllable nonsense I was pretty sure was elvish. They were both so damned hot like that. Oisin's pale, slender form next to Con's larger, golden-brown body. Too bad Con only seemed interested in women. I'd definitely like to watch them together.

The thought had me clenching my thighs together. I sat back.

"Someone needs to fuck me," I panted, licking my lips.

Oisin gifted me with a wicked smile. Con closed his eyes and tilted his head back like he was praying, the long column of his neck working as he swallowed hard. Was I supposed to choose?

Oisin took pity on me, smirking as he knelt to kiss me, leaving me panting. "Lay back, gryphon, it's our turn now."

I reclined back on the couch, Oisin following me. He kissed and nibbled, torturing me, while Con sank to his knees and slid his hands up my thighs again. When he dipped his head between my legs, I arched my back, a startled moan falling from my lips. No wonder Con was so quiet all the time. He was saving that tongue for something better than talking.


Oisin sucked my nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the tip in nearly an identical rhythm to Con's tongue over my clit.

The two of them had me coming in record time, leaving me shaky and breathless and even more in need of a good fuck than ever. I opened my mouth to demand it, but Oisin kissed me again, sharp and hard. "Roll over," he breathed against my lips, that dangerous smirk back in place.

I flipped to my knees, holding onto the back of the couch. Oisin grasped the back of the sectional and somersaulted over it to land on his feet on the other side in a smooth blur of pale skin and silky red hair.

"Showoff," Con muttered behind me.

Oisin bowed, then came over to position me as he wanted, draped over the back of the couch where I could reach his cock. He winked at Con over my shoulder and held out a foil packet. "I believe the lady would like you to fuck her into the couch."

"Protection, right," Con breathed, as he took the condom and tore into it. It sounded as if talking was a massive effort for him right now.

"We can't pass you any diseases," Oisin said, a bit of a gasp in his words as I squeezed him a bit harder. "But there's a slim chance of children."

Big, warm hands grasped my hips and I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding as Con slid inside me to the hilt. "Tell me what you want, beautiful," he breathed, dropping a kiss between my shoulder blades.

I leaned back into him. "You. Moving. Now."

Oisin laughed and slid his hands into my hair to keep me from moving away. I obligingly swallowed him down as Con did as he was told and slammed into me from behind.