The Peoples

The KINDAR the people of Green-sky, gentle and passive and directed in all things by—

The OL-ZHAAN revered and worshipped as holy beings, gifted with great wisdom and Spirit-force, but in reality only human and ignorant of the existence of—

The GEETS-KEL a secret and select inner society of Ol-zhaan, who for generations had kept the secret of the true nature of—

The PASH-SHAN monstrous creatures who lived imprisoned below the barrier Root, but who were, in reality, only—

The ERDLINGS descendants of banished Kindar.

The People


Teera Eld—the Erdling child escaped to Green-sky and

Pomma D’ok—the Kindar child, younger sister of Raamo.


Raamo D’ok—the Spirit-gifted young novice Ol-zhaan.

Genaa D’anhk—Raamo’s brilliant and beautiful fellow novice.

Neric D’akt—rebellious young Ol-zhaan whose suspicions led to the search for the truth about the Pash-shan.

D’ol Falla—the ancient and honored Ol-zhaan whose searching Spirit led her to join the young rebels.

Hiro D’anhk—Genaa’s father, honored Kindar scholar and leader, newly rescued from banishment.

Kanna Eld and Herd Eld—Teera’s parents, sent to Orbora as Erdling ambassadors.


D’ol Regle—novice-master of the Ol-zhaan, who abducted the children in order to force the Rejoyners to give up their plans for bringing Kindar and Erdlings together.

D’ol Salaat—novice Ol-zhaan and ardent follower of D’ol Regle.

D’ol Wassou—Ol-zhaan and Geets-kel, but among the first to embrace the cause of the Rejoyners.

D’ol Birta—another Geets-kel who became dedicated to the Rejoyning.

Hearba D’ok and Valdo D’ok—the parents of Raamo and Pomma.

Axon Befal—leader of the Nekom, an Erdling society dedicated to vengeance.