
We just received a letter from an adult woman telling us how helpful these books were to her as a child. They put her on the pathway to developing feelings of self-esteem and selfworth. Of course, that was exactly where I was coming from when I created the Lulu coloring books many years ago. The Lulu in the stories was the little girl I wanted to be as a child: long blonde hair, self-assured, confident, helpful to others, and willing to learn.

Dan Olmos, artist J. J. Smith-Moore, and musician Randall Leonard helped me create the original Lulu series—Lulu and the Ant, Lulu and Willy the Duck, and Lulu and the Dark—to empower children. I even narrated these stories on a 12-minute audiocassette when the coloring books were first published (which can be downloaded on my Website:

Now, Hay House is reissuing these three charming little stories as one wonderful, illustrated children’s book for you and your family to enjoy. Read these stories together anytime (they’re very good when read before bedtime). I hope the messages of trust, self-confidence, and love will inspire not only your children, but you as well.

We are all children of the Universe at any age, so enjoy!

I love you,
