
I have benefited from comments on this book’s manuscript from many readers, both inside the government and outside the government, both economists and noneconomists. Those readers include an economist currently inside the Federal Reserve System, two economists formerly inside the Federal Reserve System, a congressional committee staff economist, a Wall Street professional, a currency trader, two attorneys, one physician, one magazine columnist, a few students, many economics professors, and my wife. Since the list is long, I mention below only a few of those to whom I am indebted for valuable comments. They include Apostolos Serletis, Gerald Whitney, Charles Mandell, Richard Anderson, Kurt Schuler, Bruce Rayton, Melinda Barnett, Joshua Hendrickson, Isaac Kanyama, Ryadh Alkhareif, Jing Fu, Kablan Alkahtani, Lili Chen, Febrio Kacaribu, Ibrahima Diallo, Neepa Babulal, Lee Smith, Salah Alsayaary, Mingming Zheng, and Josephine Lugovsky.