Karen Maezen Miller is a mother, wife, writer, and Zen Buddhist priest. After a twenty-year career in public relations, she backed unsuspectingly into midlife motherhood, which she soon realized presented her with nonstop, real-life spiritual practice. Miller began her Zen study with Taizan Maezumi Roshi, one of the first Japanese masters to bring Zen to the West. Following Maezumi Roshi’s death in 1995, the author continued training under his successor, Nyogen Yeo Roshi, the abbot of Hazy Moon Zen Center of Los Angeles, where she is now a dharma holder and meditation instructor. She and her family live in Sierra Madre, California, amid a ninety-year-old Japanese garden.
Photo by Janet Thomas
For more information or to contact the author,
visit www.mommazen.com.
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