Adhene demon <Ad-heen> - Mischievous elf-like demon.
Akalia Vine <Ah-kal-ya> - Purple black flowers, orange berries. Draws in victims & drains their blood slowly. Red leaves. Sharp, needle-like suckers under leaves.
Barta demons <Bart?> - Locked behind the 55th seal. Animal of Hell. Now part of Lucifer’s guard.
Calamut Trees <Cal-ah-mut> - Live in the Forest of Prurience.
Canagh demon <Kan-agh> - Male Incubus, Female Succubus. Power thrives on sex but feed on souls on a less regular basis than the other demons. Their kiss enslaves another.
Carrou Vines <Kar-oo>- Thick black vines. 6-inch-long thorns. Grow around Canagh demon nests.
Craetons <Cray-tons> - Lucifer’s followers.
Erinyes (furies) <Ih-rin-ee-eez> - demons of vengeance and justice. 78th Seal.
Fires of Creation - Where the varcolac is born.
Forest of Prurience <Proo r-ee-uh nce> - Where the tree nymphs reside. Was also the original home of the canaghs and wood nymphs.
The Gates - Varcolac demon has always been the ruler of the guardians of the gates that were used to travel to earth before Lucifer entered Hell.
Gargoyle - Claws contain a paralyzing agent they use on their prey. When victim is paralyzed, they peel away their skin one strip at a time and eat it.
Ghosts - Souls can balk against entering Heaven, they have no choice when it comes to Hell.
Gobalinus (goblins) <Gab-ah-leen-us> - Lower level demons, feed on flesh as well as souls. 79th seal.
Hellhounds - The first pair of Hellhounds also born of the Fires of Creation, with the first varcolac who rose. They share a kindred spirit and are controlled by the varcolac.
Lanavour demon <Lan-oh-vor> -The 3rd seal. Can speak telepathically and know people’s inner most secrets and fears.
Madagan <Mad-a-ghan>- A beast from Hell. Resembles a boar with a giant tusk in the center of forehead. Mottled red and black skin, plumes of smoke from a blowhole in top of head. Extended, round skulls, cloven hooves.
Ogre - 33rd seal.
Palitons <Pal-ah-tons> - Kobal’s followers.
Púca <Poo-ka> - 100th seal. Shape changers which can take on the appearance of black horses, goats and rabbits. They may also take a human form.
Revenirs <Rev-eh-ners> - Mummy-like skeletons. Debilitating cry. Suck life from victims with “kiss”.
Skelleins <Skel-eens> - Guardians of the Gates.
Tree Nymphs - Live in the Forest of Prurience. Men and women. Striking and very free sexually. Smaller than wood nymphs and live in the trees.
The Wall - Blocks off all of Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. Blocks parts of Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, and Arkansas. Similar wall blocks off parts of Europe.
Wood Nymphs - Resided in the forest before they were locked behind the 77th seal for drinking the blood of demons while they were having sex with them. May be the source of vampirism in human mythology.
Wraith - A twisted and malevolent spirit that the demons feed from. On earth they only come out at night.
Varcolac demon <Var-ko-lack>- Born from the fires of Hell. Only one can exist at a time. When that one dies another rises from the Fires of Creation. Fastest and most brutal of all the demons. They are the only kind that can create and open natural gateways within Hell as well as close them. They control the hellhounds.
Achó <Ach-oh> - Attack.
Ainka <Ayn-ka> - Easy.
Harga <Har-gah> - Here.
Mah Kush-la ˈMɑ: <kush-la> - My Heart.
Mjéod <Myod> - Mead or a demon drink.
Partka <Part-kah> - Stay.
Humans took some of them and turned them into what became known as the Elder Futhark, also known as runes.
Eiaz <E-az> - (Tilted Z) - Speed, heightened senses, and protection.
Risaz <Ree-saz> - (Straight line with a triangle attached to the middle) - Force of destruction.
Sowa <Sow-ah> - (Backwards E with sword piercing the center) - Blade of fire.
Zenak <Zen-ach> - (Three wavy lines) - Eternal fire and life.
Ziwa <Zee-wah> - (Two V’s with a line connecting the top, like fangs) - Guardian of the hellhounds. Mark is considered gift of strength, endurance, and virility. Considered a blessing and a curse as well as marks bearer as having a piece of the hellhound’s soul within them.