WRITING THREE BOOKS IN THE SPAN OF FOUR YEARS IS NO EASY task—especially when the subject matter is as dark as radical Islam and terrorism. Fortunately for me, I have been surrounded by an amazing group of people who have supported and loved me through all the ups and downs of putting together this “epic trilogy” on jihad, culminating in ISIS Exposed.
My beautiful wife, Lori, has once again been a rock, selflessly sacrificing and never complaining even though I was on a tight deadline with this book and life often intruded. Baby, your love, loyalty, and support through all the ups and downs of books—and life—are an endless blessing to me. There’s no one else I would rather have by my side on this crazy journey. Thank you.
Every time I would wrap up another session writing about the horrors of ISIS, I would emerge from my office, a bit down, and have my lovely daughters Juliana and Leah eagerly waiting to pick me up and remind me that beauty, pure goodness, innocence, joy, and unconditional love still exist in this upside down world. Girls, you are the light of my life and my pride and joy. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding with Daddy’s book writing. I thank God every day for both of you.
My researcher, Matthew Nieminski, was the perfect choice to work on this book. Matt’s superior knowledge of the subject matter, combined with his relentless research and attention to detail, was simply invaluable and I am truly indebted. Every challenging research task Matt was given, he tackled enthusiastically, quickly, and without complaint, all while juggling other pressing commitments. His future is bright.
It is always a pleasure and an honor working with the team at Regnery Publishing. Marji Ross, Harry Crocker, and the team are approachable, patient, creative, and encouraging—for a writer, it doesn’t get any better. I am extremely grateful. Special thanks go to my superb editor on this project, Elizabeth Kantor, who was always available for advice and insights and whose hard work, tweaks, and improvements on the book were irreplaceable. Thanks also go to Maria Ruhl for her contributions.
Eternal thanks go, as always, to my Mom, Agnes, my brother, Fred, and my sister, Judy, for their prayers, encouragement, support, and love during the writing of this book and throughout my life. Dad is very happy as he looks down on us.
A big thank you to CBN News’ news director, Rob Allman, and Washington, D.C., bureau chief, Robin Mazyck, for their longtime friendship, guidance, and support, and the creative freedom they have given me on this and every other project I have pursued.
Thank you to Dr. Pat Robertson, Gordon Robertson, and Michael Little for the opportunity to work at an organization like CBN News that exposes radical Islam without apology. Thanks also to the CBN Partners for their love, prayers, and support of our vital work.
Thanks to the entire CBN News team in Washington, D.C., Virginia Beach, and Jerusalem: I am honored to work with such an incredible group of dedicated journalists who are also dear friends and prayer warriors.
Thanks also to Ian Rushing of Toy Box Productions, my frequent partner in crime in exposing the bad guys around the world.
Many thanks to Ryan Mauro, Wim Kortenoeven, Soeren Kern, Brian Fairchild, Bob Fletcher, and many others who can’t be named for the invaluable insights they shared for this book.
Thanks to my good friend, Willem Griffioen and his lovely wife Kathy for their friendship, fellowship, and for always lending a helping hand.
Thanks to the entire team at the Israel Allies Foundation for their tireless work in support of Israel and for giving me an opportunity to sound the alarm about terror organizations such as ISIS that wish to wipe the Jewish people off the map.
Thanks also to Fox News and Christians United for Israel (CUFI) for giving me a regular opportunity to talk about these pressing issues for a wide audience.
Thanks to Carrie and Zeke and also to Stephanie Reis—you are dear friends, and I appreciate your prayers and wise counsel. Thanks also to Carrie for her insights into Israel’s security situation.
To all the voices for freedom in the Middle East, especially the region’s persecuted Christians: thank you for your boldness, courage, and resilience. You are an inspiration.
To all of my friends in Fox Chase: I was forged in the iron of Philadelphia, and no matter where I go, I never forget. Thank you as always.
To the reader: if you are a bit down after taking in the very heavy subject matter in this book, don’t be. Here’s the good news: as the world feels like it is going to hell and evil is on the march, God still sits on the Throne.
Check out this passage from Psalm 37, which I kept reminding myself of while writing this book:
“The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them; but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for He knows their day is coming. The wicked draw the sword and bend the bow to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those whose ways are righteous. But their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.”
One day, hopefully soon, ISIS will be defeated. And goodness will prevail. You can take it to the bank.
God keeps His promises and is always faithful. Thank you, Lord. For everything.
Erick Stakelbeck
Washington, D.C.
January 16, 2015
Psalm 91
Isaiah 54:17