When Aiden puts the mathematically sliced pizza on the table with a frown, I know something’s on his mind. More than was keeping him preoccupied before.
I’m feeling good about the words I’ve put on the page so far, so I hope he’s not going to mess with my muse. I’ve lost a lot of time so I’m not out of the woods yet, but I’ve got the bones of a good story. The hero isn’t Aiden in any shape or form, but he’s still an alpha good guy and I genuinely like him. I made him a cop (with a trust fund since everyone is expecting more billionaires) who rescues a feisty damsel in distress (car trouble) and arrests her so he can keep her in town long enough to make his case.
The fact that I’m rooting for him makes writing so much easier. I want him to be happy so I’ll cheerfully put in the work until he gets his girl who is super smart, extra hot, and perfect for him in every way (of course)!
I sit down and grab a slice of pizza. I’m a little surprised that Aiden didn’t even add vegetables to the toppings. Has he given up worrying about both our sets of arteries? I doubt it. Guess I’ll enjoy the cheese while it lasts. He’ll probably come to his senses and make something uber healthy for dinner, lentils, or something equally blech.
“After lunch, I’m going to go for a run. Then you and I should talk.” His face isn’t giving anything away and his tone is dead even.
I watch him while I reel in a dangling string of cheese as gracefully as possible. I’m so not that girl and it never bothered me before today. “Care to give me a hint?” I ask casually once my mouth isn’t full.
He only quirks an eyebrow at me. “Elephants,” he says dryly, and I burst out laughing.
“Okay.” I shrug. There’s not much point in avoiding it. I mean we could go fuck and talk about it after or we can talk and then go fuck. I’m proud of my positive thinking there, no ‘or’ just ‘and’. In any event, dancing around it the last couple of days hasn’t made it go away, so maybe I can have a call with Ing after all if he’s going to be out of the house. I could really use her input before things progress much further. I’m in uncharted territory here. Neither of us thought our fantasies would ever even shake hands with reality.
“How far are you running?”
I see his lips quirk and realize how my question could be interpreted, but he stays away from the danger zone, “Down the mountain and back.”
“You’re going to run up the mountain?” The same grade that made poor Kevin’s engine practically choke, which reminds me that my car is still sitting down at the shopping center.
Aiden grins, “Don’t clock me please but yes, that’s the plan.”
I want to tell him not to overdo it, to take his phone with him, but I don’t think fussing is going to help right now. “You could run down and then drive my car back up?” I ask hopefully. I’m not really looking forward to going back for it, but I’ll need to retrieve Kevin relatively soon before someone steals him if they haven’t already.
“You’re right, that’s a good idea. I don’t really want you down there again. Give me your keys and I’ll bring it back.”
“Thanks,” I sag with relief, even though I should put on my big girl panties and deal with a problem I created for myself. “His name is Kevin, and he doesn’t like the steep grade very much, so go easy on him, okay?”
“You named your car, Kevin?” His voice is filled with disbelief.
“Yes. It suits him. He’s very steady and reliable. Most Kevins are, in my experience.”
Aiden’s eyes are narrowing, he looks a little pissed off although why I have no idea. Old Hondas aren’t usually the stuff to incite grand passions.
“So why did you pick that tattoo?” I ask as casually as I can manage, then stuff my mouth again. I’m partly trying to changing the subject, but also I really want to know. I always have ever since the first time I saw it.
Aiden chokes, then mutters ‘fuck,’ before answering, “It was all a mistake of youthful foolishness. Which should be a lesson to you, young Rose.”
I roll my eyes, “I’m listening, oh wise old one. What’s the scoop?”
“Nothing to be proud of. It was supposed to be a snarling tiger.”
I snort-laugh, “Seriously?”
“I was nineteen, Rose. Drunk and stupid.” His tone is self-deprecating, but his eyes are smiling as he slides one more slice of pizza onto his plate.
“Okay, so you went in and asked for a tiger, then what happened?”
“We were in Thailand. The guy claimed not to speak English, but in retrospect, I think he was just messing with us. So I found a website with a picture of what I wanted and pointed to it. The guy nodded, and the tiger is not what I got.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal.
“Wow. Well, if it helps, what you have probably is better than a tiger.”
“Water under the bridge, either way.”
We finish eating companionably in relative silence. I guess both of us have a lot on our minds. I wonder if any of the elephants will have heart-shaped polka dots. Yeah, probably not.

* * *
Aiden takes my car keys when I hand them to him and heads out the door, dressed in high-end running gear. It’s not super tight, but he looks ready to attack one of those survival long-distance races and it makes me go weak in the knees. I wait until I know he’s well out of hearing distance, and then I grab my phone and frantically call Ing. She picks up instantly.
“Rosey? I’ve been worried about you. What’s going on?”
“Um, it’s good, I think. The Commander and I are holed up in my dad’s cabin.”
“What!?” She screeches. “Together? Oh, my God. Did you sleep with him? Did he take your v-card finally? I’m going to faint with excitement.”
“Wait on that,” I laugh. “No, I slept with him, but it was only sleep. I didn’t have sex with him. Yet.”
“Yet? What does that mean?” She’s practically screaming with excitement.
“It means there are all kinds of sexual tension flying and he wants to talk when he gets back from his run. Which is why I’m calling you now. Well, and I really wanted to check-in and make sure you are okay.”
“Hmmm, Don’t change the subject, missy. Do you want to sleep with him? Fuck him? Whatever?”
“Yeah, I really do,” I answer softly.
“Well, just be careful then. It’s not like he’s a stranger at a bar, right?” I shudder. I don’t want to get into that with Ing. She’ll worry, and there’s nothing she can do, anyway.
“I think I’m falling in love with him for real, Ing.”
“Oh, sweetie. That’s going to hurt. Big time.”
“I know.” God, we’re both such dramatic pessimists. I don’t know why I can’t picture happily ever after with Aiden, but just a short, amazing fling. Maybe because my heart is afraid to hope. Maybe because I lost my mom so young. I’m sure a shrink would be happy to inform me of many more possibilities, but it comes down to I think it’s worth it, anyway. For Aiden to be my first, probably my only for a long time to come, anyway. At least I’ll know what it’s like to have him focus on me as a woman, and I’ll have memories to look back on instead of my rather fertile imagination. This is one of the rare times when I’m confident that reality is going to be so much better.
“So tell me about you. Where are you right now?”
“I’m in Arkansas. I’m out in the diamond field right now. Can you believe it?”
“Oh, my God. Did you find any yet?”
“Just a couple of tiny specks yesterday. Tomorrow is my last day here, and then I’m planning to drive straight through to North Carolina. Or at least this is my last major stop. I’m not stupid enough to drive through the night.”
“You’ll find a big one I just know it,” I tell her, thinking positive thoughts in her direction. She’s been talking about going to the Crater of Diamonds State Park ever since she saw it on TV a couple of years ago. We’d planned to go together, but well, Darla happened. Darla has a lot to answer for, both in the good and bad columns of my life.
“Anything from Justin?” I ask quietly, as if I’m afraid of conjuring him up in front of her.
“Nooo. Not exactly. I saw a strange man at a rest stop the day before I got here, and then again yesterday after I got to the park. Could be just a coincidence, of course. Or it might be one of his PIs.”
“Or a freakin’ serial killer! Be careful, Ing. Don’t be out alone and make sure you barricade your hotel room.”
“I’m being careful. And I’ve got mace on me. If I see him after I leave here, I’ll do something. I don’t know what though.” She adds doubtfully.
“Did you check your car for trackers? That’s how they always follow people on TV.”
She laughs, “Um, what would I be looking for, exactly?”
“I’m not sure but maybe look around for something small that doesn’t look like it should be there? Or better yet, switch cars. Ditch yours there and hire a rental. I’ll pay for it.” I’m actually working myself up into being seriously worried for her.
“That’s not a horrible idea, Rose. I’ll look into it. I hate to abandon Bob like that, but at least it’s warm here. He wouldn’t die of rust shame like he would up north.”
I snicker, “If it helps, I don’t think I’ll be keeping Kevin around past this summer either. Remember what we agreed? Time to move on.”
“Ha! Looks like you’re moving straight into his bed, babe. You owe me all the details, by the way.”
“Highlights. I will commit to highlights only.” I mock sternly.
“Guess it is serious then, isn’t it?” Her soft answer makes me think and yearn. I want him back here now so we can talk about those damn elephants.
“Yeah. Call me if you need me to transfer a deposit or whatever for the car. You know I’m good for it.”
“I think I can manage this part, but I’ll let you know what happens. Cheers, Rose.”
And we hang up.