Two years later
They say that the key to a solid relationship is communication, right? I’m not sure ‘they’ were talking about the kind of conversation I’m about to have with Aiden, but maybe they were. I’m a bit nervous as to how this is going to turn out, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. The sheer volume of cliches spewing from my mouth right now should give some indication of my anticipation.
Aiden’s working from home today. It’s Tuesday, which is his paperwork day. He has a love-hate relationship with the second day of the week because of it. I think he likes being home with me more than he’s willing to admit, but he’s never been good with the after details of closing files and final reports. I already checked his calendar, and he doesn’t have any meetings. And if I don’t do this today, there’s a good chance he’ll make me wait nine months before I get another opportunity.
He’s taken over the small home office at the back of the house. It’s dark and cold, but he says it suits his mood when he has to do work at home. Unlike my office, which is the smaller of the two guestrooms upstairs with sunlight pouring in and plenty of houseplants to liven up the rainy days. Enough digressing. I’m knocking on the door now.
“Rosey? Would you stop knocking on the doors in your own house?” He sounds amused. That’s a positive start.
I stick my head in, “I’m just making sure you’re not on the phone and give you a chance to hide your porn stash.”
He rolls his eyes, “Someday you’ll have to show me where you keep it.” There is no porn stash, unless you count my manuscripts, which are in the closet in my office. I walk over to stand next to his desk. “Seriously, Aiden, are you in the middle of anything?”
“No, actually I’m done. I was just about to come find you, see if you want to go out for dinner later.”
“Hmmm, not a bad idea. But first I have some research I need help with.” I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively.
His eyes widen and he pulls me between his legs and leans in for a quick kiss, “I thought you didn’t worry about accuracy in that department?”
“I don’t,” I confirm with a giggle. “It’s all about mood, not physics.”
“Then what can I help you with?”
“I want you to spank me.”
He coughs violently, his hands gripping my hips tighten in response. “Come again?”
I knew this was going to be a hard sell. “I’ve been reading some new authors and then I was talking to Linda last week…”
“Stop right there, I do not want to know that my big sister thinks I should spank you.”
“Relax, we didn’t talk about you. She just wanted a little more variety in the next book and she’s not wrong.”
“And? You jump from there to reddening your ass?” Aiden’s looking at me like I’ve lost my marbles and am trying to find them in the dark with my tongue.
I sit down on his thigh. This is going to take a while. “No. As I said I’ve been doing some reading, and quite a few authors who don’t do the whole domination bondage thing do venture into a little light spanking. There’s something about nerve endings and well where my clit would end up on your thigh…” He looks ready to say something so I hurry on with my leading argument, “Anyway, I don’t want to open up that territory without making sure I’m okay with it. I’m a little on the fence. Is it only fun for someone that likes to be dominated or is there something more universal there?”
“I won’t hurt you, Rosebud.”
God, he’s such a sweetheart behind the stern facade. I kiss him deeply to show my appreciation. “And you won’t. I swear if it’s not something we both enjoy, I’ll never bring it up again. And I’m not asking you to go all out. No more than ten spanks, that should be enough of a test.”
“Ten! I was thinking more like two.” He’s grumbling now, which means I’ve got him mostly there.
I take one of his hands in mine and drag it under the skirt of my sundress. “See? I already dressed for the occasion.” By which I mean I’m not wearing any panties. His big hand starts to do a little exploring, sliding between my ass cheeks.
“Okay, just this once, but you tell me to stop and I’m done. How do you want this?”
I walk him through it one more time, bending myself over his thigh and lifting my skirt. I can feel his gaze on me. My pussy is already wet in anticipation.
What follows is anticlimactic at best. I can barely feel his hand on my butt. And I would definitely classify it as a caress, not a spank.
I sigh and put my hands on his thigh to push myself back up. “Okay, that’s not quite what I had in mind.”
“Hurting you is never going to be fun, Rose.”
“It’s just the good kind of hurt, babe. Like when I bite your earlobe. Like this.” I demonstrate and instantly feel his cock respond against my leg. He really likes when I do that. “I have an idea. If this doesn’t put you in the mood, then I’ll go change and we can go to dinner and forget all about it. Deal?”
He eyes me warily, “What’s the idea?”
“So little trust.” I tease him with a smile. Looping my arms around his neck, I lean in and whisper in his ear, “So I have this idea for a new book. Yesterday I went into town (I stayed home all day yesterday and he knows it) and there was a bunch of hot young Marines (he hates the Marines) doing this toy drive (it’s also way too early for Christmas toy drives) and it got me thinking. Do you think they can finger fuck a girl with those gloves on? It made me all kinds of wet just thinking about it. And they were so well coordinated. Be a shame to only have one in the story, they seemed to do everything better as a team. While one had his cock up her pussy, the other could be fucking her mouth. Or would between her tits be steamier? So maybe two Marines? Or do you think three would be better?”
I’m shrieking and laughing as he flips me over his knee and raises my skirt. The crack of his palm against my ass sounds worse than the sting that follows. It’s followed in quick succession by three more. My laughter fades to moans as my clit bounces hard against his muscled thigh. Two more and I’m gushing with need. It truly doesn’t hurt, not the way Aiden is doing it, anyway. I wiggle, trying to get better friction so I can cum before he calms down, but he clamps his other leg against mine, holding me in place. He swats my rear twice more, lighter and higher up. Then he stops. I wait, my head and arms dangling, “Aiden? Everything okay up there?”
“I’m trying to decide your real punishment for teasing me like that. I’m leaning towards not letting you cum until after we get back from dinner.”
I moan, clenching my thighs, hoping it might be enough to finish what he started. It’s not, and he pulls me upright before I can try anything else. “Seriously, Rosey, did they have to be Marines? You couldn’t have gone with the Army?”
“I go with what works, Commander McBride.” I glance at the clock, “I’ll change so we can go eat.”
He holds me tight on his lap, “No. You’re going just as you are.”
“But, Aiden! I’m really wet. I need panties.” I grimace.
“Perhaps one of your Marines can lend you something. Just as you are, Rosebud. Maybe wet thighs will teach you to behave in the future. I suggest you keep your legs together.” He’s grinning at my pout.
I kiss him thoroughly, “Thank you for going there for me, despite the fact that I’m now wet and throbbing with need.”
“You do suffer for your art, Rose. I hope your readers appreciate it.”
We go to dinner and he is careful to walk close behind me as we move to and from the table. I can barely concentrate on what I’m eating, though. Partly because I’m still wound up with no orgasm in sight, but also because Aiden is beautiful when he gets all possessive and bossy. His eyes blaze and his lips get this hard edge that feels glorious when he kisses me. He reins it in 99.9% of the time, so the rare glimpses I catch where his control slips are worth the wait.
We don’t make it upstairs when we get home. No sooner are we clear of the front door then he’s lifting me up and pinning me against the wall in the entryway. He frees his cock and pulls me down onto it, sliding balls deep in that single motion. His mouth grinds against mine as his hips piston, pushing his cock deeper into me than I would have thought possible. A few more thrusts and we’re both cumming hard. His seed is leaking down my thighs when he finally turns and carries me upstairs, his cock still pulsing within me.
His cock slides free when he sets me down on my feet by the bed. He pulls my skirt back up and rubs his hand gently over my pussy through our mingled cum. “Mine, Rose. This pussy, you, never going to let you go.”
“You won’t get the chance, I’d have to let go first.” I can be just as fierce when I’m protecting what I love.
He helps me off with my dress, and while normally I would shower, there’s something special about tonight. I think we both need to feel each other on our skin. I pull him down on top of me and this time we make love slowly and completely. Dotting the i’s and crossing all the t’s. I bite his earlobe gently, then suck it hard. He spends five minutes kissing the inner curve of my hip. The release that rolls in on waves is no less intense for having built up more slowly.
I’m splayed out on Aiden’s chest, his hands cupping my ass when I finally manage to ask, “So… yes or no to spanking in the future?”
He’s quiet for a long minute, “A conditional maybe. First condition, you take all your punishment like a good girl.”
God, I think I just came again. Aiden’s idea of punishment is really not the kind that makes me sorry. And when he says ‘good girl’ like that? I want to suck him dry right then and there.
“Next, it’s not a routine thing. Stop pouting, Mrs. McBride.”
“How do you know I’m pouting?” I am so pouting.
“I can feel it. And finally, we’re not doing that again while you’re pregnant.”

Rose stills on top of me, “You know?”
“I’m guessing,” I admit. “Were you going to tell me soon?”
“I don’t actually know for sure. I bought a test this afternoon but our um, evening went a little longer than anticipated. Not that I’m complaining.”
“So your research was satisfactory?”
“Very. I’ll be sure to thank you in the dedication.”
I groan. She always puts something corny and embarrassing in there and doesn’t let me see it until the book is published. I usually get a call from Linda that leads with cackling. That’s how I know the book’s gone live.
Rose braces her arms on my chest, resting her chin on her hands, “You haven’t said how you feel about the yet-to-be-confirmed baby…”
“I have mixed feelings,” I admit but regret it when I see anxiety sweep across her eyes before settling into a frown. “Relax, Rose. We’ve already talked about this. I’m still in agreement on having kids. It’s not about wanting it, but I don’t want to see you in pain or even uncomfortable. It’s something I have no control over and very little influence. I don’t much care for that. But I’ll do whatever I can to protect you. You’re going to be ready to kill me long before the third trimester.”
She starts to say something but I stop her with a finger to her lips, “But seeing you get round with our child, to know that it was my cock flooding your pussy with cum that made it happen? That’s plenty of compensation for not being in complete control. As long as you promise not to overdo it, take all your vitamins, and let me pamper you.”
“Aiden, you’re absolutely huggable, you know that?”
“I was going for sensitive alpha male. Maybe I need to be bossier?” I ask as I flip us over and imprison her delicate wrists in my left hand. I use my free hand to tease and tickle her until she’s laughing and crying ‘uncle’. Then I settle between her thighs and kiss her breathless. “Love you, Rosebud.”
“Darla and I both adore you,” she whispers back, which makes me laugh.
Hi there! I hope you enjoyed reading Rose and Aiden’s story? The number one question I get asked by readers is where is Ing and Justin’s? I’m so excited to be able to share that Provoked is finally available! And of course, Rose makes an appearance as her BFF confronts her own confused emotions.