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African colonization and
black abolitionists
black recruitment in Union army and
“necessary-evil” defense of slavery and
of Union army officers
Achilli, Giacinto
Adair, Gov. John
at Battle of New Orleans
education and
Adams, Abigail
Adams, Henry
Adams, John
Adams, John Quincy
African Americans
Catholic Church and
Clay and
colonization advocates
culture created by slaves
education for
evangelical revival and
Lafayette's visit and
opposition to black troops in Union army
percentage of Lexington population
reaction to emancipation
religion and
schools for
Shakers and
violence against, after Civil War
See also free blacks; slaves/slavery; Union army, African Americans in
Alexander, Robert Aitcheson
Alien and Sedition Acts
Allen, Col. John
Allen, Margaret Henderson
A. L. Shotwell (steamboat)
American Colonization Society (ACS)
American degeneracy, theory of
American Medical Association
American Missionary Association (AMA)
American Ornithology (Wilson)
American Party
American Philosophical Society
American Revolution.
See also Revolutionary War
American System
Bluegrass businessmen and
broad appeal of
Clay honored for
emancipation and
Kentuckians' support of
sectional crisis as threat to
vision of national greatness
See also Clay, Henry
American Turf Register
Ammen, Gen. Jacob
Ampudia, Gen. Pedro (Mexican army)
Anderson, Richard Clough
Anderson, Robert
Anderson, Gen. Robert
at Fort Sumter
Lincoln's appointment of
proclamation of
resignation from command
Sherman and
Anti-Relief Party. See Old Court-New Court controversy
Armstrong, John
Aron, Stephen
in Italy
portrait painters
sculpture of Hart
sports and animal paintings
Ashland (estate of Henry Clay)
architecture of
Clay's nicknames and
Clay's retirement in
funeral procession for Clay at
gold medal images of
slaves at
will and testament of Clay and
Audubon, John James
imaginary fish species of
reputation of wildlife paintings
Audubon, John Woodhouse
Audubon, Lucy (daughter of J.J. Audubon)
Audubon, Lucy Bakewell (wife of J.J. Audubon)
Audubon, Rose
Audubon, Victor Gifford
Augusta, Battle of
Authentic Biography of Colonel Richard M. Johnson, The (Emmons)
Ayres, Eli
Bacon, Elizabeth Pendleton
Bacon College
Badin, Stephen Theodore
Bailey, William Shreve
Baird, Nancy D.
Bakewell, Thomas
Bank of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Bank of the United States
Bank of the United States, Second
Bannan, Benjamin
African American
arrival in Kentucky
in Civil War
frontier traveling ministers
Great Revival and
public school system and
slavery issue and split among
Barnwell, Robert
Barrieres, Michael Bernard
Barrow, David
Barry, William
Batemen, Emma
Bates, Issachar
Battery Hooper
Beard, Oliver Hazard Perry
Beashear, Walter
Beauregard, Gen. Pierre G. T.
Beck, George Jacob
Beck, Mary Menessier
Bedini, Archbishop Gaetano
Beecher, Henry Ward
Bell, John
Benham, Harriet
Benjamin, Judah P.
Ben Sherrod (steamboat)
Berea community
Berkley, Rev. Edward F.
Berry, Stephen
Best, John M.
Bibb, Judge George M.
Bibb, Henry
Big Bone Lick
Big Bone Lick (Hedeen)
Biography of Henry Clay, The (Prentice)
birds, Audubon's study and paintings of
Birds of America (Audubon)
Bishop, Robert
Bishop, Stephen
“Bivouac of the Dead, The” (O'Hara)
Black Fish, Chief
Blanchard, Asa
Bledsoe, Jesse
“Bloody Monday” riots (1855)
Bloomer, Amelia
Blue Grass Park
Bluegrass region
Morgan's raid in
slavery in
“Bluegrass System”
Blue Licks, Battle of
Boles, John
Bolivar, Gen. Simon
Boone, Daniel
border states
Bowen, Samuel
Bowling Green, KY
Box, William
Boyd, Annie B.
Boyd, Linn
Boyle, Gen. Jeremiah T.
Bradford, John
Bradford, Col. Joshua
Bradley, Robert
Bragg, Gen. Braxton
Bramlette, Gov. Thomas E.
elections during Civil War and
opposition to black recruitment
Thirteenth Amendment and
Union army interference in elections and
Brandywine, Battle of
Breathitt, Gov. John
Breckinridge, Issa Desha
Breckinridge, Gen. John C.
eulogy for Clay
as presidential nominee
proclamations war and
as stump speaker
as vice president
Breckinridge, Joseph
Breckinridge, Robert, Jr.
Breckinridge, Robert J.
Breckinridge, William C. P.
Brisbin, Col. James S.
Britain (England)
British army in War of 1812
Indian allies of
Napoléon at war with
Broadnax, Judge Henry P.
Brock, Gen. Isaac
Brooke, Robert
Brooks, Capt. John
Brown, Jefferson
Brown, John
Brown, Margaretta
Brown, Orlando
Brown, Samuel
Brown, Thomas J.
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Buchanan, James
Buckner, Aylett
Buckner, James F.
Buckner, Capt. Lindsey Duke
Buckner, Richard A.
Buckner, Gen. Simon Bolivar
as governor
strength of forces
war of proclamations and
Buell, Gen. Don Carlos
Buena Vista, Battle of
as bloodiest battle of Mexican War
commemorations of victory
death of Henry Clay Jr.
Taylor (Zachary) at
buffalo roads
Buffon, George Louis Leclerc de
Bullitt, Joshua F.
Bullitt, Thomas
Burbridge, Gen. Stephen Gano
black recruitment and
General Order No. 59
“hog swindle” of
interference with elections
postwar career of
removal of
See also Union army: counterguerrilla campaign
Burnside, Gen. Ambrose E.
Burton, Allen
Bush, James
Bush, Joseph H.
Bush, Philip, Jr.
Butler, Clement M.
Butler, Gen. William O.
Byron, Lord
Caldwell, Charles
Calhoun, John C.
Campbell, Rev. Alexander
Campbell, Madison
Campbell, Thomas
camp meetings
American invasion of
Britain's Indian allies in
Canadian militia
impossibility of early conquest of
Perry's victory on Lake Erie and
slaves' escape to
See also Thames, Battle of the
commerce with Northern states and
Louisville and Portland Canal
Cane Ridge evangelical revival
Carden, Joy
Carneal, Thomas D.
Carnegie, Andrew
Carolina parakeet
Carroll, Bishop John
Carroll, Gen. William
Cass, Lewis
cholera epidemic and
Centre College
Cerro Gordo, Battle of
Charles, Joseph
Chickamauga, Battle of
Choctaw Academy
cholera epidemic (1833)
Cooke and
medical treatments for
Christian Church
Christianson, Eric H.
in Civil War
as Ohio River transshipment center
Underground Railroad in
City Theatre (Louisville)
Civil War
African American soldiers in battle
Augusta, Battle of
border states in
“Brother's War” in Kentucky
Catholics and
Chickamauga, Battle of
Clay and
Confederate proclamations
costs in Kentucky
Cynthiana, Battle of
elections in Kentucky during
Fort Sumter siege
Grant family and
guerrillas in countryside
honored dead of
lawlessness during
Lebanon Races
loyalty oaths in
medicine and surgery in
military tradition of Kentucky and
Mill Springs, Battle of
neutrality of Kentucky
Perryville, Battle of
proclamations (propaganda) war
provost marshals in
Richmond (KY), Battle of
Rich Mountain, Battle of
Rolling Fork Creek skirmish
rumors in
Saltville, Battle of
Shakers and
Shiloh, Battle of
steamboat accidents and
surgery on wounded soldiers
Union commanders in Kentucky
Union pacification campaign
See also Confederate army; Home Guard, in Civil War; Union army
Civil War Pharmacy (Flannery)
Claiborne, William
Clark, George Rogers
Clark, Gov. James
Clark, Thomas D.
Clark, William
class distinctions
medicine and
religion and
“Claverack Monster”
Clay, Cassius M.
antislavery views of
Hart's bust of
in Mexican War
as stump speaker
True American (antislavery newspaper)
Clay, Gen. Green
Clay, Henry
Audubon and
cholera epidemic and
as congressman
corrupt-bargain charge against
early life
Hamilton's program and
Henry Jr.'s death at Buena Vista and
hero status of
illness and death of
Lafayette's visit and
Latin American republics and
law career
lifestyle of
marriage and family life
Maysville Road bill and
memorials and eulogies to
Mexican War and
myths and legends about
nicknames of
Old Court-New Court controversy and
physical appearance
popularity of
Prentice as biographer of
ships named after
songs about
sons of
as speaker
Transylvania University and
Union supported by
vision of national greatness
See also American System; Ashland (estate of Henry Clay)
Clay, Henry, portraits and images of
Frazer's painting
Hart's statue
Jouett's painting
ships portrayed in
Clay, Henry, presidential campaigns of
election fraud and
Kentucky voters' support for
North-South compromise and
slavery question and
Texas annexation issue and
voter participation
Clay, Henry, slavery and
abolition recommended by
African colonization advocacy
black troops and tradition of
“necessary-evil” doctrine
North-South compromise
personal slaves of H.C.
rejection of immediate emancipation
Scaevola letters
Wilmot Proviso and
See also emancipation, gradual
Clay, Henry, War of 1812 and
Clay on conquest of Canada
rights of American sailors
Treaty of Ghent negotiated by Clay
war hawks
Clay, Henry, Jr.
Clay, Henry, III
Clay, James Brown (son of Henry)
Clay, John (father of Henry)
Clay, John M. (son of Henry)
Clay, Lucretia Hart (wife of Henry)
children's deaths
cholera epidemic and
death of
family background
Frazer portrait of
at Henry's funeral
Clay, Theodore (son of Henry)
Clay, Thomas H. (son of Henry)
Clay Festival Association
Clay House
Clay Minstrel, The (Littell)
Clevenger, Schobal Vail
Coleman, J. Winston
colonization, slavery question and
Cassius Clay as supporter
debate over
gradual emancipation and
See also under Clay, Henry, slavery and
Columbus, KY
Combs, Gen. Leslie
Compromise of 1850
Concord coaches
border states and
Kentucky admitted into
Lost Cause movement
Partisan Ranger Act (1861)
Shakers and
Confederate army
African American soldiers massacred by
First Infantry Brigade (Orphan Brigade) invasion of Kentucky
Kentuckians in
monuments to Kentucky Confederate soldiers
Second Kentucky Cavalry Regiment
slaves impressed by
withdrawal from Kentucky
Congress, U.S.
Hamilton's program and
slavery controversy and
steamboats regulated by
“War Hawk”
Congressional Deposit Act (1836)
Conrad, Rev. William F.
Constitution, U.S.
Civil War and
emancipation and
Fifteenth Amendment
Fourteenth Amendment
Thirteenth Amendment
constitutions, Kentucky
Civil War and
slavery question and
Contested Borderland (McKnight)
convict-lease system
Cooke, John Esten
Coomes, William
Cooper, Sir Ashley
Coppini, Pompeo
Corps of Discovery
Court of Appeals
elections during Civil War
slavery and
Couture, Thomas
Covington, KY
Civil War victory celebration in
pro-Union sentiment in
Covington Journal
Crawford, James
Crawford, Jane
Crawford, Thomas
Crittenden, Gen. George B.
Crittenden, Isham
Crittenden, Gov. John J.
education and
Missouri Compromise and
railroads and
as U.S. attorney general
Crittenden, Robert
Croghan, Charles
Croghan, Maj. George
Croghan, John
Crowe, John Finley
Cuba, filibustering expedition in
Cullen, William
culture. See also architecture; artists; bookstores; libraries; music; newspapers; theater
Currier and Ives, lithograph prints by
Curtis, Alva
Cutter, George Washington
Cynthiana, Battle of
Daguerre, Louis J. M.
Daniel (executed slave)
Darnall, Elias
Davis, Jefferson
as Kentucky native
in Mexican War
proclamations war and
Davis, Col. John
Dead Sea (Troye)
debtor-relief controversy. See Old Court-New Court controversy
Delaware tribe
class distinctions and
corruption and
emancipation and
internal improvements and
loss of confidence in
Old Court-New Court crisis and
public meetings and
republican ideal and
Shakers seen as threat to
slavery importation issue
slavery issue in constitutional convention (1849)
state elections and
stump speaking and
See also elections; voting
Democratic Party
Clay attacked by
Clay supporters within
as dominant party in Kentucky
eulogies for Clay
Johnson (“Old Tecumseh”) and
Locofoco faction
New Court and
prosouthern views of
slavery debate and
Unionism and
Democratic Republican Party
Denny, Richard
depression, economic (1819)
depression, economic (1837)
Desha, Gov. Joseph
Dickey, Rev. James H.
Dillard, Ryland
Disciples of Christ
Dixon, Archibald
Douglas, Stephen A.
Douglass, Frederick
Doyle, Patrick (Edward J. Doyle)
Drake, Daniel
Drake, Samuel
Drasdel, Ruben
Dudley, A. W.
Dudley, Benjamin W.
Dudley, Lt. Peter
Dudley, William
Dudley, Lt. Col. William, defeat of
among medical doctors
Clay and
Duke, Gen. Basil W.
Dunham, Josiah
Dunlavy, John
Dupuy, Charles
Duralde, Susan Clay (daughter of Henry Clay)
Duvall, Judge Alvin
earthquakes, New Madrid
Eastern Kentucky Lunatic Asylum
Eaton, Clement
Echols, Gen. John
Eclipse (steamboat)
democracy and
federal spending on
of free blacks
in New South
public and private schools
of slaves
tax levy for public schools
of women
barbecues and
in Civil War
election fraud
for state legislature
violence in
See also democracy; voting
Elements of Pathological Anatomy (Gross)
Elliott, Capt. Burt L.
Ellsworth, George
emancipation, gradual
antislavery conservatives as advocates of
Clay's advocacy of
Lincoln and
Nonimportation Act and
See also slaves/slavery
emancipation, immediate
Emmons, William
English Regency architecture
Episcopal Church
Ervin, John P.
Eustis, William
Ewing, Presley
Fackler, Stephen W.
Fairbank, Calvin
Federal architecture
Federal Hill mansion
Federalist Party
Fee, Rev. John G.
Ferrill, London
Fillmore, Millard
Filson, John
Filson Historical Society
Finnell, Capt. Benjamin
First African Baptist Church
First Kentucky Cavalry Regiment, in Mexican War
First Kentucky Cavalry Regiment (“Wild Riders”), in Civil War
Fischer, Roger A.
Fishback, James
Fitzhugh, Fanny
Flaget, Bishop Benedict Joseph
Flannery, Michael A.
on Civil War medicine
on destruction of Civil War
on early cultural development
on Rafinesque
on sectarian medicine
Fletcher, Gov. Ernie
Ford, Lacy K.
Forrest, Edwin
Fort Meigs, sieges of
Fort Stephenson, Battle of
fossils, ancient
Foster, Stephen Collins
British restrictions on American trade with
War of 1812 and
Frankfort, KY
artists in
in Civil War
constitutional convention in
European culture in
Lafayette's visit to
state penitentiary in
theater in
Frankfort Commonwealth (newspaper)
Franklin, Benjamin
Frazer, Alexander
Frazer, Oliver
free blacks
class structure and
colonization and
education of
gradual emancipation and
restrictions on
in Union army
See also African Americans
Freedmen's Bureau
Free South (antislavery newspaper)
Frick, Henry Clay
Friends of Constitutional Reform
buffalo roads
cultural development of
fear of Indian attacks
military tradition and
social mobility on
Turner's frontier thesis
Fry, Gen. Speed S.
Fugitive Slave Act (1850)
furniture making
Gains, Archibald K.
Gano, John S.
Garner family
Garrard, Gov. James
Garrard, Col. Theophilus T.
Garrison, William Lloyd
Gasper River Church
Gass and Banta v. Whilhite
General Assembly
Bank of Kentucky and
Battle of New Orleans commemoration and Civil War and
education and
libraries chartered by
Mexican War and
Morgan monument and Shakers and
slavery question and
U.S. constitutional amendments ratified by
See also legislature
Genovese, Eugene
George (murdered runaway slave)
Georgian architecture
German immigrants
Ghent, Treaty of
Gibson, William H.
Goforth, William
Gone with the Wind (Mitchell)
under Confederate occupation
former Confederates
of Know-Nothing Party
Graham, C.
Grant, Hannah
Grant, Jesse Root
Grant, Gen. Ulysses S.
Burbridge and
at Clay's funeral
in Mexican War
as most recognized Union general
Gray, Asa
Great Depression
Great Revival
African Americans and
women and
Greece, independence movement in
Greek Revival architecture
Green, Johnny
Green River Navigation Company
Green River region
Greenup, Christopher
Grimes, John
Grinnell, Minturn and Company
Gros, Baron Antoine-Jean
Gross, Samuel D.
Grundy, Felix
guerrilla war
pro-Union bands
raids after Civil War
Union counterguerrilla campaign
See also Morgan, Gen. John Hunt
Guthrie, James
Haggard, Rev. Rice
Hahnemann, Samuel Christian
Hale, John P.
Hall, Capt. Theron E.
Halleck, Gen. Henry W.
Hamilton, Alexander
Hammack, James W.
Hammond, William A.
Hardee, Gen. William J.
Hardin, John J.
Harlan, Justice John Marshall
Harpers Ferry raid
Harrison, Lowell
Harrison, William Henry
Big Bone Lick and
at Fort Meigs siege
as general in Kentucky militia
invasion of Canada and
Northwest Army commanded by
on River Raisin battle
at Thames battle
at Tippecanoe battle
as Whig Party nominee
Hart, Joel Tanner
Hart, Lucretia. See Clay, Lucretia Hart (wife of Henry)
Hart, Capt. Nathaniel G.
Hart, Thomas
Harvey, James
Hawes, Richard
Hayden, Lewis, and family
Hays, Thomas H.
Hedeen, Stanley
Heinrich, Anton Philip
Helm, Benjamin Hardin
Helm, Emilie Todd
Helm, Gov. John
Helm, Katie
hemp industry
in Civil War
slavery and
Henry, John F.
Henry, Patrick
“Henry Clay” (Prentice)
“Henry Clay” (Stuart)
Henry Clay ships
Hersperger, Eugene L.
Hickham, Capt. Paschal
Hill, West T.
Hodge, William
Holley, Harriette
Holley, Horace
children of
debtor-relief controversy and
Medical Department at Transylvania and
Old Court-New Court controversy and
Rafinesque and
recruitment of
resignation of
science promoted by
Unitarianism of
Holley, Mary Austin
Holmberg, James J.
Holt, Judge Advocate General Joseph
Holy Alliance
Home Guard, in Civil War
in Battle of Augusta
civilians arrested by
guerrilla warfare and
Hopemont mansion
Hopkins, Maj. Gen. Samuel
Hopkins Raid
loss of horses in Civil War
paintings of
House of Abraham (Berry)
House of Representatives, Kentucky
Clay in
Mexican War and
House of Representatives, U.S.
Clay in
war hawks in War of 1812
Houston, Matthew
Houston, Sam
Howard, Victor
How the West Was Lost (Aron)
Hull, Gen. William
Humphreys, Alexander
Hunt, Abijah
Hunt, Catherine
Hunt, Charlton
Hunt, John Wesley
American System and
daughters' education
death in cholera epidemic
Holley's friendship with
slaves of
Transylvania University and
War of 1812 and
Hunter, Louis C.
Hunter, William
Hunters of Kentucky, The (song)
Huston, John B.
incognitum, American (mastodon)
Index Kewensis
Indiana, territory and state of
Indians (Native Americans)
Big Bone Lick and
at Dudley's Defeat and massacre
Hopkins' Raid and
at River Raisin battle and massacre
Shakers and
at Thames battle
See also specific tribes
Indian Wars
Ingles, Mary
Irish immigrants
Ison, Eliza
Iucho, Wilhelm
Jackson, Andrew (“Old Hickory”)
Adams criticized by
Hart's bust of
Holley and
Kentucky voters and
Maysville Road bill vetoed by
at New Orleans
supporters of
unjust criticism of Kentucky militia
Jacob, Lt. Gov. Richard
James A. Ramage Civil War Museum
Jefferson, Thomas
Arcadia of yeoman farmers
as architect
Buffon's theory rebutted by
incognitum (mastodon) and
Lewis and Clark expedition and
Louisiana Purchase
medical science and
portraits of
slavery question and
Transylvania University and
Jeffersonian-Republican Party
Jenner, Edward
Jessee, Col. George
Jillson, Willard Rouse
J. M. White (steamboat)
Johnson, Adam R.
Johnson, George W.
Johnson, Col. Richard M. (“Old Tecumseh”)
career and personality of
invasion of Canada and
at Thames battle
as vice president
Johnson, Gen. Richard W.
Johnston, Gen. Albert Sidney
Johnston, Gen. Joseph E.
Jones, James C.
Jones, Robert
Jordan, David Starr
Jouett, George
Jouett, Capt. John “Jack,” Jr.
Jouett, Matthew Harris
julep cups (Patrick Henry cups)
“Jump Jim Crow” (song)
Keats, George
Keen, John
Keen, Mrs. Sanford
Keen, Sanford
Kennedy, Matthew
Kentucky; a Poem (Skinner)
Kentucky Colonization Society (KCS)
Kentucky Gazette
Kentucky Historical Society
Kentucky Institute
Kentucky Insurance Company
Kentucky long rifle
Kentucky Military Institute (KMI)
“Kentucky windage”
Kickapoo tribe
Kinkead, George B.
Kizzie, Jim
Klotter, Freda
Klotter, James
Knepper, Paul
Know-Nothing Party
Kyler, Steve
Lafayette, George Washington
Lafayette, Marquis de, visit of
Jouett portrait
Lincoln's bicentennial celebration and
Masonic apron given to Clay
Larrey, Dominique Jean
Latin America
Latrobe, Benjamin
Laver, Harry S.
Lawrence, Timothy Bigelow
Lee, Ann
Lee, Nancy
African Americans in Union army and
African colonization and
divorce and
former Confederates in
Old Court-New Court controversy and
Shakers and
Thirteenth Amendment rejected by
Transylvania University and
War of 1812 and
See also General Assembly; House of Representatives, Kentucky; Senate, Kentucky
Letcher, Robert P. (“Black Bob”)
Levasseur, Auguste
Levi (slave of Henry Clay)
Lewinski, Maj. Thomas
Lewis, Gabriel
Lewis, Lilburne and Isham
Lewis, Meriwether
Lewis, Col. William
Lewis and Clark expedition
Lexington, KY
African American population of
artists in
as “Athens of the West”
cholera epidemic in
Clay's funeral procession in
European culture in
Lafayette's visit to
Louisville's rivalry with
as manufacturing center
Masonic Hall
medical practice in
music in
named after Revolutionary War battle
Philadelphia ties to
Phoenix Hotel
slavery and slave trade in
theater in
women of
See also Ashland (estate of Henry Clay)
Lexington Female Academy
Lexington Observer
Lexington Observer and Reporter
Clay as champion of
federal spending and
Kentuckians' dedication to
Lafayette and
negative and positive
Old Court–New Court controversy and
Lincoln, Abraham
African colonization and
on African colonization plan
black recruitment in Union army and
Burbridge's excesses and
on Clay
colonization proposal and
economic development program
elections during Civil War and
Emancipation Proclamation
eulogy for Clay
family divided by Civil War
funeral pageant of
as Kentucky native
on Kentucky's importance to Union
Kentucky voters and
martial law established by
propaganda war in Kentucky and
slaves' support for
Union army commanders and
victory in keeping Kentucky in Union
Lincoln, Mary Todd
Lincoln, Tad
Lincoln of Kentucky (Harrison)
Littell, John S.
Lofaro, Michael
log-cabin homes
“Long Knives”
Lonz Powers; or, The Regulators (Weir)
Lopez, Narciso
Louisiana Purchase territories
Lewis and Clark expedition and
Mississippi River opened by purchase
artists in
Audubon in
“Bloody Monday” riots in
Boston contrasted with
Catholic immigrants in
cholera epidemic in
in Civil War
as frontier settlement
growth of
Kentucky School of Medicine
Lafayette's visit to
Lexington's rivalry with
medical school
Mexican War dead honored in
music in
as Ohio River transshipment center
school system
steamboats and
Taylor (Zachary) and
theater in
trade with Northern states
women of
Louisville and Nashville (L&N) Railroad
Confederate raids and capture of
former Confederates favored by
Kentucky neutrality in Civil War and
opening of Louisville and Portland Canal
Louisville Courier
Louisville Courier-Journal
Louisville Examiner
Louisville Journal
on A. L. Shotwell steamboat
“Bloody Monday” riots and
Civil War and
on Emancipation Proclamation
on incognitum (mastodon)
as influential and widely read paper
on medical school
as most famous antebellum newspaper
“Prenticeana” in
on Wolford
Louisville Legion
Louisville Medical Institute
Louisville Public Advertiser
Loveland, Anne
loyalty oaths, in Civil War
Lucas, Marion B.
Lundy, Benjamin
Lutz, John
Lyth, John
Madison, Maj. George
Madison, James
trade embargo against Great Britain
War of 1812 and
Magoffin, Gov. Beriah
Mammoth Cave
Mann, Horace
Marsh, B. B. and T. K.
Marsh, William
Marshall, Col. Humphrey
Marshall, John
Marshall, Robert
Martineau, Harriet
Mary (slave who killed overseer)
Mary Beck's Academy for Young Ladies
Mason, Harriet
Masonic Order
mastodon. See incognitum, American (mastodon)
Mathias, Frank F.
Mayfield, Bert
Maysville Road bill
McAfee, Robert B.
M'Carty, William
McCalla, Gen. John M.
McClellan, Gen. George
as electoral opponent of Lincoln
on Kentucky's importance to Union
McCreary, Gov. James B.
McCulloch v. Maryland
McDowell, Ephraim
lithotomy performed by
ovariotomy, first
McDowell, James
McDuffie, George
McGee, John and William
McGready, James
McKee, Col. William Robertson
McKendree, Captain D. E.
McKnight, Brian
McNemar, Richard
McPherson, James M.
Meacham, John
Meade, Cowles Green
Medical Flora (Rafinesque)
botany and
central body metaphor (humoral theory)
cholera epidemic (1833) and
empiricism and rationalism in
germ theory (discovery of bacteria)
heroic therapy
Kentucky State Medical Society
Mammoth Cave in history of
slaves and
See also Louisville Medical Institute; surgery; Transylvania University Medical Department; University of Louisville Medical Department
Meigs, Gen. Montgomery
Mendenhall, Hiram
Menefee, Richard H.
Mentelle, Augustus Waldermarde
Mentelle, Charlotte Victorie (Leclere)
Mercer, Charles Fenton
Metcalfe, Gov. Thomas
frontier traveling ministers
Great Revival and
slavery issue and split among
Mexican War
Cerro Gordo, Battle of
Clay's criticism of
Monterey, Battle of
Palo Alto, Battle of
Resaca de Palma, Battle of
slavery and
territory acquired in
Texas annexation issue
veterans of
volunteers for
See also Buena Vista, Battle of
military tradition, Kentucky
Civil War and
Mexican War and
patriotism and
War of 1812 and
women and
militia, Kentucky
citizen-soldier ideal and
Civil War and
class distinctions and
militia, Kentucky (cont.)
Clay's popularity with
enlistment term in
Indian Wars and
Kenton Rangers
Lafayette Cavalry
Lafayette's visit and
legendary reputation of
Lexington Light Infantry
in Mexican War
as modern Spartans
reliability of
reputation for courage
Shakers' refusal of service in
social structure and
militia, Kentucky, in War of
Dudley's Defeat
invasion of Canada
leadership of
at New Orleans
at River Raisin
at Thames battle
Miller, Samuel F.
Mill Springs, Battle of
mint julep
Missouri Compromise (1850)
Mitchell, Margaret
Monroe, James
Holley and
War of 1812 and
Monterey, Battle of
Moore, Arthur K.
Morehead, Gov. Charles S.
Morehead, James T.
Morgan, Alexander G.
Morgan, Calvin
Morgan, Gen. David
Morgan, Gen. John Hunt
capture of
death of
family background
in Mexican War
monument to
raids in Kentucky
recruitment efforts for Confederate army
Shakers and
slavery and
as symbol of Lost Cause
Unionists in flight from
Wolford as nemesis of
Morgan, Samuel D.
Morrison, James
Morton, Oliver P.
Mosby, Col. John Singleton
Moselle (steamboat)
Mundy, Col. Marcellus
Muzzy, Charles
“My Old Kentucky Home” (Foster)
Napoléon I
Napoleonic Wars
Nashville Convention
National Republican Party
National Road
“necessary evil,” slavery seen as
Clay and
contradictions of
Kentucky versus Lower South
Nelson, Gen. William
Nerinckx, Rev. Charles
Netherland, Benjamin
Netherland, Dosia
New Court. See Old Court-New Court controversy
New Light theology
New Orleans, Battle of
Kentucky militia in
Mexican War compared with
New Orleans
Clay and
as entrepôt to the world
slave trade and
steamboats and
Newport, KY
Bellevue estate
Civil War victory celebration in
Newport Barracks
See also Taylor, Gen. James
New South
New Theater (Lexington)
New York City
artists in
cholera epidemic in
Clay's funeral procession in
Locofoco Democrats in
Nicholas, George
Niehaus, Charles H.
Nonimportation Act (1833)
Northwest Territory
Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson)
Nott (escaped slave)
Oats, Will
O'Hara, Theodore
Ohio River
Big Bone Lick and
cholera epidemic and
Falls of the Ohio
slaves' escape across
steamboat accidents
Old Court-New Court controversy
Clay and
Desha and
Transylvania University and
“Old Stonehammer.” See Metcalfe Gov. Thomas
Oliver, Nancy
Ornithological Biography (Audubon)
ovariotomy, first. See
also McDowell, Ephraim
Owsley, Gov. William
education and
as law professor
Mexican War and
slavery question and
Paducah, KY
Pakenham, Gen. Edward (British army)
Palmer, Elizabeth
Palmer, Gen. John M.
Palo Alto, Battle of
Park, Asa
Partisan Rangers
Clay supporters and
Kentuckians as models of
See also military tradition, Kentucky; militia, Kentucky
Peale, Charles Wilson
Peers, Benjamin O.
penal system
Penn, Shadrack, Jr.
Penniman, John R.
Peoria tribe
Perkins, Elizabeth
Perry, Oliver Hazard
Perryville, Battle of
Peter (“Old Captain”)
Peter, Frances
Peter, King
Peter, Robert
artists in
Clay's funeral procession in
Medical Society of
yellow fever epidemic
Phillips, Christopher
Physick, Philip Syng
pianos, manufacture of
Pictorial Field-Book of the War of 1812 (Lossing)
Pierce, Franklin
Pillow, Gen. Gideon
Pius VII, Pope
Pleasant Hill, See also Shakers
Polk, James K.
Clay as electoral opponent of
McDowell's surgery on
Pope, John
population size
Powell, Gov. Lazarus W.
Powers, Hiram
Prather, Julia
Pratt, William M.
Prczriminsky, Charles Romanoff
Prentice, Clarence Joseph
Prentice, George
on African Americans in Union army
Buckner condemned by
Civil War family tragedy of
Clay's funeral and
on counterguerrilla campaign
on end of Civil War
“Henry Clay” poem
on Kentuckians as hope of Union
Louisville Medical Institute and
Mexican War and
Penn's rivalry with
Prentice, William Courtland
Prentiss, Gen. Benjamin M.
Great Revival and
slavery issue and split among
Transylvania University and
Preston, William
Price, Samuel Woodson
Proctor, Col. Henry A. (British army)
American invasion of Canada and
at Fort Stephenson battle
property rights
Confederate propaganda and
Shakers and
slavery and
cholera epidemic and
Great Revival and
relations with Catholics
Provisional Government, Kentucky Confederate
Pruden, Mahlon
public meetings
Civil War and
slavery issue and
War of 1812 and
See also Cane Ridge evangelical revival
Radical Unionists
Rafinesque, Constantine S.
Big Bone Lick and
botanical garden established by
“Divitial Invention” savings bank of
medical botany and
Covington and Lexington Railroad
Lexington and Ohio Railroad
New Departure plan and
speed and dependability of
See also Louisville and Nashville (L&N) Railroad
Randolph, John
Rankin, Adam
Rankin, John
Reading, William
Redstone Baptist Association
Relief Party. See Old Court-New Court controversy
abolitionism and
African Americans and
slave marriages and
women and
See also Great Revival; New Light theology; specific denominations
Remini, Robert
on Battle of New Orleans
on Clay's views of slavery
on Compromise of 1850 and Clay
republicanism/American Republic
citizen-soldier and
Lafayette's visit and
Latin American republics
slavery question and
Republican Party
Resaca de Palma, Battle of
Revolutionary War
Indian attacks during
Rush as surgeon general in
veterans of
See also American Revolution
Rhett, Robert Barnwell
Rice, David
Rice, Thomas D.
Richard (executed slave)
Richards, Alexander Keene
Richardson, Lewis
Richardson, William
Richmond (Ky.), Battle of
Rich Mountain, Battle of
Ridgely, Frederick
river navigation
River Raisin, Battle of the
avenged at Thames
Indian atrocities in
map of
veterans of
Rivet, John
roads, construction of
Robards, Lewis C.
Robards, Sallie
Robert E. Lee (steamboat)
Robertson, Judge George
Robinson, Gov. James F.
Rogers, Isaiah
Roland, Charles
Roland, Hugh
Rolling Fork Creek skirmish
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Marcus A.
Rosecrans, Gen. William S.
Rosenberg, Charles E.
Rothermel, P. F.
Rousseau, Gen. Lovell H.
Rowan, John
Rowe, Mary Ellen
Rozier, Ferdinand
Rush, Benjamin
salt licks
Saltville, Battle of
Santa Anna, Gen. Antonio de (Mexican army)
Scaevola letters
Scheffer, Ary
science, See also medicine; Peter, Robert; Rafinesque, Constantine S.; Transylvania University
Science Hill Female Academy
Scott, Gov. Charles
Scott, Sir Walter
Scott, Gen. Winfield
Senate, Kentucky
black recruitment opposed by
botanical garden and
New Court dominance in
Transylvania University and
Senate, U.S.
balance between slave and free states in
Civil War and
Clay in
memorial and eulogy for Clay in
Missouri Compromise and
Transylvania University and
last Shakers in Kentucky
refusal of military service
Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate
Sharp, Solomon P.
Shawnee Run
Shawnee tribe
Shelby, Gov. Isaac
American victories and
Battle of New Orleans
in command of militia
at Thames battle
War of 1812 and
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Shepherd, Thomas Jefferson
Sherman, Sen. John
Sherman, Gen. William T.
counterguerrilla campaign in Kentucky and
fears about losing Kentucky
Shiloh, Battle of
Shipman, Paul R.
Shopshire, J. H.
Short, Charles Wilkins
Short, Peyton
Shryock, Gideon
Sickles, Gen. Daniel
Sierra Leone
Silliman, Benjamin
Sisterhood of Loretto
Skinner, Isaac W.
Slaughter, Gov. Gabriel
Slavery Inconsistent with Justice and Good Policy (Rice)
Baptist churches and
black recruitment in Union army and destruction of
in Civil War
class structure and
constitutional convention and
education of slaves
Emancipation Proclamation and
end of slavery
enlistment of slaves in Union army
field and house servants
in hemp industry
hiring out system
history in Kentucky
in Kentucky versus Lower South
life and conditions of slaves
medical history and
Mexican War and
North-South compromise and
number of slaves in Kentucky
popular vote in favor of
punishment of
religious divisions and
resistance and escape of slaves
Shakers and debate on
skills of slaves
slaveowners' self-image
slaves of Audubon
slaves of Clay and family
slave trade
upper-class white women and
in western territories
See also abolitionism; colonization, slavery question and; emancipation, gradual; “necessary evil,” slavery seen as
Slave Trade Act
smallpox vaccination
Smith, Col. D. Howard
Smith, Gen. Edmund Kirby
Smith, George Washington
Smith, James D.
Smith, John David
Smith, Margaret Mackall
Smith, Sol Sneed, Alexander H.
Snell, Carter
Solomon, William “King”
South America
South Carolina
secessionism of
slave population of
tariff acts nullified by
South Union Shakers
Spain Spalding, Sister Catherine
Spalding, Bishop Martin John
Spann, John R.
Speed, Joshua F.
Stage-Coach Days in the Bluegrass (Coleman)
Stanton, Edwin
black recruitment and
Burbridge's removal and
State Guard
statehood, Kentucky
states' rights
Civil War and
Clay and
militia and
Clay's funeral boat
economic expansion of trans-Appalachian West and
floating palaces
Lafayette aboard
races of
slave escapes and
slaves' labor on
Steele, Theophilus
Stockton, Lt. Robert
Stone, Barton W.
Stone, William J.
Stoneman, Gen. George
Stones River, Battle of
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Strickland, William
Stuart, C. D.
Stuart, Gilbert
Sturgeon, Capt. E. T.
Sully, Thomas
Sultana (steamboat)
bladder stone removal (lithotomy)
hip-joint amputation
See also medicine
Sydenham, Thomas
Tallant, Harold D.
Taylor, Gen. James
Taylor, Zachary
election as president
in Mexican War
portrait of
death of
at Dudley's Defeat
at Thames battle
in Civil War
Great Revival in
militiamen at Battle of New Orleans
slave trade in
Tenskwatawa (“The Prophet”)
Tevis, John
Tevis, Julia
Texas, annexation of
Thames, Battle of the
death of Tecumseh in
maps of
Mexican War compared with
Thomas, Elisha
Thomas, Gen. George H.
Thomas, Gen. John
Thomas, Lorenzo
Thompson, John
Thompson, Mary Frances
Thomson, Samuel
Thornton, Col. William (British army)
Tinsley, Peter
Tippecanoe, Battle of
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Todd, Charles S.
Todd, David
Todd, Robert S.
Todd, Samuel
Trabue, Col. Robert P.
Transylvania Botanical Garden
Transylvania University
architecture of
Clay's funeral and faculty of
as first university west of Appalachian Mountains
Lafayette's visit and
Law Department
reorganization of
science classes at
state support for
theater at
War of 1812 and
See also Peter, Robert; Rafinesque, Constantine S.
Transylvania University Academic Department (Morrison College)
in Civil War
struggle to remain open
Transylvania University Medical Department
closing of
competition with Louisville Medical Institute
creation of
high reputation of
national reputation of
professors at
See also Peter, Robert
Trappist monks
Treatise of Pathology and Therapeutics (Cooke)
Tree, Ellen
Troye, Edward
True American (antislavery newspaper)
tuberculosis (consumption)
Turner, Caroline
Turner, Cyrus
Turner, Judge Fielding L.
Turner, Frederick Jackson
Turner, Nat
Turner, Squire
Turner, Thomas
Tyler, John
Uncle Tom's Cabin (Stowe)
Underground Railroad
Underwood, Joseph R.
Clay's support for
Kentucky military tradition and
Kentucky's importance to
Lincoln's fight to keep Kentucky in
North-South compromise
secession crisis and
Union army
cities in Kentucky occupied by
commanders in Kentucky
counterguerrilla campaign
elections in Kentucky and
Fifteenth Kentucky Infantry Regiment
medical examinations of draftees
proclamations war in Kentucky and
runaway slaves employed by
slaves impressed by
See also First Kentucky Cavalry Regiment (“Wild Riders”)
Union army, African Americans in
cavalry regiments in battle
dependents of soldiers
enlistment delayed in Kentucky
health and determination of black Union recruits
slavery weakened and destroyed by
Unionist opposition to
Burbridge's removal and
Confederate invasion of Kentucky and
elections and
Emancipation Proclamation and
opposition to black recruitment
Radical Unionists
United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC)
United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Coming. See Shakers
United States Pharmacopeia
University of Louisville Medical
Usher, Luke
Van Buren, Martin
Van de Graaf, Cornelia Ann
Veterans War Memorial
Vicksburg, Battle of
Clay in
Kentucky residents from
Ladies Clay Association
in Revolutionary War
Robert E. Lee monument
slavery law and practice
Virginia Military Institute
“Visit to Big Bone Lick” (Rafinesque)
Viviparous Quadrupeds of America (Audubon)
voting. See also democracy; elections
Wade, Richard
Ward, Emily Flourney
Ward, Robert J.
Ward, Sallie
War of 1812
American invasion of Canada
anti-British feeling in Kentucky
control of Lake Erie and
Fort Meigs, sieges of
Fort Stephenson, Battle of
Hopkins Raid
Indian tribes in
Jouett in
Kentucky as key to war in Northwest
leadership of Kentucky militia
Mexican War contrasted with
rights of American sailors and
veterans of
See also New Orleans, Battle of; River Raisin, Battle of the; Thames, Battle of the
Warren, Leonard
Washington, George
birthday of
Clay compared to
death of
ideals of
physicians of
portraits of
Washington, Rebecca
Watkins, Elizabeth Clay (mother of Henry)
Watkins, Henry
Watlington, Patricia
Watterson, Henry
Webster, Delia
Weir, James
Wells, Col. Samuel
West, William Edward
Whelan, Rev. Charles Maurice
Whig Party
ascendancy of
collapse of
eulogies for Clay
Jackson's disparagement of Kentucky militia and
Lincoln in
Louisville Journal and
National Republican Party as predecessor of
slavery debate and
strength in Kentucky
Whitestone, Henry
Whitley, William
Wickliffe, Charles A.
Wickliffe, D. C.
Wickliffe, Mary
Wickliffe, Robert
as colonization advocate
as slaveholder
slave trade opposed by
Williams, Capt. John S.
Willson, Gov. Augustus Everett
Wilmot Proviso
Wilson, Alexander
Winchester, Gen. James
Winchester and Garner firm
Wistar, Caspar
Wolford, Col. Frank
arrest of
opposition to black recruitment
in Civil War
education of
marriage and
military tradition of Kentucky and
religious revival and
theater attendance
Woods, Wes
Wool, Gen. John Ellis
Work, Henry Clay
working class (laborers)
Worley, C. T.
Worley, Malcolm
Wyandot tribe
Wythe, George
Yandell, Lunsford P.
yellow fever
Yorktown, Battle of
Youngs, Benjamin Seth
Zollicoffer, Gen. Felix K.