Zoe stood in front of the gilded mirror and smoothed a hand over the blue silk brocade. She’d never imagined she’d ever own a gown so lovely. Or that they’d reach a milestone like today.
At a tapping against the bedroom door, she spun to see Abe’s handsome face peeking in.
“Are you ready?” he asked with an excited smile.
“Not yet.” She pretended to fiddle with her gown. “I can’t get my bodice to fit quite right.”
He glanced behind him, stepped inside, and then closed the door soundlessly, clearly not wanting to alert anyone to their presence together alone.
Someone in the massive house was usually in need of either her or Abe’s attention. Even with Mr. Ping, Miss Bea, and the native women Zoe had hired from Shantytown, she and Abe were always busy. Zoe had her hands full with Lyle and Violet. And Abe had been enjoying the small school he’d started in the sitting room with Will as his first pupil along with several other orphan boys in the community.
“I might be able to help you.” Abe tiptoed toward her. In his best suit coat, matching waistcoat and trousers, and shiny black boots, he made a dashing picture, especially with his failed attempt to smooth down his hair.
She intended to help him with his hair every bit as much as he intended to help her with her gown. Ducking her head, she stifled a smile. She loved all the sneaking around they did, the stolen moments, the secret kisses, the touching, and the playfulness.
“Where do you need help?” He came up behind her and circled his arms around her, then leaned into the bare spot at her neck and pressed a breathy kiss there before dropping another kiss onto her exposed collarbone.
She relaxed back into him, relishing the hardness of his body.
“Do you need help here?” His hands skimmed her hips.
“No.” She angled so she could kiss his jaw.
“What about here?” His hands began to roam.
His touch, as always, brought her to life. And if they weren’t careful, they’d grow distracted—and disheveled—and end up walking out late, causing everyone to whisper about them again.
“I need your help here.” She placed her hands over his and guided them toward her abdomen. The jade jewel at the center of her wedding band glistened, reminding her of the special afternoon when Abe had surprised her with a picnic by a nearby waterfall. Against the backdrop of the spectacular view, he’d gotten down on one knee, slipped the ring on her finger, and professed his undying love.
When his hands were firmly in place, she held them there.
“Here?” The confusion in his voice made her smile again.
He brushed several more kisses against her neck before growing motionless. “What does this mean?” His question wavered with emotion.
She turned in his arms so that she was facing him. She wound her arms around his neck and lifted her face up to him. “It means we’re having a babe.”
“Are you sure?” His blue eyes filled with hope.
“I’m positive.” All the signs had been there for days, but she’d waited long enough to make sure.
He searched her face for a moment before he bent in and took her lips in a kiss that rose and fell with all the love they shared. But his passion was gentler, almost as if he were afraid of hurting her.
She pressed against him. “Kiss me again, just like you always do, and never stop.”
At her demand, he kissed her hungrily, this time his mouth taking possession of her down to her very soul, so that she could hardly hold herself upright when he finished.
“There,” he whispered. “Will that do?”
“Aye. But I’ll need another one like that again soon.”
His lips curled into a smile. “I might be able to arrange it.”
“Do you remember when we first met that day at the hospital after Jane’s death?”
“How could I ever forget the best day of my life?”
“You prayed with me and asked God to help me find a husband. Did you ever think that He’d answer your prayer the way He did, by making you my husband?”
“I’m heartily glad He did. I can’t imagine my life without you.”
She hugged him, letting the joy of this moment waft over her. She was grateful for the new life growing inside her as well as the children God had already given them. Hopefully this was only the beginning of many more.
At a knock, Abe rapidly released her and began to straighten his shirt and collar.
“Ma?” Will’s voice came from outside the door. “Pastor Abe? I know you’re in there smooching.”
Abe froze, his eyes widening with chagrin.
Zoe smiled. “Tell everyone we’ll be right out.”
“Sure thing.”
As the boy’s footsteps faded, Zoe drew Abe back, smoothed out his hair, and then pressed a tender kiss against his cheek before they exited the room. Hand in hand, they descended the spiraling staircase, crossed through the wide entryway, and then stood before the closed door.
Abe took a deep breath. “Ready?”
Together they nodded at Mr. Ping, who swung open the door. As they crossed the threshold, the gathered crowd erupted into cheers. People stood all around the front yard and even in the street. Zoe clutched Abe’s hand tighter, not having expected so many to come out for the dedication.
Among the sea of well-wishers, she caught sight of Zeke’s handsome face. He’d traveled down from Williamsville to join them for the occasion. She’d loved being able to visit with him for longer periods over the past few days. He’d told her only that morning he was making a sizeable donation to her and Abe’s new ministry. When she told him God had already provided far more than they needed, he’d still insisted that she take his gift and use it any way she saw fit.
Her heart swelled with gratefulness at the sight of so many other familiar friends—Mr. Allard from the store, Mr. Hemming from the pub, their previous neighbor Little Joe, the native women and their children, the Hurdy Gurdy girls, Mr. Barton from the livery, the Royal Engineers who’d helped build the church, and all of the different people Abe had ministered to who lived in and around Yale.
Even John Roberts had come up from Hope for the day with his new bride, Lizzy. Zoe had decided the two were perfect for each other, since they were both quiet and reserved. John had continued to protest the bishop’s decision to take the Yale parish away from Abe. But Abe had been at peace with the change and had remained involved among the miners anyway.
The only difference was that Abe didn’t leave her for days at a time anymore. He’d told her their marriage was his first priority, next was his family, then his parish. He was rarely gone for more than a few hours before returning to her and eagerly seeking her out.
Besides, together they had a new ministry. God had used Violet to bring them together, and the child would always be special because of that. But now that the house was finally ready, they’d put out word that their doors were open. Zoe liked to think Wanda would have been pleased with their accomplishments and plans.
Together they walked down the front steps. Zoe stopped to kiss Violet, who was content in Will’s arms. Then she reached over and kissed Lyle, who was wiggling against Miss Bea to get loose. He reached for Zoe, and Miss Bea gratefully relinquished the bundle of energy.
With Abe at her side and Lyle on her hip, she stopped in front of the new sign draped with a sheet. Abe offered a prayer, and then, sharing a smile, they tugged the covering away. It fell into the grass and revealed the sign: Merivale Home for Foundlings.
Another cheer rose into the air, and with it Zoe let her praise rise to God. She’d given Him her willing heart and trusted Him. And He’d led her one step at a time into so much more than she ever could have asked for or imagined.