Patterns for wiring modules

Now that we have discussed some basic theory around dependencies and coupling, we are ready to dive into some more practical concepts. In this section, in fact, we are going to present the main module wiring patterns. Our focus will be mainly pointed towards the wiring of stateful instances, which are, without any doubts, the most important type of dependencies in an application.

We start our analysis by looking at the most conventional relationship between two modules, which is the hardcoded dependency. In Node.js, this is obtained when a client module explicitly loads another module using require(). As we will see in this section, this way of establishing module dependencies is simple and effective, but we have to pay additional attention to hardcoding dependencies with stateful instances, as this would limit the reusability of our modules.

Let's start our analysis by looking at the structure represented by the following figure:

Building an authentication server using hardcoded dependencies

The preceding figure shows a typical example of layered architecture; it describes the structure of a simple authentication system. AuthController accepts the input from the client, extracts the login information from the request, and performs some preliminary validation. It then relies on AuthService to check whether the provided credentials match with the information stored in the database; this is done by executing some specific queries using a DB handle as a means to communicate with the database. The way these three components are connected together will determine their level of reusability, testability, and maintainability.

The most natural way to wire these components together is requiring the DB module from AuthService and then requiring AuthService from AuthController. This is the hardcoded dependency that we are talking about.

Let's demonstrate this in practice by actually implementing the system that we just described. Let's then design a simple authentication server, which exposes the following two HTTP APIs:

For this example, we are going to use several technologies; some of them are not new to us. In particular, we are going to use express ( to implement the Web API, and levelup ( to store the user's data.

Now that we have the db singleton, we can use it to implement the lib/authService.js module, which is the component responsible for checking a user's credentials against the information in the database. The code is as follows (only the relevant parts are shown):

The authService module implements the login() service, which is responsible for checking a username/password pair against the information in the database, and the checkToken() service, which takes in a token and verifies its validity.

The preceding code also shows the first example of a hardcoded dependency with a stateful module. We are talking about the db module, which we load by simply requiring it. The resulting db variable contains an already initialized database handle that we can use straightaway to perform our queries.

At this point, we can see that all the code that we created for the authService module does not really necessitate one particular instance of the db module—any instance will simply work. However, we hardcoded the dependency to one particular db instance, and this means that we will be unable to reuse authService in combination with another database instance without touching its code.

Continuing to go up in the layers of the application, we are now going to see what the lib/authController.js module looks like. This module is responsible for handling the HTTP requests and it's essentially a collection of the express routes; the module's code is the following:

The authController module implements two express routes: one for performing the login and returning the corresponding authentication token (login()), and another for checking the validity of the token (checkToken()). Both the routes delegate most of their logic to authService, so their only job is to deal with the HTTP request and response.

We can see that, in this case too, we are hardcoding the dependency with a stateful module, authService. Yes, the authService module is stateful by transitivity, because it depends directly on the db module. With this, we should start to understand how a hardcoded dependency can easily propagate across the structure of the entire application: the authController module depends on the authService module, which in turn depends on the db module; transitively, this means that the authService module itself is indirectly linked to one particular db instance.

The sample we just implemented, demonstrated the conventional way of wiring modules in Node.js, leveraging the full power of its module system to manage the dependencies between the various components of the application. We exported stateful instances from our modules, letting Node.js manage their life cycle, and then we required them directly from other parts of the application. The result is an immediately intuitive organization, easy to understand and debug, where each module initializes and wires itself without any external intervention.

On the other side, however, hardcoding the dependency on a stateful instance limits the possibility of wiring the module against other instances, which makes it less reusable and harder to unit test. For example, reusing authService in combination with another database instance would be close to impossible, as its dependency is hardcoded with one particular instance. Similarly, testing authService in isolation can be a difficult task, because we cannot easily mock the database used by the module.

As a last consideration, it's important to see that most of the disadvantages of using hardcoded dependencies are associated with stateful instances. This means that if we use require() to load a stateless module, for example, a factory, constructor, or a set of stateless functions, we don't incur the same kind of problems. We will still have a tight coupling with a specific implementation, but in Node.js, this usually does not impact the reusability of a component, as it does not introduce a coupling with a particular state.

The dependency injection (DI) pattern is probably one of the most misunderstood concepts in software design. Many associate the term with frameworks and dependency injection containers such as Spring (for Java and C#) or Pimple (for PHP), but in reality it is a much simpler concept. The main idea behind the dependency injection pattern is the dependencies of a component being provided as input by an external entity.

Such an entity can be a client component or a global container, which centralizes the wiring of all the modules of the system. The main advantage of this approach is an improved decoupling, especially for modules depending on stateful instances. Using DI, each dependency, instead of being hardcoded into the module, is received from the outside. This means that the module can be configured to use any dependency and therefore can be reused in different contexts.

To demonstrate this pattern in practice, we are now going to refactor the authentication server that we built in the previous section, using dependency injection to wire its modules.

Refactoring our modules to use dependency injection involves the use of a very simple recipe: instead of hardcoding the dependency to a stateful instance, we will instead create a factory, which takes a set of dependencies as arguments.

Let's start immediately with this refactoring; let's work on the lib/db.js module given as follows:

The first step in our refactoring process is to transform the db module into a factory. The result is that we can now use it to create as many database instances as we want; this means that the entire module is now reusable and stateless.

Let's move on and implement the new version of the lib/authService.js module:

Also, the authService module is now stateless; it doesn't export any particular instance anymore, just a simple factory. The most important detail though is that we made the db dependency injectable as an argument of the factory function, removing what previously was a hardcoded dependency. This simple change enables us to create a new authService module by wiring it to any database instance.

We can refactor the lib/authController.js module in a similar way as follows:

The authController module does not have any hardcoded dependency at all, not even stateless! The only dependency, the authService module, is provided as input to the factory at the moment of its invocation.

Okay, now it's time to see where all these modules are actually created and wired together; the answer lies in the app.js module, which represents the topmost layer in our application; its code is the following:

The previous code can be summed up as follows:

Our authentication server is now wired using dependency injection and ready to be used again.

The example we just presented demonstrated only one type of dependency injection (factory injection), but there are a couple more worth mentioning:

Property injection implies that an object is created in an inconsistent state, because it's not wired to its dependencies, so it's the least robust, but sometimes it might be useful when there are cycles between the dependencies. For example, if we have two components, A and B, both using factory or constructor injection and both depending on each other, we cannot instantiate either of them because both would require the other to exist in order to be created. Let's consider a simple example, as follows:

The dependency deadlock between the two preceding factories can be resolved only using property injection, for example, by first creating an incomplete instance of B, which then can be used to create A. Finally, we will inject A into B by setting the relative property as follows:

In the authentication server example, using dependency injection we were able to decouple our modules from a particular dependency instance. The result is that we can now reuse each module with minimal effort and without any change in their code. Testing a module that uses the dependency injection pattern is also greatly simplified; we can easily provide mocked dependencies and test our modules in isolation from the state of the rest of the system.

Another important aspect to be highlighted from the example we presented earlier is that we shifted the dependency wiring responsibility from the bottom to the top of our architecture. The idea is that high-level components are by nature less reusable than low-level components, and that's because the more we go up in the layers of an application the more a component becomes specific.

Starting from this assumption we can then understand that the conventional way to see an application architecture, where high-level components own their lower-level dependencies, can be inverted, so that the lower-level components depend only on an interface (in JavaScript, it's just the interface that we expect from a dependency), while the ownership of defining the implementation of a dependency is given to the higher-level components. In our authentication server, in fact, all the dependencies are instantiated and wired in the topmost component, the app module, which is also the less reusable and so is the most expendable in terms of coupling.

All these advantages in terms of decoupling and reusability, though, come with a price to pay. In general, the inability to resolve a dependency at coding time makes it more difficult to understand the relationship between the various components of a system. Also, if we look at the way we instantiated all the dependencies in the app module, we can see that we had to follow a specific order; we practically had to manually build the dependency graph of the entire application. This can become unmanageable when the number of modules to wire becomes high.

A viable solution to this problem is to split the dependency ownership between multiple components, instead of having it centralized all in one place. This can reduce the complexity involved in managing the dependencies exponentially, as each component would be responsible only for its particular dependency subgraph. Of course, we can also choose to use dependency injection only locally, just when necessary, instead of building the entire application on top of it.

We will see later in the chapter that, another possible solution to simplify the wiring of modules in complex architectures is to use a dependency injection container, a component exclusively responsible for instantiating and wiring all the dependencies of an application.

Using dependency injection surely increases the complexity and verbosity of our modules, but as we saw earlier, there are many good reasons for doing this. It is up to us to choose the right approach, depending on the balance between simplicity and reusability that we want to obtain.

In the previous section, we learned how dependency injection can literally transform the way we wire our dependencies, obtaining reusable and decoupled modules. Another pattern with a very similar intent is Service Locator. Its core principle is to have a central registry in order to manage the components of the system and to act as a mediator whenever a module needs to load a dependency. The idea is to ask the service locator for the dependency, instead of hardcoding it, as shown in the following image:

Service locator

It is important to understand that by using a service locator we are introducing a dependency on it, so the way we wire it to our modules determines their level of coupling and therefore their reusability. In Node.js, we can identify three types of service locators, depending on the way they are wired to the various components of the system:

The first is definitely the one offering the least advantages in terms of decoupling, as it consists of directly referencing the instance of the service locator using require(). In Node.js, this can be considered an anti-pattern because it introduces a tight coupling with the component supposedly meant to provide a better decoupling. In this context, a service locator clearly does not provide any value in terms of reusability, but it only adds another level of indirection and complexity.

On the other side, an injected service locator is referenced by a component through dependency injection. This can be considered a more convenient way for injecting an entire set of dependencies at once, instead of providing them one by one, but as we will see, its advantages do not end here.

The third way of referencing a service locator is directly from the global scope. This has the same disadvantages as that of the hardcoded service locator, but since it is global, it is a real singleton and therefore it can be easily used as a pattern for sharing instances between packages. We will see how this works later in the chapter, but for now we can certainly say that there are very few reasons for using a global service locator.

All the considerations discussed here will be more clear once we start using the service locator pattern in a real example. Let's then refactor the authentication server again to apply what we learned.

We are now going to convert the authentication server to use an injected service locator. To do this, the first step is to implement the service locator itself; we will use a new module, 'lib/serviceLocator.js':

Our serviceLocator module is a factory returning an object with three methods:

Let's now convert the 'lib/db.js' module straightaway to demonstrate how our serviceLocator works:

The db module uses the service locator received in input to retrieve the name of the database to instantiate. This is an interesting point to highlight; a service locator can be used not only to return component instances but also to provide configuration parameters that define the behavior of the entire dependency graph that we want to create.

The next step is to convert the 'lib/authService.js' module:

Also, the authService module is a factory that takes the service locator as the input. The two dependencies of the module, the db handle and tokenSecret (which is another configuration parameter) are retrieved using the get() method of the service locator.

In a similar way, we can convert the 'lib/authController.js' module:

Now we are ready to see how the service locator is instantiated and configured. This happens of course, in the 'app.js' module:

This is how the wiring works using our new service locator:

It's interesting to see the lazy nature of the service locator; each instance is created only when needed. But there is another important implication; we can see, in fact, that every dependency is automatically wired without the need to manually do it in advance. The advantage is that we don't have to know in advance what the right order for instantiating and wiring the modules is, it all happens automatically and on-demand. This is much more convenient compared to the simple dependency injection pattern.

Service locator and dependency injection have a lot in common; both shift the dependency ownership to an entity external to the component. But the way we wire the service locator determines the flexibility of our entire architecture. It is not by chance that we chose an injected service locator to implement our example, as opposed to a hardcoded or global service locator. These last two variations almost nullify the advantages of this pattern. In fact, the result would be that, instead of coupling a component directly to its dependencies using require(), we would be coupling it to one particular instance of the service locator. It's also true that a hardcoded service locator will still give more flexibility in configuring what component to associate with a particular name, but this does still not give any big advantage in terms of reusability.

Also, like dependency injection, using a service locator makes it harder to identify the relationship between the components, as they are resolved at runtime. But in addition it also makes it more difficult to know exactly what dependency a particular component is going to require. With dependency injection this is expressed in a much clearer way, by declaring the dependencies in the factory or constructor arguments. With a service locator, this is much less clear and would require a code inspection or an explicit statement in the documentation explaining what dependencies a particular component will try to load.

As a final note, it is important to know that often a service locator is incorrectly mistaken for a dependency injection container because it shares the same role of service registry with it; however, there is a big difference between the two. With a service locator, each component loads its dependencies explicitly from the service locator itself, when using a DI container instead, the component has no knowledge of the container.

The difference between these two approaches is noticeable for two reasons:

In terms of reusability, we can say that the service locator pattern sits in between hardcoded dependencies and DI. In terms of convenience and simplicity, it is definitely better than manual dependency injection, as we don't have to manually take care of building the entire dependency graph.

Under these assumptions, a DI container definitely offers the best compromise in terms of reusability of the components and convenience. We are going to better analyze this pattern in the next section.

The step to transform a service locator into a Dependency Injection container is not big, but as we already mentioned, it makes a huge difference in terms of decoupling. With this pattern, in fact, each module doesn't have to depend on the service locator anymore, but it can simply express its need in terms of dependencies and the DI container will do the rest seamlessly. As we will see, the big leap forward of this mechanism is that every module can be reused even without the container.

A DI container is essentially a service locator with the addition of one feature: it identifies the dependency requirements of a module before instantiating it. For this to be possible, a module has to declare its dependencies in some way, and as we will see, we have multiple options for doing this.

The first and probably the most popular technique consists of injecting a set of dependencies based on the arguments' names used in a factory or constructor. Let's take, for example, the authService module:

As we defined it, the preceding module will be instantiated by our DI container using the dependencies with names db and tokenSecret, a very simple and intuitive mechanism. However, to be able to read the names of the arguments of a function, it's necessary to use a little trick. In JavaScript, we have the possibility to serialize a function, obtaining at runtime its source code; this is as easy as invoking toString() on the function reference. Then, with some regular expressions, obtaining the arguments list is certainly not black magic.


This technique of injecting a set of dependencies using the names of the arguments of a function was popularized by AngularJS (, a client-side JavaScript framework developed by Google and entirely built on top of a DI container.

The biggest problem of this approach is that it doesn't play well with minification, a practice used extensively in client-side JavaScript, which consists of applying particular code transformations to reduce to the minimum the size of the source code. Many minificators apply a technique known as name mangling, which essentially renames any local variable to reduce its length, usually to a single character. The bad news is that function arguments are local variables and are usually affected by this process, causing the mechanism that we described for declaring dependencies to fall apart. Even though minification is not really necessary in server-side code, it's important to consider that often Node.js modules are shared with the browser, and this is an important factor to consider in our analysis.

Luckily, a DI container might use other techniques to know which dependencies to inject. These techniques are given as follows:

All these techniques are quite opinionated, so for our example, we are going to use the most simple and popular, which is to obtain the dependency names using the arguments of a function.

To demonstrate how a DI container is much less invasive than a service locator, we are now going to refactor again our authentication server, and to do so we are going to use as starting point the version in which we were using the plain dependency injection pattern. In fact, what we are going to do is just leave untouched all the components of the application except for the app.js module, which is going to be the module responsible for initializing the container.

But first, we need to implement our DI container. Let's do that by creating a new module called diContainer.js under the lib/ directory. This is its initial part:

The first part of the diContainer module is functionally identical to the service locator we have seen previously. The only notable differences are:

Let's see how the diContainer.inject() method looks like:

  diContainer.inject = function(factory) {
    var args = argsList(factory)
      .map(function(dependency) {
        return diContainer.get(dependency);
    return factory.apply(null, args);

}; //end of module.exports = function() {

The preceding method is what makes the DI container different from a service locator. Its logic is very straightforward:

  1. We extract the arguments list from the factory function we receive as the input, using the args-list library.
  2. We then map each argument name to the correspondent dependency instance retrieved using the get() method.
  3. At the end, all we have to do is just invoke the factory by providing the dependency list that we just generated.

That's really it for our diContainer. As we saw it's not that much different from a service locator, but the simple step of instantiating a module by injecting its dependencies makes a dramatic difference (as compared to injecting the entire service locator).

To complete the refactoring of the authentication server, we also need to tweak the 'app.js' module:

As we can see, the code of the app module is identical to the one that we used to initialize the service locator in the previous section. We can also notice that to bootstrap the DI container, and therefore trigger the loading of the entire dependency graph, we still have to use it as a service locator by invoking diContainer.get('authController'). From that point on, every module registered with the DI container will be instantiated and wired automatically.