The Bonnets and Bugles Series includes:
978-0-8024-0911-9 Drummer Boy at Bull Run—#1
978-0-8024-0912-6 Yankee Belles in Dixie—#2
978-0-8024-0913-3 The Secret of Richmond Manor—#3
978-0-8024-0914-0 The Soldier Boy’s Discovery—#4
978-0-8024-0915-7 Blockade Runner—#5
978-0-8024-0916-4 The Gallant Boys of Gettysburg—#6
978-0-8024-0917-1 The Battle of Lookout Mountain—#7
978-0-8024-0918-8 Encounter at Cold Harbor—#8
978-0-8024-0919-5 Fire over Atlanta—#9
978-0-8024-0920-1 Bring the Boys Home—#10