Chapter Sixteen
Taryn shook her head in stunned denial. The marshal gestured for Jared to move toward his horse. “Wait,” she blurted out to the marshal. “You can’t arrest him.”
“Miss Ashford, I think the less said by you the better. Although I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised at your attempt to intervene. Having a little tryst, are you?”
Taryn gritted her teeth. Reeling by the man’s blatant crudeness, her words were trapped in her throat.
Jared took a menacing step forward. Marcus raised his weapon in warning.
Taryn moved forward with Jared, harnessing every ounce of self-control to deny the urge to give the marshal a lesson in manners for his snide words. She had to make a defining choice. Her own confession would prevent the marshal from arresting Jared. “It’s not possible Jared could have killed Mr. Breck.”
“I’m sure you’d like to think so.”
“I know so.”
Jared placed a restraining hand on her arm accompanied by a cautionary gaze. “Taryn, don’t—” Her words would destroy her reputation. He had spent the last five years of his life battling with his reputation. He didn’t want her to know a life of struggle.
Shaking off his warning, Taryn took a deep breath as she spoke the words bound to ruin her. “Jared was with me last night.”
Marcus laughed. “You’ll forgive me if I don’t believe you.” Again, he motioned for Jared to move forward.
“Would you believe my mother?”
Marcus paused. Her words drastically changed his euphoric mood. She had shaken his confidence. She would have found herself laughing at his crestfallen expression if those same words hadn’t altered her future.
Taryn held Jared’s hand as they entered the parlor followed by the marshal. She detected the cautious gazes of her family and Brad directed their way.
“I need to ask one question to clarify something your daughter has told me, Mrs. Ashford,” Marcus said turning to her mother. Her mother returned his stare, her features expressing surprise that he would be addressing her. “Let me preface it by saying Dean Breck was found murdered in his establishment this morning. We have verification the death took place late last evening-early this morning. We found evidence providing cause for me to arrest Jared King for the murder.”
Brad didn’t hide the satisfied smile spreading across his face at the news.
Marcus focused to her mother again. “In the process of making the arrest your daughter informed me Mr. King was with her last night—all night.”
Brad’s shock was palpable. “What?”
Madeline gasped. Taryn found it hard to breathe. She averted her gaze from making contact with any of them.
Taryn wanted to scratch Marcus’ face to remove his gloating smile for the commotion he created. He resumed now that he had their full attention. “Your daughter proceeded to tell me that you, Mrs. Ashford, could corroborate her statement.”
“I?” Madeline exclaimed. “I don’t see how…Taryn, how could you say such a thing? How could you do such a thing?”
Taryn flinched from her mother’s outraged offense. “Mother, don’t you remember when you came into my room last evening?” Her voice sounded dry. She found it difficult to speak. Her mother’s gaze shamed her.
“Well yes, but I don’t see what it has to do with this,” Madeline said in confusion.
“You saw someone in my room.”
“Yes, you were saying goodnight to Brad…” Her mother stopped in mid-sentence, her gaze veering to Brad then back.
“It wasn’t me,” Brad said in infuriated outrage. His own gaze burned with accusation toward Jared.
Taryn could see by her mother’s expression, she was working through what she’d witnessed the previous night in the bedroom. After a moment, her mother focused intently on her, the acknowledgement of truth reflected in her gaze.
“Mrs. Ashford,” Marcus said, his voice tense, “did you or did you not see Jared King in your daughter’s presence at approximately three this morning?”
Her mother’s gaze never left hers as she spoke. “Yes, I saw Jared King with my daughter.”
Marcus’ voice held an edge of desperation. “Are you certain?”
“I regret to say I am.”
The utter disappointment delivered in the tone of her mother’s clipped response left Taryn bereft.
“My timepiece,” Jared said, holding out his hand to Marcus.
Taryn could feel the tension in Jared’s hand as he clasped hers. He wasn’t hiding his fury with the marshal. She placed her other hand on his upper arm hoping to calm the tension she felt in his muscles.
Marcus’ glare burned into her. She could read in his eyes that he longed to accuse her of outright lying to save Jared, but she had not only ruined herself by her disclosure but also had her mother corroborate her story.
Marcus reached into his pocket, bitter resentment in his actions when he slapped the timepiece into Jared’s palm. “We’re not through.”
Taryn had to use all her energy to remain standing. With the exception of Jared, her aunt and uncle, all eyes were harsh upon her.
“I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, King,” Dennis Ashford said, “but you’re not going to ruin my daughter’s reputation in the process. Forcing yourself upon a young innocent…”
“I wasn’t forced!” Taryn shouted the words over her father’s angry tirade. She didn’t know the truth of the entire matter concerning the marshal’s accusation toward Jared, but she couldn’t let them believe she had not consented to what had occurred between she and Jared.
Madeline sank onto the sofa. “Oh my God. Taryn, do you realize what you’ve done? It’s a disgrace to the whole family.”
Taryn winced, unable to suppress the tortured sob when her mother’s disappointed frown cut through her.
“There must be a way to rectify this,” Dennis said.
Brad spoke up. “I can’t say this situation isn’t a shock or Taryn’s indiscretion doesn’t bother me, but I will stand by my word to wed her.”
Her parents turned hopeful eyes to Brad. Jared also eyed Brad.
“Brad, if you mean what you say, you’d be doing us the greatest favor,” Dennis said, sounding relieved.
Brad’s smile widened, while waving off their gratitude.
“Then no one will know of this unpleasantness…” Dennis began.
“Everyone will know of it, Mr. Ashford,” Jared countered. “Rhodes will ensure it. I suggest you send for the reverend.”
“Yes,” Dennis agreed. “The sooner Brad marries Taryn, the less talk.”
“Mr. Ashford, I will be marrying Taryn,” Jared clarified, “not Thompson.”
Dennis was beside himself. “Outrageous! I won’t have my daughter marry a gunman.”
Jared pierced the man with an icy glare. “But you’ll marry her off to Thompson who only wants her for the position he’ll be able to obtain at your bank by being your son-in-law? He will always be able to remind you how he spared you this embarrassment.”
“Liar!” Brad shouted. “Taryn, darling,” he said grasping her hands, “you know I love you. Tell King you intend to marry me.”
She stared at Brad and backed away from him. Had Brad meant to advance his career through their relationship? Jared had told her once, but she hadn’t wanted to believe it. She still didn’t. It would explain why Brad had been in such a rush to marry her.
Gwen nudged Jonathan. “Have someone escort Reverend Flaherty here.”
“Gwen,” Jonathan whispered back, “I don’t think the matter has been resolved yet.”
“Yes, it has.” Gwen prodded her husband toward the door.
When Reverend Flaherty entered the room thirty minutes later, the arguing was still going on. If not for being stunned by her present circumstances, Taryn would have laughed at the reverend’s bewildered glance darting from one to the other as though seeking divine guidance.
Brad positioned himself by her side, taking her arm upon seeing the reverend approach.
“Take your hand off her.”
Jared’s voice held an ominous tone. She ventured a glance up to his face. His expression suffused with fury targeted solely on Brad. Brad’s hand fell away from her elbow, and he turned to her father in supplication. “Mr. Ashford, you’re not going to allow this gunman to go through with this, are you?”
Her father pulled himself out of his silence. “I want you to leave, Mr. King.” When Jared ignored the command, her father turned to her, his gaze pleading. “Taryn, tell Mr. King you’ll have nothing to do with him.”
Taryn couldn’t tell anyone anything at the moment. Her mind reeled attempting to sort through her own thoughts on the circumstances she found herself in.
“You’re going to marry Brad,” Madeline reminded with conviction.
“Taryn?” Brad urged when she remained silent.
Taryn’s gaze moved between her father, mother, and Brad. She wanted to scream and tell them to be quiet. She couldn’t think with them all talking at once. Marriage was the solution to salvage what little reputation she would have after what had occurred between them. She had come to the decision not to marry Brad before this happened. She placed her hand in Jared’s.
Brad sounded like he was choking on his rage. Her mother burst into tears while her father attempted to soothe his wife, all the while gazing at her as though he’d never known her.
“Go ahead, Reverend Flaherty,” Gwen prompted the man.
Brad stalked out of the room.
The reverend stepped forward once more. This is rather a drastic turn of events,” he commented. “Are you certain?”
“Yes, we’re certain,” Jared said with a gaze urging the reverend in no uncertain terms to begin the service.
The rapid ceremony concluded with the exclusion of a ring to symbolize the union. Taryn had always dreamed of the beauty of the day when she would wed. Nothing could shatter those dreams more than the actual event she was experiencing. The speedy service left Taryn dazed. She was now Jared’s wife. She had recited the vows confirming the fact.
“Pack a few things, Taryn. We’ll pick up the rest later.”
Gwen stepped forward. “I’ll have the remainder of Taryn’s belongings brought over to the hotel in the morning.”
Going upstairs to her room, Taryn gathered her things together, refraining from thinking of what her parents thought of her. She brushed at the tears falling on her cheeks. In the process of packing, her gaze fell upon Brad’s engagement ring on her finger. She pulled it off her finger once again.
With tears dried upon her cheeks, she returned downstairs. Jared took her satchel, walking toward the front door. Taryn’s gaze held her mother’s, her own gaze pleading for understanding. Her mother burst into a fresh storm of tears, with no understanding in her eyes. Hoping her father would show more empathy, instead his gaze reflected betrayal and anger. She spun around, plodding to the front door.
“Taryn,” Gwen called out, following her niece from the parlor.
She paused in her step, unable to turn and face her aunt. She felt her aunt’s hands on her shoulders. When she turned, no hate or accusation reflected in Aunt Gwen’s gaze. Instead, her blue eyes held unconditional support.
Gwen hugged Taryn. “Don’t worry, it will be all right. I promise you.”
Taryn shook her head, fighting the tears once again brimming in her eyes. “This isn’t how it was supposed to be. My parents…” She couldn’t seem to finish her sentence. With so many thoughts and emotions racing through her, she couldn’t begin to put them to appropriate words.
“Your parents,” Gwen said, smoothing back Taryn’s hair, “are upset right now. When they’re calmer, they’ll come to understand.”
“They’re not you.”
“Listen to me, Taryn. It will be all right.”
“No, it won’t.” She shrugged off her aunt’s words of comfort and rushed toward the front entrance. Her parents would never forgive her.
Taryn paused in the foyer, brushing the tears away from her cheeks, grateful her aunt had not followed her. It was rare for her to lose control of her emotions. She prided her self-possession. Due to a matter of circumstances, those same emotions had gone careening on a path of their own.
Taryn walked outside onto the porch at the moment Brad charged toward Jared from the side of the house.
Taken by surprise, Jared stumbled, falling to the ground. He rolled onto his back in an attempt to get up when Brad wrapped his hands around his throat.
“I’ll kill you for ruining my plans!” Brad put pressure against Jared’s throat.
Recovering himself, Jared rolled again, pushing Brad off him and springing to his feet. He took a visible breath of air, his hand rubbing his throat. Brad came to his feet, wasting no time in charging forward again. Jared dodged Brad’s punch, placing one of his own to Brad’s midsection. Brad responded in kind, landing a solid blow to Jared’s jaw, causing him to stagger back.
Taryn ran down the steps. “Stop it! Stop it!”
The commotion and shouting continued. Taryn’s parents, aunt, and uncle rushed out of the house. Jonathan approached the men, holding Brad back by his arms.
“Let him go,” Jared snarled, removing his gun belt and tossing it aside. “He wanted this fight, and he’s going to get it.”
Jonathan released Brad without delay. He stood back while the two circled each other.
The fight continued.
When her uncle came to stand by her, she grasped his arm in anguish. “Why don’t you stop them?”
Jonathan shook his head. “Taryn, I’m afraid this fight is long overdue.”
“What? I don’t understand.” She gaped at Brad and Jared pummeling each other. Jared smiled each time his fist made contact with a portion of Brad’s anatomy. Jared seemed especially satisfied when his punch connected with Brad’s face as though his intent was to wipe the pompous superiority his rival had displayed right off his face.
Taryn clutched at her uncle’s arm. “They’ll kill each other!”
Rearing back his arm, with forceful pleasure, Jared balled his fist, brought it forward, and jammed it into Brad’s jaw. The crushing blow sent him reeling back to the ground.
Clearly dazed by the blow, it took a long moment for Brad to pick himself up off the ground. Throwing King a belligerent glare, he strode away in fury.
Dennis Ashford’s gaze turned from Jared to his daughter. “This is the man you chose to spend your life with? Taryn, for God’s sake, don’t you realize what he’s done? He killed Dean Breck then took advantage of your innocence, using you as his alibi.”
Tears filling eyes, her heart ached from her father’s painful words. She couldn’t think. Jared had come to her room following the party. She’d not had time to ask him the reason for his visit before her mother interrupted them. Taryn’s heart sank. Had Jared come to her room on purpose so he would have an alibi in her? She didn’t want it to be true because if it was true, he had used her with little concern for her reputation. It would also mean he had made love to her to bide his time. It wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be possible. She turned tortured eyes to his.
His heart plummeted at the doubt in Taryn’s eyes. He couldn’t have her believe her father’s damning words. Retrieving his gun belt from Jonathan, he placed it back around his hips, holding out his hand. “Taryn?” He held his breath, hoping she would accept his hand and him.
She put her cold hand in his. With a tormented glance back toward her family, she walked to the waiting horses.
Jared was furious with Marcus Rhodes, infuriated with Taryn’s parents for the way they’d treated their daughter, and disgusted by Thompson’s attack. The only one he wasn’t angry with was Taryn. Her eyes were downcast reminding him of an urchin tossed into the street. Her defeated appearance caused him to feel guilty for having been instrumental in its cause. She was confused by everything happening. He couldn’t even sort it out himself yet. Dennis Ashford’s insinuation that he had used her as an alibi had made matters worse.
Taryn mounted the horse Jared had brought around from the stable. She waited for his lead, her eyes straight ahead, her lot accepted.
Jared pulled himself up into his saddle, uncertain what to say. Confused by his feelings, he remained silent. No one would guess the two had committed their lives to each other through marriage. On the contrary, by outward appearances alone one might well believe the two were bound for the gates of hell.
Arriving at the Grand Marquis Hotel, they entered his suite of rooms. Jared walked into the bedroom, dropping Taryn’s satchel by the door. She followed him through the large living room to the bedroom, mindless of the beauty of the spacious suite and its rich decor.
Jared went to the lowboy, reaching for the blue and white ceramic pitcher to pour water into the matching basin. Scooping up a handful of water, he splashed it on his face to rid himself of the grime from fighting with Thompson. He couldn’t seem to shake the anger he felt toward Marcus Rhodes. How had he gotten his timepiece in the first place? The man was begging for trouble. Wiping his face clean, he dropped the towel over the basin.
The events of the past hours had disorganized his thoughts. There was no doubt of Taryn’s beauty. Her hair was forever silky to the touch, eyes forever mesmerizing him, and a figure meant for his touch alone. A wife didn’t fit with his profession or the lifestyle he had to lead because of it. It was the main reason he’d hesitated from considering marriage to any woman. What kind of life could he offer her as a gunman? One comforting thought was the wooden-headed Thompson would never be Taryn’s husband. Jared walked over to where she stood frozen near the door. He reached to pull her into his arms.
Shunning his touch, she moved over near the dresser. “Was my father right, Jared? Did you come to my room last night to have me give you an alibi as I did for the sheriff back in Omaha?” The similarity of the two incidents was hard to overlook. He had needed her then to escape the consequences of the lawman discovering his identity. Would he now go to even greater lengths to prevent discovery? She didn’t want him to respond. The possibility enraged her. “I didn’t return to the ranch until at least an hour after the party concluded. An hour in which you could have …” Taryn stopped, unable to say it.
“…killed Dean Breck and come to your bedroom?” Jared finished. “Is that what you believe, Taryn?”
She hadn’t wanted to accuse him. “I don’t know what to believe.”
“Then it won’t matter what I say?” He felt her rejection with a painful stab. “You’ll still have your doubts.”
It did matter. It mattered more than she could ever say. If he denied killing Dean Breck, would she believe him? Her uncertainty played across her face.
“Taryn, I’ve killed men in the past, and I’ve acquired a certain reputation throughout the years. There are always accusations and rumors surrounding me. No matter what the truth might be, people are still going to believe more in the reputation. It has never mattered whether I’m involved or not. My name is linked to the incident regardless. You’re going to have to settle in your own mind what truth you’re going to believe.”
She wanted to believe in him yet she couldn’t help the doubts circling her mind. She turned away from him, indecision and uncertainty marking her expression. “Maybe I shouldn’t have been so quick in my decision.”
He moved up behind Taryn, placing his arm around her waist to pull her back against him.
She pulled away. “Jared, don’t touch me.”
He spun her around to face him. “You would have preferred to marry Thompson, I suppose? Do you think by marrying him there would be no gossip?”
Stunned, she refused to heed his angry glare. It hadn’t been what she’d meant but his words managed to spark her own temper. “I suppose you think this arrangement will spare me the gossip?”
“There is nothing more to gossip about. The matter has been handled.” He was saying all the wrong things.
“Handled!” His choice of words stung her heart. She pushed away from him. “You married me out of some sort of charitable act? How can I ever repay you?” She regretted her words the moment they’d spilled out of her mouth. He advanced on her, the light in his eyes making her wary. She attempted to get around him but was not quick enough.
He lunged out, catching her by the elbow, spinning her around, and tossing her back against the bed. He positioned himself on top of her before she could pull up. “Need you ask, dear wife?” His endearment was anything but complimentary. He crushed his mouth against hers forcing her lips apart and plunging his tongue inside to explore and conquer.
She attempted to wrest her mouth from his, but he raised his hand to hold her jaw steady. His mouth left hers, burning a trail of forceful kisses along her neck and down toward the bodice of her gown. She kicked and pummeled him, but he remained unhampered. Her touch might as well have been a light caress.
Deterred by the buttons of her bodice, and too aggravated to bother with them, he reached up and grasped the edge. With one sharp pull, the material gave way, the buttons popping and scattering about them. Taryn cried out in denial of his intentions. She shoved against his shoulders in earnest. He edged his mouth closer to her breast. Her hand came in contact with his face. She dug her nails in, swiping downward. In a swift move, he pulled back, fingering the scratch she had left along his jaw line. He had to dodge her flailing arms as she swung them out in his direction. Catching her wrists, he raised them above her head, holding them there with one hand. “I’ll not have a hellcat in bed with me, Taryn. This marriage, however contrived, will be consummated.”
“Never!” She bucked his weight off her with her body.
He released her then, sitting on the edge of the four-poster bed to remove his boots.
Taryn bounded off the bed, holding her torn bodice to her, racing out of the bedroom to the hallway door. She yanked at the knob to find it locked. When had he locked it? With a cry of frustration, she spun around as he walked into the living room. His shirt was off. His eyes filled with passion. It didn’t take much to recall the feeling of his body beneath her fingertips. He began advancing on her. Determination marked his expression.
“Take off your dress, Taryn.”
She shook her head in denial, unable to even speak. This wasn’t going to happen. She wouldn’t allow him to touch her ever again.
His manner was matter-of-fact. “If your gown isn’t off shortly, I’ll rip the rest of the garment from you. It is your choice.”
Taryn wanted to scream in frustration. Clinging to her torn bodice was a useless effort. He would go through with his warning. He’d enjoy it too! Her gaze caught sight of his weapons lying on the table. She darted over to them, pulling one from the holster, and aiming it toward him. She had never held a pistol in her hands. The weight of the gun alone frightened her. She held the weapon before her in both hands, her nervousness evident in the shaking unsteadiness of her aim. She couldn’t believe she pointed a gun at Jared. This isn’t the way she wanted things to be between them.
“Unlock the door.” Her voice quavered with her demand.
“No.” He took a step toward her, his gaze never leaving the pistol. Her hands were unsteady with the weapon but at the close proximity to which she stood, it wouldn’t matter if she squeezed the trigger. He would have a bullet in his chest nonetheless.
“I won’t stay with you. I don’t care what people say. I’d rather face their scorn than have to be married to you!” What was she saying? She couldn’t control the words from spewing from her mouth before she thought of them.
She’d spit the words from her mouth in revulsion, causing his temper to soar. A muscle in his jaw twitched, his words spoken in clipped tones, revealing his own fiery emotions. “But we are married, and you will stay with me for as long as I deem it.” Appalled by his own words, his pride demanded he not retract them. He didn’t want Taryn by force. He wanted her to come willingly.
Her hands unsteady, Taryn waved the pistol. “Unlock the door.” She took a step backward for every step he took forward. “Don’t come near me, Jared. Don’t…” She didn’t have a chance to finish her second warning. Jared reached her with lightening-like speed. He grabbed her wrist, wrenching the gun from her fingers. He placed the weapon on top of the armoire above her head.
Burning with anger, he prepared to voice his rage when the feeling drained from him as he considered what was happening to them. His senses restored, he took a calming breath. “Taryn, what are we doing?”
Confused and frightened, her gaze searched his. “I don’t know.”
He released his breath, embracing her and holding her head against his chest. “We’ll get through this, Taryn,” he soothed, feeling her clutching his shirt. He pulled back, taking her face in his hands. “Regardless of the circumstances, today is our wedding day. I don’t want to remember it with regret.”
“Neither do I.”
His mouth took possession of hers, gently at first then in powerful need and growing desire. He touched his mouth to the curve of her neck below her ear then moved to her mouth, his tongue darting in, swirling around hers in seductive play.
They moved to the bedroom, discarding what remained of their clothing. Taryn fought for breath when he pressed hot wet kisses to her skin lowering his head down to her chin, her neck, and between her breasts. She felt his tongue trail a path to the tip of her breast. Gasping in surprise, she felt his mouth cover the peak, his tongue circling and flicking then moving to the other before moving lower near her naval.
His hair caressed her skin as he moved lower still. The contact of his mouth made her gasp in wonder. He held her hips, pressing her forward to meet his mouth. His tongue probed within then began to do strange and wonderful things. She twitched and jerked in response to his caresses. Deeper still, he darted and plunged with warm strokes of his tongue. She closed her eyes, her breath coming in gulps, her body arching upward. He touched upon a sensitive nerve eliciting a moan of ecstasy. He lingered there, the caress of his tongue increasing in speed. Her fingers sank into the waviness of his hair, clutching in frantic need. She shuddered with emotion, a soft moan passing her lips. His mouth left her. Taryn cried out in protest of being denied the continuing sensation.
He lay to the side of her, throwing his leg over hers. He glanced down, noting the fire of passion filling her eyes. The sight stirred his blood. He brushed her lips with his thumb, tracing the outline of her mouth. His knuckles graced the line of her jaw then down across her shoulder, enjoying the softness of her skin. His palm ran down over her breasts, pausing there to encircle and caress before moving down over the curve of her waist to her hip. He toyed with the triangle of curls, sensing her anticipation and longing. One finger slid down, seeking the warmth. Her pelvis moved under his touch, straining for the release. He brought her even higher until she was panting and whimpering for more.
Jared felt the heat between her legs, felt the pulsing need rise within her. When she thought he would give her what she sought, he pulled away. He raised himself above her, his knees falling between her legs.
He drove deep into Taryn, groaning at the magnitude of sensations rushing through his body. His thrusts were hard, pounding into her. She clutched at his shoulders. Her hips rose to meet him in abandonment. Her breathing expelled in ragged gasps as each hard thrust climbed ever closer to the pinnacle of ecstasy. The shattering explosion pierced her entire being. “Jared!” His low guttural groan of pleasure followed her cry before he relaxed his weight against her though he did not withdraw from her.
His hips pressed closer, their legs grazing each other. He could feel her heart hammering against her breast in rhythm with his own. He leaned up, his elbows on either side of her head. Her eyes were closed, her face flushed from the exertion of their lovemaking. Her lips parted as her chest rose and fell steadily to regain her breath. She opened her eyes to see him leaning over her.
Reaching up to brush away a drop of perspiration from his temple, her fingers lingered there. “I wouldn’t have shot you, Jared.”
“I would never force you to do anything.”
He kissed her thoroughly.
Taryn smiled. “What should we do for the rest of the afternoon?”
A devilish grin spread across his face before he lowered his head, capturing her mouth once again.