
Robert Michaels sat in his office recalling Jared and Taryn’s wedding reception the previous evening. His thoughts turned to the conversations he’d shared with Jared concerning his gunfighting career beginning and ending in Sacramento. Jared was very helpful in giving him the necessary information to fill in the details for the story Robert intended to write.

Robert felt an inner pride at the way things turned out, content in his own part of bringing Taryn and Jared together on the train. If not for informing Taryn of the wisdom to find another passenger aboard the train for the evening arrangement of sleeping, there was no telling if they would have ever wound up together. Robert felt decidedly pleased with the final outcome of their meeting.

He stared once more at the blank page lying on his desk before him, debating how best to begin the story. He leaned on the desktop, his fountain pen poised over the paper. Then, with a decisive nod he wrote his opening sentence.

Adrenaline pounded through Jared King’s heart with driving force as he commanded powerful running strides from his long legs to cover the distance between the jailhouse and the horse in sight…