1. Incline Running
Increase the incline on your treadmill or elliptical (or find a road outside with an incline) and run at your full power.
As you read earlier, the incline will tone your butt and thighs.
  1. Chair Pose
Start with your feet hip width apart. Raise your arms above your head and bend your torso forward very slightly.
Keep your spine straight.
Drop your hips down and bend at the knees (as if you were going to sit in a chair).
Hold this as long as you can.
  1. Brave Warrior Pose
This one is challenging for beginners. Stand with your feet hip width apart.
Raise your arms above your head. Carefully bend forward at the waist. Keep your spine straight.
As you bend your torso forward to be parallel with the ground, raise your left leg behind you and point your toes straight back behind you.
You’ll form a sort of T shape while balancing on one leg. Hold this as long as you can and then repeat on the other leg.
  1. Standing Leg Lifts
Stand straight with your feet hip width apart. Keep your knees straight but not locked.
Raise your left leg out in front of you as far up as you can without bending your knee.
Bring it back down. Repeat the move with the other leg.
  1. Reverse Leg Lifts
This is similar to the leg lifts above except that instead of raising your leg in front of you, you raise it out behind you.
Go as far back as you can without bending your knee.
Alternate between lifting your left and right leg.
  1. Jumping Squats
Get into the squat position described in the first workout.
Then, jump up into the air while raising your arms above your head.
Make sure that the power for the jump is coming from your thighs, not your upper body.
When you land back on the ground, immediately go back into squat position. Do as many repetitions as you can.