My editor, Allison McCabe, and my agent, Elaine English,
for their hard work and faith.
Binnie Syril Braunstein, publicist extraordinaire.
Steve Haweeli, president of Wordhampton PR,
for giving me a glimpse of what
goes into doing PR for a restaurant.
My husband, Mark Levine,
for his hockey expertise and willingness to read
the manuscript numerous times to make sure I
“got the hockey stuff right.”
Paula Epps for use of her impressive collection
of New Age and occult books.
Susan Lerner, for her insight and compassion.
Daniela Gobetti for her book, Dictionary of Italian Slang,
and Roland Delicio for Merda!
The Real Italian You Were Never Taught in School,
both of which were invaluable resources.
Mom, Dad, Bill, Allison, Beth, Jane, Dave and Tom
for all their love,
support and patience.