ABSDF | All Burma Student’s Democratic Front |
ACRM | Anti-Corruption Revolutionary Movement |
AfDB | African Development Bank |
AFPFL | Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League |
AFRC | Armed Forces Revolutionary Council |
AP | Popular Action |
APC | All People’s Congress |
APFP | Arakan People’s Freedom Party |
APLP | Arakan People’s Liberation Party |
APRA | American Popular Revolutionary Alliance |
ASDT | Timorese Social Democratic Association |
ASEAN | Association of Southeast Asian Nations |
BUP | Bloku Unidade Popular |
CNRT | National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction Party |
CPB | Communist Party of Burma |
DEA | Drug Enforcement Administration |
DI | Darul Islam |
DKBA | Democratic Karen Buddhist Army |
DOM | Daerah Operasi Militer |
DRC | Democratic Republic of Congo |
ECOMOG | Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group |
ECOWAS | Economic Community of West African States |
ELN | National Liberation Army |
EO | Executive Outcomes |
EPRLF | Eelam People’s Revolutionary Liberation Front |
FLEC | Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda |
FRETILIN | Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor |
FTO | foreign terrorist organization |
GAM | Free Aceh Movement |
HAM | Hak Asasi Manusia, “human rights” |
IDP | internally displaced persons |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IPKF | Indian Peacekeeping Force |
ISIL | Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant |
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria | |
JAT | Jemaah Ansharut Tauhid |
JI | Jemaah Islamiya |
JVP | Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna |
KAF | Kawthoolei Armed Forces |
KIA | Kachin Independence Army |
KKY | Ka Kwe Ye, “home guards” |
KLA | Kosovo Liberation Army |
KMT | Chinese Kuomintang |
KNDO | Karen National Defense Organization |
KNLA | Karen National Liberation Army |
KNU | Karen National Union |
KNUP | Karen National United Party |
KPLA | Karen People’s Liberation Army |
KRF | Kokang Revolutionary Front |
LJ | Laskar Jihad |
LTTE | Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam |
MCDDI | Mouvement congolais pour la démocratie et le développement intégral |
MIR | Movement of the Revolutionary Left |
MIR-EM | MIR—The Militant |
MIR-IV | MIR-IV Etapa |
MIR-VR | MIR—Rebellious Voice |
MIT | Mujahidine Indonesia Timur |
MNR | National Revolutionary Movement |
MP-GAM | Majles Pemeritahan GAM |
MRTA | Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement |
MTA | Mong Tai Army |
NAD | Nanggroë Aceh Darussalam |
NCA | Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement |
NDMC | National Diamond Mining Company |
NGO | nongovernmental organization |
NLD | National League for Democracy |
NPFL | National Patriotic Front of Liberia |
NPRC | National Provisional Ruling Council |
NRC | National Reformation Council |
OAU | Organization of African Unity |
OPM | Organization for a Free Papua |
PCT | Parti congolais du travail |
People’s Democratic Front | |
PDP | Papuan Presidium Council |
Indonesian Communist Party | |
PKK | Kurdistan Workers’ Party |
PLP | Peoples Liberation Party |
PMC | private military contractor |
PRRI | Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia |
PSI-MI | Revolutionary Socialist Party |
PVO | People’s Volunteer Organization |
RPI | Indonesian Federal Republic |
RSM | Republic of South Moluccas |
RSO | Rohingya Solidarity Organization |
RUF | Revolutionary United Front |
SCOUHP | Supreme Council of the United Hill Peoples |
SCSL | Special Court for Sierra Leone |
SLA | Sierra Leone Army |
SLA | Sri Lankan Army |
SLMM | Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission |
SLORC | State Law and Order Restoration Council |
SLPP | Sierra Leone People’s Party |
SLST | Sierra Leone Selection Trust |
SNUF | Shan National United Front |
SSA | Shan State Army |
SSIA | Shan State Independence Army |
SSNA | Shan State National Army |
SUA | Shan United Army |
SURA | Shan United Revolutionary Army |
TELO | Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization |
TNT | Tamil New Tigers |
TULF | Tamil United Liberation Front |
UCDP | Uppsala Conflict Data Program |
UNAMSIL | United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone |
UNITA | National Union for the Total Independence of Angola |
UNMOSIL | United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone |
UPADS | Pan-African Union for Social Democracy |
UWSA | United Wa State Army |