
My sincere thanks to everyone who read and commented on early drafts of The Secret Sister, particularly my sister, Janet, and friends, Leslie and Kay. Their enthusiastic feedback was invaluable to me.

Many thanks also go to the amazing publishing team at Canelo, most notably my editor, Leodora Darlington, whose unflagging optimism and passion, as well as her insightful sense of story and structure inspired me to produce the best work possible. Also thanks to the other team members who helped make this an incredibly smooth and exciting journey: copyeditor, Jane Eastgate; proofreader, Claire Rushbrook; designer, Lisa Horton; sales and publicity, Francesca Riccardi, supported by Claudine Sagoe; marketing, Nicola Piggott; production, Micaela Cavaletto.

Thanks also to my family: brothers Trevor, Ken and his wife, Linda. Your interest and unwavering support have spurred me to keep on writing. To my son, Mike, and daughter, Laura, your imagination and creativity amaze and inspire me. To my husband, Fausto, thanks for supporting my work and putting up with the hermit in the office!

Thanks also to the beautiful city of Minneapolis where I’ve spent many happy times.

Finally, a huge thank-you to all the readers out there. It’s your love of reading that keeps me striving to produce the best work I can. I couldn’t have done this without you!