A common reason that the manliest of men are into yoga? It comes with a roster of superb benefits; it’s a plus for physical and mental wellness. Not only does it grant them a fit body, it also rewards them with a calm and relaxed mind. Even those who used to think that the poses and sequences are for girls and are overrated, as well as those who were against the practice before… They are now proud yogis.
Understand Yoga & That It is for Men, too
Since men’s workouts are often associated with masculine activities such as lifting heavy weights and performing a grand number of push-ups, the idea of yoga for men is quite questionable. While some choose not to engage in it with it appearing as an unsatisfying exercise regimen, other men insist on adopting a yoga routine for its overall health benefits.
According to a 2013 research about yoga being an exercise for both genders, yoga is a plus as much for men as it is for women. From an outsider’s perspective, its physical satisfaction may not be obvious; it seems as if all a yogi does is chill and do some stretching. However, for the man yogi, he can gradually experience the positive impacts of yoga for his physical and mental wellbeing.
There are certain misconceptions that exist about yoga, especially in the minds of men. Do you feel that yoga is a girly form of exercise? Well, don’t just visualize women in spandex doing stretches. That’s not what yoga is about. It is a well-balanced form of exercise that helps to create harmony between your body and mind. Various male celebrities swear by yoga like Russell Brand, Colin Farrell, Matthew McConaughey, Richard Gere and Robert Downey Jr. Well, if Iron Man likes yoga, so can you! Yoga does have spiritual undertones, but it is not a religion. So, don’t be under any misconceptions about that! Another popular misconception is that men think they cannot perform all the twisty bends. Let me stop you right there. You never know how flexible your body is until you try. Don’t worry about what others think. Practice yoga because it is good for you.
Well, if you have any of these misconceptions, then you will undoubtedly change your mind after you read about the different benefits yoga offers.
Body + Mind & Other Perks
For a strong body, men shouldn’t set aside the advantages of yoga. By adhering to a regular yoga routine, he will be privileged to a boost in his overall physical function. If he is troubled with certain illnesses such as arthritis, kidney problems, respiratory ailments, prostate cancer, cardiovascular complications, and other physiological diseases, practicing yoga may help. Compared to rigorous gym sessions, its approach can seem a bit dull and unconventional for most of the guys, but nonetheless, it is linked to numerous health perks for the physical wellbeing.
Since it works with the nervous system (particularly, the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system), yoga promotes the wellness of the mind. It causes a dramatic improvement in one’s mood and soothes his spirit. For those dealing with social phobia, anxiety, depression, and mood swings , performing yoga poses and sequences can help.
Additionally, yoga increases libido . Since many of the poses regulate blood flow and improve blood circulation near the groin area, men get to perform well in bed. Other than that, with the exercises boosting their concentration and energy levels, they become more responsive sexual partners. It’s no surprise that most of them who are into yoga have incredible sex lives.
There are so many benefits that yoga offers. Some benefits are quite evident, and the rest are subtle. When you put them all together, it improves your overall wellbeing.
Better flexibility
If you move and stretch your muscles, your flexibility will improve. You can start to feel a better range of motions even in the tight areas. After a while, you can experience flexibility in your hamstrings, back, shoulders and hips as well. With age, the flexibility of your muscles decreases, especially if you sit for a long time and it leads to pain as well as immobility. With the help of yoga, you can successfully reverse this process.
Develops strength
The yoga poses might seem deceptively simple. I mean, how difficult can it be to stretch your body? Well, don’t be under any false impressions that yoga is just about stretching your body. Most of the yoga poses make use of your body weight in different ways. When you perform the tree pose where you have to support your body weight on one leg or when you have to support your body weight with just your arms in the downward facing dog, it takes time, practice and considerable strength to hold these poses. You will be able to develop your muscle strength without even realizing that you are in fact doing so.
Better muscle tone and definition
Yoga doesn’t help you to bulk up. However, it does help to build lean muscle and tone your body. Your muscle tone improves with yoga. It helps to shape all the lean and long muscles in your body like your legs, arms, back, and abdomen. When you decide to lift weights to bulk up at the gym, you tend to lose flexibility. However, with yoga, you can develop six pack abs and maintain your muscle tone! If you want a well-defined body, then yoga is the best form of exercise.
Yoga requires balance. A significant benefit is the improvement of balance if you do yoga regularly. Not just that, it helps you to develop your core strength as well.
Joint health
Yoga requires you to perform movements that are of low intensity. It means that you can use your joints without doing them any damage. It strengthens the muscles around your joints and lessens the load on these muscles. If you have arthritis, then you indeed cannot perform any HIIT exercises. However, you can do yoga without any worry. It improves your mobility and strengthens your joints.
No lower back pains
We all lead hectic lifestyles these days. Most of us tend to spend a lot of time hunched in front of our laptops. When you do this, you put a lot of pressure on your lower back. Therefore, it is no wonder that lower back problems are quite common. Even when you spend a lot of time driving, you will notice a sort of tightness all over your body. Your posture can lead to spinal compression and yoga counteracts all this. Certain yoga poses can reduce your lower back pain like the cobra pose.
Improved breathing
We tend to take shallow breaths usually. In fact, most of us don’t concentrate on how we breathe. Yoga has plenty of breathing exercises that will force you to focus on how you breathe. For instance, pranayama is all about conscious breathing. When you breathe properly, your body has an uninterrupted and a steady flow of oxygen. A better supply of oxygen will make you more active. Not just that it helps to clear up your nasal passages and even calm your nervous system. You will learn about the different benefits of breathing exercises in the coming chapters.
Mental calmness
The practice of yoga asanas is mostly physical. When you start to concentrate on what your body does, it tends to make your mind calm. Meditation techniques are a significant part of yoga as well. When you focus on the way you breathe, you won't obsess on your thoughts. All this can make you calm. When your mind is calm, you can reorganize your thoughts. You can also disengage from thinking anything negative. You cannot practice yoga when you are distracted. Intense concentration is a precondition to practicing yoga.
Reduces stress
Any form of physical activity is helpful to relieve stress, even more so when you practice yoga. You have to concentrate, and therefore all your daily problems, big and small, seemingly melt away when you do yoga. While on the yoga mat, you won’t be able to think about all the unnecessary troubles that weigh you down. It provides you with a clean break from all the stress you experience daily. Yoga places great emphasis on the present moment, and you won’t have the time to think about past or future events. After a session of yoga, you will feel less stressed.
Yoga improves the connection between your body, mind, and soul. It makes you aware of your body. Yoga helps you to learn to make subtle movements that help in better alignment of your body and mind. It helps you to form a bond with your physical and mental being. You also learn to accept your body without any judgments. When you can fully accept your body, you will feel more comfortable in your skin. All this helps to boost your self-confidence.
Common Yoga Terms Defined
Before they get into yoga, men should be familiar with certain terminologies; they should be familiar with Sanskrit words that will often be used throughout yoga sessions. Regardless if they choose to perform yoga on their own or if they prefer to sign up for a pro-yoga teacher’s classes, they won’t easily scratch their heads upon encounter with common yoga terms.
The list of common Sanskrit words:
5 Yogic Techniques
Many men who are yoga beginners think that all the asanas are one and the same. Since they all look like they belong in a category of stretching methods, they are classified exactly as that: stretching methods . However, the reason why there are different asanas is there are different yogic techniques, too. For the achievement of total wellness, each one is focused on giving importance to one’s prana.
Different yogic techniques:
Beginner Mistakes
A common beginner misconception about yoga is that it is easy; some men, especially those who have only seen it done by TV personalities, think it’s simply about extending the arms and legs. Alongside, there are people who assume that any time and any way preferred it could be accomplished. According to the more serious yogis, the effective practice of yoga should be done with regard to certain regulations. Adopting the “correct” way of performing yoga sequences can take time.
On a related note, yes yoga is easy . However, it’s not usually easy at the beginning. You have to stay committed to learning about the proper way to perform different pranayamas and asanas ; granted, you’ll eventually get the hang of the practice.
Important reminders:
Tools, Setting & Attire
If you want to practice the different asanas with the items you currently own, you have the freedom. There’s no need to shop for a set of tools and spend more than $100 bucks; your belongings at home will do. Remember, yoga is rather flexible; you can do it on your own or with a group; just keep a few reminders noted.
Important reminders: