I HOPE THAT in reading this book you have been inspired to practice the sort of intentional food preparation and eating which nourishes the whole person—body, mind, and spirit. Now I want to leave you with something that will assist you in incorporating all you’ve read into your life.
Ideally, I’d welcome you to a special dinner where you could personally experience all I have talked about—food prepared and presented with love and care and enjoyed in a perfect environment under a banner of music.
Sadly that’s not possible, but I have come up with the next best thing—your virtual seat at just such a meal. Follow the link here or at my website, www.chefzipora.com, and you can join me and some friends for a wonderful celebration. With the help of the latest interactive technology, you’ll almost feel like you can reach out for some of the food you’ll see me preparing and sharing with a small group in a beautiful home.
As well as seeing how I prepare the meal, you will be able to experience the way in which some of the special music by Neil Argo and Peter Vamos enhances the appreciation and enjoyment of eating. I’m so confident you will want to replicate what you experience that I am including the recipes at the end of this section so you can share the experience with family and friends.
I have more for you at my website too. You’ve read about how I teamed up with my talented friends to create the Ultimate Party, and you can find details about how we can throw one especially for you.
Also on my website you will find more menus and recipes for your everyday life. You can also hear some of the original music Neil Argo and Peter Vamos have composed and created, and obtain copies of the CDs we have produced to enhance your own food preparation and enjoyment.
Life is a constant journey of discovery, and I am excited to be able to let you know what else I learn in the days ahead. Don’t forget to follow my blog on the website and stay in touch with me on my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. And finally, you can follow my musical journey on the Chef Zipora Enterprise YouTube channel, www.youtube.com/channel/UC21s6uHDw2PptyOEMdh0n_A
I would love to hear from you too. Please let me know what you have learned about intentional cooking and eating and what it has meant in your life. Tell me what you’d like to know more about.
May your food preparation be nourishing, your meals enriching, and your life harmonious!