Building a Fortune Cookie Application

Over the course of the next three chapters, you will build a more complex voice-enabled application that tells users fortune-cookie-style quotes. Using the previous chapter's technique, you will build conversations in Dialogflow that will respond to users' inquiries about the fortune cookie quotes. First, you will be introduced to the fulfillment and webhook concepts in Dialogflow. Using fulfillments and webhooks will help you understand how to dynamically process and respond to intents received from Dialogflow with a built-in Node.js server. This chapter will also cover more advanced topics, such as triggering custom events and follow-up intents, and creating visual responses that the user can interact with. Furthermore, a more advanced customization technique using the speech synthesis markup language (SSML) will be covered, and you will also learn how to respond to users with sound effects. Finally, we will introduce the built-in Dialogflow analytic for viewing how your users are using your application.

This chapter will cover the following topics: