For the FAQs chatbot, I will choose the Presidents of the USA as a topic. I will gather various fun facts about U.S. Presidents from and turn them into questions and answers that the user can ask the FAQs chatbot. Later, in the following section where you create your first intent, you will learn how to build templates to generalize user questions for the FAQs in order to create intents.
The following are sample facts about the first U.S. President, George Washington:
"fullName": "George Washington",
"birthDate": "February 22, 1732",
"dateDate": "December 14, 1799",
"birthPlace": "Pope’s Creek, Virginia",
"education": "The equivalent of an elementary school education",
"religion": "Episcopalian",
"career": "Soldier, Planter",
"politicalParty": "Federalist",
"nickName": "Father of His Country"
"marriage": "January 6, 1759, to Martha Dandridge Custis (1731–
"children": "None",
"inaugurationDate": "April 30, 1789",
"dateEnded": "March 4, 1797",
"presidentNumber": "1",
"burialPlace": "Family vault, Mount Vernon, Virginia"