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Sunday afternoon, Kami almost stumbled in her five-inch heels, not because they were too high, but at the sight of the mansion where the swimming party was underway.
The steps from the circle drive on East 109th Place reminded Kami of a photo she had seen of an elegant stairwell, wide at the base and narrow as it ascended into heaven. She heard voices coming from the back as they stood in front of a set of double doors made of frosted glass and wrought iron.
Queen tapped the doorbell and a short—or maybe not, since her aunt had on heels—older White man opened it. Kami assumed he was the butler.
The foyer was as impressive as the entryway with fifteen- or twenty-foot tall ceilings. The wrought-iron accent continued up the spiral stairwell. Sure enough, she could see the library and the balcony that overlooked it. Bookshelves lined the upper walls too.
“I told you.” Queen nudged her.
The swimming party was cool, but there was nothing more appealing than cozying up with a book until she drifted off to sleep.
A grand piano was the centerpiece in the huge foyer. Her parents had tried to convince her to take piano lessons, but she opted to put all her energy into dancing and cheerleading. Too bad. She could imagine her gliding her fingers across the keyboard, playing to the sunset.
“Ladies, this way,” the butler said and walked toward the music and voices.
The backyard seemed as massive as the house. Kami’s mouth dropped as she spied a baby grand piano set on auto play, serenading the guests under a covered patio near the pool.
Heads turned their way as if they’d stepped on a runway. Queen smiled and waved, soaking up the attention as she swayed her hips with each strut to greet other guests. She was such a beauty that she could win a pageant without trying.
Although there were a handful of other Blacks, her parents had taught her to be comfortable in her skin—a biracial girl who could date and marry a man of any ethnicity. Kami was surprised and pleased she wasn’t the only teenager there. She had half expected to see all old folks. A few guys looked about her age. One was buffed like her brother, Pace, but not as cute.
She fingered her spiral curls, knowing her makeup was polished. Miss Pearl and the others in the salon would approve. The highlights were growing on Kami who was accustomed to her jet-black hair. The accent made her look completely different in a good way.
Where coral was Queen’s color against her dark skin, Kami had learned the right shade of blue complemented her fair skin tone. Once she returned home, Kami planned to add more blues to her wardrobe.
“You have a gift from God,” her aunt said about her legs as Kami slipped her pedicured feet into her heels. “You should always pick clothes to showcase them.”
I gave you My gift when I poured out My spirit upon you. You heard the evidence of Me speaking through your tongues, God reminded her of Acts 2:4.
Kami didn’t deny God’s gifts, but at the moment, she chose to concentrate on her legs as two guys and a girl approached her. After the introductions, they exchanged ages, schools, and where they lived. She soon forgot about the books and peeking in the library.
David and Todd were the host’s nephews. Both were one year older than her and had just graduated high school. Susanna just had a sweet sixteen party and was the daughter of one of her aunt’s coworkers Todd’s eyes were ocean blue and mesmerizing.
When she told them her brother had graduated too, the young men asked where he would attend college in the fall. “Pace turned down Rice and Stanford for Tuskegee.” Their clueless expression inspired her to give them a brief recap of the university’s significance in history, then she boasted of her brother’s intellect for engineering.
Seemingly bored with talk about colleges, Susanna changed the subject, “Kami, what are you doing next Sunday? Want to do brunch and a movie?”
“I’ll drive. I got a new convertible last month. The ride’s part my birthday and part graduation gift,” Todd said with mischief in his eyes. “I can be your personal chauffeur while you’re here and give you a tour.”
“My aunt has already done that.” Kami was cordial, but made it clear she wasn’t interested in his personal services.
Susanna pulled out her phone. “Since you’ll be here all summer, give me your number and you’ll have mine.”
“Okay, before I leave.” Kami didn’t want Todd or Dave to eavesdrop. If Tango couldn’t call her, neither would they.
The four were inseparable as they paraded across the pool, sampling cool fruit desserts and appetizers and chatting as they went. Soon, the guys showed off their skills in the pool while she and Susanna sat at the edge. Removing their sandals, the two slipped their legs into the water and wiggled their polished toenails.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” Susanna asked and they saved each other’s numbers in their phones.
“Yep,” Kami said proudly, grinning. She leaned back on her arms and closed her eyes to see Tango’s face.
“I figured you did. You’re so pretty. I saw Todd checking you out.”
Kami opened one eye and turned. “Not interested. I have Tango. We even got tattoos.” She showed Susanna the tattoo near her wrist. “This is the reason why I’m here. My parents are trying to keep Tango and me apart.” She twisted her lips, bummed out thinking about it.
“Oh, that’s sad.” The girl frowned. “Why?”
“They don’t think he’s good for me, so I’m staying with my aunt for the summer to supposedly”—she made quotations in the air— “make me forget about him.”
Susanna nodded. “I’ve had two boyfriends.” She looked around and lowered her voice. “I had sex with one of them because I thought we really liked each other—I thought— but he left me for one of my friends.” She bowed her head.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Kami felt bad for the girl.
She looked up again. “Hopefully, your boyfriend won’t treat you like that.”
Shaking her head, Kami said, “He won’t.” They continued to talk about boys, makeup, and hobbies.
When their conversation turned to their favorite books, David and Todd appeared out of nowhere. She hadn’t realized the two had gotten out of the pool.
“My uncle has a massive library with hidden compartments. Want to check it out?” Todd’s excitement was contagious, and the temptation was too great for Kami to resist.
Susanna shrugged.
“Yes.” Todd assisted Kami to her feet. “Come on.” He grabbed her hand, but she tugged it free.
Inside the house, Kami felt like she had entered a different world surrounded by books. In awe, she wished she could read all of them as she fingered the texture of the old hardbound covers and worn paperbacks. Susanna didn’t seem too interested, but Todd followed closely behind her.
Turning around, she jumped when he was right there. It was no accident that he tried to pin her against the wall. When he attempted to kiss her and touch her breasts, Kami promptly kneed him in the groin like her brothers had taught her, so she wouldn’t become a #MeToo victim.
I taught you to fight with weapons that aren’t carnal through My Word. Your soul is in a spiritual battle. Fight to win, Kami. Fight. God’s voice faded away.
Stunned by what the Lord Jesus said more than what just happened, Kami froze.
Finally, Susanna’s voice broke through her trance-like state. “Come on, let’s go.”
Blinking, Kami shot Todd warning darts that she was armed with more if he tried something like that again.
Back outside, Susanna couldn’t contain her giggles. Kami was too mad at Todd to see the amusement and too concerned by the Lord’s warning to say more. Out of nowhere, she mumbled, “Snake.”
Susanna thought she was talking about Todd, but the only imagery she could conjure was the serpent that deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden. Who was deceiving her? she wondered.
All was forgotten as they strolled along the poolside until they spotted a couple of empty loungers. The two claimed them to soak up more sun and relax until Queen announced it was time to go. She never saw the guys again.
On the ride back to Gilcease Hills, Kami pushed the incident to the back of her mind and chose to talk about the good time she’d had with Susanna.
“What about those young men? One looked like he was interested in getting to know you,” Queen said in a teasing tone.
Shifting in her seat, Kami glanced out the window with a smirk of her own. “We didn’t hit it off after all.” She quickly changed the subject. “I had a chance to see the second-floor library. It was so cool.”
“Really, when?”
Fumbling with her fingers, Kami didn’t look at her aunt. “Ah, your boss’ nephew took me and Susanna there to get a better view. It was magnificent.” She didn’t mention that Todd tried to disrespect her.
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, but next time, wait to be offered a tour from the host. If something gets broken or comes up missing, Blacks are always the default suspects. Okay?”
Kami bowed her head. “Yes, ma’am. Sorry.”
“Hey.” Queen reached over and lifted her chin as they waited at a red light. “I’m not scolding you. As People of Color, even with your fair skin, society has taught us to proceed with caution.”
“Sorry.” She bobbed her head. “My parents have drilled that into all of us too. I guess I kinda forgot. It won’t happen again.”
That or the likes of Todd.