Boom. Boom. Boom.
The thudding vibrated through his skull. His entire body ached as he tentatively rolled onto his side.
Boom. Boom. Boom.
Jim’s eyes squinted at the brilliance of the early sunlight. He realised he was on the floor of his living room, not a good sign, and tried to remember what happened. Helena was okay. She was at her parent’s house and back to her fighting best. After their argument he had come home and drunk… a lot. Jim looked around amazed at the mess. Had he been robbed? A part of his mind told him no, he had done this, but why?
Boom. Boom. Boom.
“Christ.” Jim grimaced as he got up and opened the door. The cruel summer sun blinded him, a voice shrieked loud and familiar. “Worst proposal ever!” Kelly screamed.
“What?” Jim’s eyes finally adjusted to see Kelly in her jogging gear, already sweaty and red in the face.
“Is that all you can say? What! You sent it and I want an explanation.” Jim grasped at blocked memories, but they refused to reveal themselves. “Now!” she demanded.
“Proposal?” he asked.
She handed him the phone. He blinked away his blurry vision and saw a text bubble with his name above it. “You are Shepherd and annoying, but I want to marry you.”
“Oh,” he said. “Shit.”
Kelly yanked her phone out of his hand then read the text aloud emphasising every word even the typos. Knowing full well an apology wasn’t going to improve the situation, Jim kept quiet.
“So? You’re not going to explain this?”
“I drank quite a bit last night.”
“Oh really? I couldn’t tell. What did you mean, shepherd and annoying?” He shrugged. “And this—I want to marry you? Was that supposed to be cute?”
Jim rubbed his tired eyes. A sharp object on his finger scratched his forehead. “Ow!” he winced.
“Well, come on?” Kelly demanded.
Looking down, there staring at him was a familiar sparkling ring on his pinky finger. He looked at Kelly and she looked down at the ring, her expression one of complete disbelief.
Kelly snatched it and held it up in the sunlight. “You weren’t joking?” she queried then smiled in amazement, her mood changing instantly. “Oh Jim, what am I going to do with you?” Like a jumping spider she leapt upon him, squeezing him in a bear hug.
Jim shrugged, too stunned to speak. Kelly slid the ring on her finger and shook her head. “It’s beautiful.” Then she kissed him quickly before pulling away. “Worst proposal ever,” she said affectionately this time.
Jim stood in a daze, unable to keep up with the rapid events that had just transpired. This had been what he wanted, hadn’t it? At least she wasn’t yelling and he could go back to sleep.
“Who should we tell first? What type of wedding do you want? Oh God, this is so exciting!”
Sleep it seemed, would have to wait.
Jim gave up trying to contribute to the conversation as Kelly had begun debating with herself as to whether a football-themed wedding was tacky or a sign of true passion, instead he busied himself trying to put the house back in order. Books, DVDs, clothes had been thrown to the ground in order to find that stupid ring. Cupboards lay bare, crap that had been carefully crammed into them only days before was now sprawled across the floor. Slowly, bit by bit, he re-stuffed each cupboard listening to Kelly go on and on. Part of him still hoped he would wake up, but the longer she talked the more his head ached and the more certain he became this was no dream. Especially when he heard keys turn in the front door, it sprang open and his heart stopped.