The scene greeting her now in no way resembled the one that had greeted Paige Foster the last time she entered the grand ballroom at the Bellevue Hotel in downtown Providence. Six months ago, she’d known more than half the people there as she and two hundred other guests celebrated her close friend Clarissa’s wedding to Alan. True, tonight she recognized several of the faces inside the ballroom; anyone who’d ever read the society section of the Providence Gazette or bought a copy of the Star Report would. However, except for Aunt Bebe standing next to her, she didn’t personally know anyone. Actually, Belinda Fleming, or Bebe as everyone called her, was her great-aunt, but Paige never thought of her that way. In fact, Aunt Bebe acted more like a grandmother than an aunt, which explained why Paige now found herself surrounded by society’s elite at the Helping Hands Foundation Bachelor Auction, an event she never would’ve been able to afford even if she had been inclined. And she wouldn’t have been. She found the idea of watching men parade across a stage and then bidding on them ridiculous.
“I think I see Josephine Ambrose,” Aunt Bebe said as they passed a few tables already full of guests. “I haven’t seen her in ages.”
Paige glanced around the room in search of her aunt’s acquaintance. She’d met the woman briefly when she’d visited Aunt Bebe’s home in Texas. “You’re right. Either that or she has a twin sister.” She spotted the woman in question sitting at the same table as Scarlet Novak and her daughters. At least she thought the three women seated with Scarlet Novak were all her daughters. She knew for certain two of them were. Both Milan and Paris Novak had graced some of the biggest runways and magazines covers in the world. Not to mention they both resembled the former model turned business mogul. The third woman didn’t look at all like the others, but the way they interacted pointed toward a close relationship.
“Perhaps later I’ll stop and say hello if she’s alone. Scarlet Novak always rubs me the wrong way. Come on, let’s find our seats. We’re at table twenty.”
Paige followed as Aunt Bebe weaved her way between the many tables. According to what she’d read, tonight’s fundraiser was a sold out event. Not a big surprise considering the bachelors up for auction. She didn’t remember every name listed in the article on the auction, but she did recall it included Ryan Keene and Daniel Johnson, both members of the New England-based football team, a player from the Boston hockey team, the CEO of an up-and-coming video game company located in Providence, and Derek Sherbrooke and Scott Belmont, President Warren Sherbrooke’s nephews. With a lineup such as that, how could it be anything but a sold out affair?
“I’m so glad you were able to come with me tonight. This’ll be so much more fun with you here.” Aunt Bebe squeezed Paige’s hand before she took a seat at their table.
Coming tonight had meant driving back into the city, something she avoided doing unless it was for something extremely important. In her opinion, a bachelor auction, no matter how good a cause it was for, didn’t qualify. Spending time with her aunt whom she loved and looked at as a grandmother, however, did. Especially, considering the health scare the woman had endured earlier in the year.
Aunt Bebe looked through the program they’d each been handed when they first arrived. “Have you looked through this? If I was only forty years younger.” She gave a little sigh and turned another page. “And not married.”
Even though Paige had no intention of bidding, she opened her copy, curious to see who else was listed. Flipping through the pages, she read the short bios printed about each man near his photo. While most names she recognized, four she’d never heard of. Considering the rest of the night’s lineup, she didn’t doubt those four men would be wealthy and successful.
“Any thoughts on who you want to bid on?”
Paige dropped the program on the table rather than give her aunt the impression she was reading to make a decision. “Aunt Bebe, I only came to keep you company tonight.” Even if she wanted to participate, her bank account would’ve had other ideas. “I’m not bidding on anyone.”
The older woman waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, where is the fun it that? Come on, let’s go through the names together and pick out a few potential candidates.” She picked up Paige’s program and handed it back to her. “Speaking from personal experience, I’d stay away from any professional athletes. I don’t know if I ever told you, but I once dated Dave Fitz, he played third base for New York back in the forties. One of the most conceited men I’ve ever met. Maybe even worse than your granddad.”
She’d never spoken to her great-aunt about her past romances. However, she did know Aunt Bebe had dated a few Hollywood greats as well as a rock and roll legend before marrying her husband and the love of her life, Earl Fleming.
“Of course your granddad loved him. He was more upset than me when I ended the relationship. He asked me to reconsider, if you can believe that,” Aunt Bebe continued, referring to her brother, Paige’s paternal grandfather. “As you can imagine, it wasn’t the first or last time we disagreed on something.”
It was no secret Aunt Bebe frequently clashed with her older brother, Michael, especially when it came to family matters. In fact, after the way he’d treated Paige’s dad when he’d been in his early twenties, Bebe had gone a full year without speaking to him. Any and all communications between the two had been passed via Earl, who worked as the CFO at Foster Oil.
“Even with the professional athletes off the list there are still nine other potential bachelors to pick from,” she said. “I don’t know anything about Evan Williamson, but he looks handsome in this picture.” She pointed to the picture beside Evan’s bio. “If Edmund Niven is anything like his father, I’d recommend staying away from him too. Your uncle and I supported his father’s reelection to the Senate last year because he’s a great politician who gets things done, but he wouldn’t think twice about stabbing his own mother in the back if it benefited him. I’m always amazed his wife stays with him. She’s a sweetie. Nothing like her husband.” Aunt Bebe turned a few more pages before she spoke again.
“What about Derek Sherbrooke? I’ve never heard anything negative associated with him. His mother was a peach. It was so sad when she passed. Of course every media outlet will be all over whoever ends up with him.”
Paige agreed. Not only was the man handsome and wealthy, but his last name was Sherbrooke. America had a strange obsession with everyone named Sherbrooke. “I’ll pass, Aunt Bebe. He’s handsome, but I don’t need a photographer trying to climb through my bathroom window while I’m taking a shower.”
“Understandable. What about his cousin then? He’s just as handsome.”
Aunt Bebe pushed the program toward her, leaving Paige no choice but to look at the picture of Scott Belmont. Her aunt was right. The man was gorgeous, and unless you knew it, you’d never guess Derek and Scott were first cousins. While most of the Sherbrookes had light-colored hair and sapphire-blue eyes, Scott had dark brown hair and from the looks of it brown eyes. She guessed the lack of a family resemblance and the fact his last name was Belmont helped the man fly under the media’s radar more than his cousins.
“Aunt Bebe, I’m serious. I’m not bidding on anyone tonight.” She leaned a little closer to the other woman. “It’s not exactly in my budget,” she whispered. As a nurse, she made more than enough to support herself and have much of what she wanted. Compared to the other people in the ballroom, though, her bank account probably contained less money than some spent in a month.
Aunt Bebe made a tsking sound. “Let me worry about money, sweetie. You just pick out the man you want and bid.”
She knew her aunt could easily compete in wealth with the other guests. Not only was she the only daughter of Joseph Foster, Paige’s great-grandfather, who had founded Foster Oil, but she’d married into the Fleming family.
“I really can’t have you doing that. Let’s just enjoy the night and watch everyone else spend their money instead.”
Her aunt patted her hand. “Think about it, okay. You could have fun with one of them.”
Paige nodded, even though she had no intention of changing her mind. Allowing Aunt Bebe to purchase her a ticket to the auction was one thing. Letting her spend a ridiculous amount of money so she could go on four dates with a man she didn’t know was another.
“How long are you staying?” she asked, changing the subject. Perhaps that would keep her aunt from offering to purchase her a man again.
“Only until tomorrow afternoon. I’m meeting your uncle in North Carolina. His sister is having a sixtieth wedding anniversary party. Earl’s whole family will be there. We won’t be there long though, if you want to take a little vacation and come visit us.”
As much as she’d love to take a short trip down to Texas, Paige was saving her vacation time for a trip to see her brother, Joe, his wife, Trish, and their new baby in Virginia Beach. “I wish I could. But I’m already going down to visit Joe and Trish in August. I still haven’t met Gabby.”
“She’s a little angel. She definitely has her mom’s coloring, but otherwise, she looks just like your brother did as a baby.”
She’d seen the pictures her parents took when they’d gone down as well as the ones her brother had sent, and agreed with her aunt’s assessment. Her niece resembled Joe more than her sister-in-law.
Paige and her aunt continued their discussion of Gabby until other guests joined them, then the conversations at the table changed as the women discussed the men soon to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Although she had no intention of bidding herself, she did find the conversation amusing as the women assessed each bachelor. First they listed his finer points, which included his looks, his connections, and his assumed bank account. Next, they moved on to his shortcomings. Once they finished that, they made their predictions concerning how much each bachelor would go for and who in attendance might put in the highest bids. By the time dinner ended, the women around her had assigned a dollar amount and paired each bachelor with a potential winner. Paige didn’t care who went home with whom. She only wanted the auction to get underway. The sooner it did, the sooner she could go home and take off her heels. The darn things were pinching her toes. Tomorrow she’d have blisters. That was what she got for buying a pair of shoes without trying them on first, something she rarely did, but she’d been in a rush the evening she’d shopped for tonight’s outfit.
“I think the fun is about to start.” The woman, who’d introduced herself as Molly, nodded toward the stage.
Paige glanced toward the temporary stage and watched Marilyn Belmont step behind a podium. Although Paige suspected the woman was in her late fifties, she was still beautiful, with dark blonde hair and the famous Sherbrooke blue eyes. It was no wonder all the woman’s children were so attractive.
“Thank you all for being here tonight. For more than seventy years the Helping Hands Foundation has worked to improve the lives of others. It wouldn’t be able to do that without the help and support of each and every one of you.” Applause broke out and Marilyn paused in her speech. “And now I’d like to introduce to you Rose. This evening’s fundraiser has been her baby. She has spent countless hours on it to ensure everyone has a wonderful time.” A thirtysomething woman joined Marilyn at the podium and smiled out at the crowd as polite applause filled the ballroom. “Rose will be handling the evening from here.”
With her final sentence, Marilyn exited the stage and rejoined her family while behind the podium Rose adjusted the microphone. “Before we start, I would like to again thank each and every one of you for attending tonight. As you know, all the proceeds raised tonight will go toward supporting the various projects the Helping Hands Foundation funds, including the new battered women’s shelter being opened in Pawtucket next month.”
Another round of applause erupted. Once it stopped, Rose spoke again. “This evening we have twelve eligible bachelors up for auction. Their names and bios are all listed in the programs handed out earlier. Each gentleman will take the winning bidder out on four romantic dates. Everyone present tonight can make as many bids as they wish, however, if your bid is accepted, you cannot bid on any of the remaining bachelors. Now to start off the fun, let’s meet our first bachelor.” Rose paused while the spotlight moved off her and toward the man walking out onto the stage dressed in a black tuxedo.
“His picture doesn’t do him justice,” Aunt Bebe whispered in her ear.
Paige agreed. While the man looked handsome in the picture featured in the program, he looked even better in person. “Not everyone photographs well.”
Up on stage, Rose continued on before Aunt Bebe could comment any further.
“Our first bachelor this evening is Colton Horne. Originally from Georgia, Colton attended Brown University and now lives in Providence where he works at Merrimack Investments.”
Colton walked the entire length of the stage. When he reached the far end, he stopped and winked at Molly, the woman seated next to Paige. At least, it looked like he winked at her. Immediately a round of applause broke out, and then he returned to stand closer to the podium.
“For the winning bidder’s first date, Colton has an exciting night in Boston planned, including a stop at Platinum.”
“What’s Platinum?” Aunt Bebe asked loud enough for everyone seated around the table to hear.
Paige’d never heard of Platinum, but assumed it was some type of nightclub.
“Boston’s premier nightclub. I’ve been a few times. The last time I went I saw Seth Vallencourt there with Paris Novak, as well as Anderson Brady and Selena Cruise,” a younger woman across the table answered, confirming Paige’s suspicions.
“Well, he’s not for you,” Aunt Bebe said. She knew how much Paige disliked crowded nightclubs and bars.
“Aunt—” Paige didn’t finish before Rose’s voice once again came through the speakers.
“This evening we’ll start the bidding at five thousand dollars.”
Across the room Paige saw Milan Novak raise her paddle, starting the evening off.
It didn’t take long for the dollar amount to increase as other women in the audience put in their bids. Eventually, only two bidders remained, Milan and another woman Paige didn’t recognize two tables over.
“I now have twenty-seven, can I get thirty?” Rose asked the crowd.
Paige like everyone else in the room couldn’t help but look in the Novaks’ direction. However this time, Milan didn’t come back with a higher bid as she had the previous times Rose asked.
“Going once.” From behind the podium, Rose glanced around the crowd. “Going twice.” Still no further bids came. “Sold to bidder number thirty-five.”
The things I do for family. Scott watched Colton exit though the door that connected the room that had been set up for the men participating in the auction to the main ballroom. He’d tried to get out of the event. He’d even offered to make a donation to the foundation in lieu of taking part. In the end though, he’d given in because he loved his mom and whenever possible did what she asked. Not that she asked much from him. Unlike some mothers, she never made ridiculous demands on her children. She respected that he and his two younger sisters were adults with their own lives. Perhaps if she made demands on him regularly it would’ve been easy to say no to the fundraiser tonight.
Even though the connecting door remained closed, he heard Rose’s muffled voice as she introduced Colton to the crowd and then the round of applause which followed. He didn’t know Colton well but suspected the guy was eating up all the attention. On the few occasions he’d seen him at Derek’s place, he’d seemed like the type to love the spotlight and everything attached to it.
“And so the fun begins,” Derek said, stopping next to him with a bored expression on his face.
“Interesting choice of words.” Scott knew his cousin wanted to be there about as much as he did. “Considering who you’ll probably find yourself sitting next to tonight, you look rather relaxed.” It wasn’t a secret that Tasha Marshall wanted in to the Sherbrooke family. She’d flirted and at times all out flung herself at several of his other male cousins in the past. Scott knew for a fact she was in the audience tonight with her mother. He’d seen them step off the elevator together.
“Maybe she’ll see Colton or Drew and forget all about us.” Derek’s expression remained unchanged as he took a sip from the glass in his hand.
“Won’t happen. You’re in trouble tonight, buddy.”
“I could say the same about you. Tasha might decide to bid on you instead when you walk on stage.”
Scott shook his head. “We both know she not only wants in to the family, she wants the Sherbrooke name too. You have it, not me. Tonight she’ll go as high as she needs to bag you. And you know she will, so why do you look so relaxed?”
Derek drained the liquid in his glass before answering. “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.”
“As soon as Mom told me you agreed, I assumed you had some plan to keep yourself out of Tasha’s hands.” Derek would never provide any more information, so asking for more details was pointless.
“You said plan, not me. I’ll be out there in a little while like everyone else in this room.”
He couldn’t hold back his sarcastic laugh. “Yeah, right. Whatever you say.”
Derek clapped him on the shoulder and gestured with his glass. “Looks like they’re about ready for the next sacrifice.”
Across the room, one of the volunteers was speaking to Daniel Johnson, the second bachelor for the night. As he watched, the volunteer and Daniel began walking toward the door to the ballroom. When the door opened, Rose’s voice flowed inside. “And now I’d like to introduce our second bachelor this evening, Daniel Johnson.” The door closed behind Daniel, muffling the brief bio she gave to the audience.
“I need something else to drink. What about you? You’re not up for a while either,” Derek said.
He guessed Rose had put together the order for the night, and he wasn’t surprised to find he was somewhere in the middle at number seven while his cousin was dead last. “Good idea.”
Two club sodas with lemon later—the powers that be had decided not provide the bachelors with any alcohol prior to their visit to the stage—Scott spotted the foundation’s backstage volunteer heading his way.
Derek, who’d remained with him, noticed her too. “Looks like you’re up, my friend. Good luck,” he said with amusement.
“Laugh now. But you’ll get your turn and I’ll be in the audience to watch.” Scott’s comment removed the grin from his cousin’s face.
The volunteer stopped near them, putting an end to their personal conversation. “Mr. Belmont, if you’d please follow me. The photographer is just taking pictures of Mr. Niven and the winning bidder. Once they’re done, Rose will introduce you.”
“Anyway I can watch the fun?” Derek asked before Scott and the volunteer walked away.
Rose and the volunteer with them now had instructed all the bachelors not to enter the ballroom until after their turn on stage. They’d claimed it might be distracting to the audience if they were within view while the bidding was going on.
“I suppose you could watch from backstage, Mr. Sherbrooke. The curtain we set up blocks much of the audience’s view but not all, so you’ll need to be careful,” the volunteer answered.
“Wonderful, what are we waiting for?” Derek said, giving him an “I got you” smile.
The three of them exited the room and walked onto the temporary stage. From behind the curtain, Scott could see part of the audience as well as Rose standing at the podium.
“Before I introduce our next bachelor, I’d just like to say how overwhelmed I am at the generosity everyone has exhibited so far this evening. It goes beyond what I expected,” Rose said. She waited for the applause to stop before she introduced him.
“Our seventh bachelor this evening is Scott Belmont. Although originally from Weston, Massachusetts, Scott now spends much of his time in New York City where he works for Sherbrooke Enterprises. However, whenever he can, he escapes to his home in Newport.”
When Rose finished her short introduction, he stepped into the spotlight, as they’d all been instructed to do, and walked the length of the stage. The ballroom filled with applause.
Rose waited until he’d stopped next to the podium to speak again. “Once again we’ll start the bidding at five thousand dollars.”
Scott fought the urge to frown and examined the audience instead. Many of the faces he recognized, and just as his mom had promised women of all ages filled the chairs. Unfortunately, he didn’t know the woman who immediately raised her auction paddle after Rose spoke.
“I have five thousand dollars, can I get eight?” Rose asked the crowd.
How would it look if he bid on himself? Scott considered both his mom’s and Rose’s reactions if he did. No doubt it’d be amusing. Well, at least to him. Mom, on the other hand, probably wouldn’t think so. Neither would Rose.
In the audience, he saw Zoe Laurent raise her auction paddle. Although not as annoying as Tasha Marshall, she’d done her fair share of flirting with him and his cousins in the past. If he could help it, he’d rather not find himself stuck with her.
“Thanks to bidder number fourteen we have eight thousand dollars. Is anyone here willing to go to ten?”
In no time, the bid amount increased, and Scott noticed Tasha never once raised her paddle. Later, once this embarrassing night was over, he’d let Derek know how right he’d been. Tasha had her eye and money set on his cousin, so at least in that regard, he was safe. Unfortunately, the most recent bid had come in from a woman who looked old enough to be his grandmother. While he enjoyed spending time with Gram, they didn’t share many of the same interests. He suspected the same was true of the woman sitting at a table in the front row and bidding on him now.
“Our highest bid is at forty-four thousand dollars, which is also the highest bid we’ve had all night. But I think we can do better, ladies. Is there anyone willing to go to forty-six for some wonderful outings with Mr. Belmont?” Rose touched his shoulder as she spoke to the audience.
Much to his relief, he spotted a redhead perhaps close to his youngest sister, Juliette’s, age raise her auction paddle. He’d prefer someone a tad older, but chances were he’d have more in common with the redhead than the silver-haired woman in the front row. Now, if Rose would just do whatever she needed to do to bring the bidding to an end, he could get off the stage, get the redhead’s phone number, and call it a night.
“Excellent. Can I get forty-eight?” Rose asked, obviously not willing to settle for the dollar amount she had.
Scott held his breath and watched the audience. When no one moved, he started to exhale. No Zoe Laurent or silver-haired grannies for him.
“Going once.” From behind the podium, Rose paused and glanced around the room.
Almost out of here. He swept his eyes across the front row, his gaze stopping when he reached Belinda Fleming, or Bebe as she was better known. He’d seen the woman and her husband, Earl, at several of his family’s New Year’s Eve parties as well as at Gram’s parties. The woman didn’t have any daughters or granddaughters, so who was the attractive woman seated next to her tonight? If the family resemblance between the two hadn’t been enough of a clue that they were related, the whispering they were doing back and forth was.
“Going—” Rose began to speak again, but before she finished Bebe grabbed the auction paddle and her companion’s hand from the table and shot it into the air.
The unknown woman snatched her hand away and lowered her arm but not before Rose noticed the paddle number and said, “Thanks to bidder number ninety-nine, we have forty-eight thousand.”
The woman covered her face with her hands, although Scott doubted anyone noticed. He only did because he was watching her. Everyone else in the room had their attention focused on him and Rose. Whoever she was, she either hadn’t intended on bidding tonight or hadn’t intended on bidding on him.
“Going once,” Rose said again. She looked around the audience. “Going twice.” She gave it an extra ten seconds before she said, “Sold to bidder number ninety-nine.”