“I don’t care what you have to say.”
Trace pointed to the door. “You can show yourself out.”
“Trace, please?”
“The least you can do is just humor me and listen to what I’ve got to say?”
“And why should I do that?” he asked. “Because we parted on amicable terms? Because you’re a decent person? Because you always have everyone else’s well-being in mind?” Delainey’s stare narrowed and he laughed because they both knew none of those reasons were true. “My point exactly. You have no leverage with me. The minute I saw that fake smile you pasted on for my benefit, I knew you came with something in mind.”
“Fine,” she said with a dark glower. “You’ve caught me. I need your help.”
“Sucks to be you.”
“Is that all you’ve got for me after everything we’d been through?” she countered, her eyes glazing a little. “At one time, you loved me.”
“A long time ago.” He stared, unable to believe she’d thrown that card down. “A very long time ago.”