Living as if every moment announced a beloved

and it does

Then the bleeding-off

Maybe you are the sea to me, or me to you

A reasonable enough supposition

Can’t you see, I’m busy


Gingko leaves at my feet

A flood of questing yellow

They say that everything that is growing

will stop growing soon, maybe

this weekend, the first deep freeze

The season of falling

will give way to the season

of brittle upturned sticks

Who cares, it’s all equally gorgeous

and last night, a lunar eclipse

Immaculate white moving in and out

of a rusty red rind, I pulled

a sheet of Plexiglas over

the hole in the roof

so I could watch it from inside the boat

The boat from which we ride the sky

Nothing can go wrong, do you understand

Nothing can ever go wrong

This is what happens when you cease

your management

The blue and gold of the morning

just appear on the sidewalk, ongoing drift

of garbage, a tire is good to sit in

A window pane may flake in the wind

The mute story of November

I don’t even have to steal

your words, you give them to me for free

So strange to know that you can and cannot hurt me

My heart just can’t break any more, now that

it has changed substance, is full

of fluid and fire and air and turning

like a little wheel in its broth

And I can and cannot hurt you either, now that

I am utterly virginal, preposterous

as that may sound, it’s also true

Sometimes you get to start anew

The pages of my book wet and limpid

with tea, on a Sunday, the spidery plants

reaching haphazardly in all directions

from their dilapidated mobile, it’s part

of the magic here, and the painted green

cement floor. What part of this autonomy